It defaults to dismiss though...
What's name of the extension?
Torque is an Arena map...
Apologies my mistake, it didn't appear in any of the games we played yesterday, and it was described as being introduced in capture the flag\assault game modes:
Is this working???
6What REQ Level is it?
Yeah been using it for a month or so.
I've had a genius idea for a gametype sitting at work today - anyone near there Xbone and can tell the ball options available in custom games? Thanks in advance!
Score to Win
Delivery Time
Delivery Reset Time
Points Per Carried Delivery
Points Per Thrown Delivery
Points for Carrying
Carrying Scoring Interval
Ball Respawn Time
First Ball Spawn Time
Extra Respawn Time on Delivery
Ball Reset Time
Carrier Navpoint Behavior
Carrier Spotted Duration
Damn. That's rather high and at that point, you have access to most of the other Power Weapons.
I was hoping it would be a load-out weapon. I only have 4, and I'm scared to use it.
Yeah I have it booted up right now:
as well as Ball Carrier traits which you can set if they can use thruster, clamber, and all that kinda stuff. Plus Ball throwing toggle.
I get a killtac only to be killed by ram
Hope that's been sent to
It is hilarious how out of place the CE pistol is aesthetically. It's probably the most faithful recreation of any weapon ever in Halo but it still looks wrong to me, like they stuck in a low-poly model just because everything else is so crazy detailed these days. Not sure they could have threaded the balance without ruining the whole point, though.
Is there a comprehensive or near-comprehensive list of the pro's sens, accel and deadzone settings? I'd be interested to see the trends. I did see Roy's and Naded's posted a few days ago.
So, do Grifball kills/medals count towards spartan company commendations?
Majority are 4 sens and 3 acceleration. Some will have 4 sens and 2 acceleration.
You'll also have the occasional 3 sens 4 acceleration.
As far as deadzones are concerned, they should be 0 unless there are problems with your controller then you adjust accordingly.
By problems I mean drift and slow turn. If your controller does not have either, your deadzones should be 0.
At the end of the day this is all depends what you are comfortable with.
Halo took the number 6 spot last night on most played games.
ahead of ark, seige, rocket leauge, battlefront. some heavy hitters.
Wouldn't taking out betrayal booting in grifball open up doors for people to just go in and troll and kill teammates on purpose? Yea accidents happen and it's not working out atm but that just sounds like a bad idea too to me...
Whatever tho I'm just a scrub that thinks friendly fire doesn't belong in social playlists so don't mind me.
Halo took the number 6 spot last night on most played games.
ahead of ark, seige, rocket leauge, battlefront. some heavy hitters.
It also depends on the way you play and the stick configuration (if you have the Elite).
I mean, with longer RS, is also possibile a slight higher sensitivity, due to the longer lever.
Where do you look to see this? I apologize if the question has been asked already.
if you go to the store and hit browse games, the "most played games" is a live list.
Majority are 4 sens and 3 acceleration. Some will have 4 sens and 2 acceleration.
You'll also have the occasional 3 sens 4 acceleration.
As far as deadzones are concerned, they should be 0 unless there are problems with your controller then you adjust accordingly.
By problems I mean drift and slow turn. If your controller does not have either, your deadzones should be 0.
At the end of the day this is all depends what you are comfortable with.
It'll always be #1 in my heart. lolHalo took the number 6 spot last night on most played games.
ahead of ark, seige, rocket leauge, battlefront. some heavy hitters.
They purposely made it like that. Like it was taken right out of CE.
Ahh, okay. For some reason I was thinking you were talking about a different set of leaderboard. I remember when Major Nelson use to post top xbox live games activity with player numbers I think. For some reason thought you were talking about something along the lines of that.
the only reason he doesnt do that list anymore is cause of this one, since its updated real time
It'll always be #1 in my heart. lol