Solo is probably the issue, plus my lack of consistency. I have almost 300 games played this season solo, I went from Diamond 2 up to Onyx 1642. Now I’ve been just floating around 1500s. I have a very aggressive playstyle, probably too aggressive at times. I’ll take a 1v1 fight a majority of the time because I’m confident in my abilities. However, when I start to go against teams; I get destroyed most of the time. Because I’ll get the kill and get traded instantly or I’ll just get double teamed. So when I get teammates that fit my playstyle I do great. However, if I get passive teammates I tend to do bad because I’ll push and realize I’m the only one doing it. That being said, I’m not really complaining about it. I’m playing solo, so I know what to expect and it doesn’t really bother me. I just enjoy playing Slayer for some reason. I’ll try to play a few games of WZ or some other mode and I’ll instantly just go back to Slayer after a few games. The 4v4 arena in this game is just too good.