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Halo 5: Guardians |OT3| Ball Dropped

It's marginally faster than it was at launch, al least, although you might be right that it's an issue of server stuff. You'd think a more efficient option would be querying the server once at the start of a match though.

Yeah, who knows what use cases they were trying to account for... maybe they originally were going to sell you stuff in game? Now that's some nightmare fuel:


"It looks like you could use some help. Would you like to purchase a Nornfang for $1.99 USD?"


They didn't say anything. Maybe mid next week or only next Friday.

I hope not, they never do mid week streams do they?

If the live stream isn't till next week then the update probably isn't till the week after which sucks considering it already fell out of this month into the next.
They didn't say anything. Maybe mid next week or only next Friday.

@Gosu I'm only helping HaloGAF Kappa

I barely post anymore and ya'll still lagging behind smh. Kinda like ya Halo skillz amiryt?

Nearly top of page hype... Reckon we will get a livestream this Friday folks?

Psh im higher rank than youuuuuuuuuu braxzy 1v1 me needler starts with explosing pee ball mastet blasters as pick ups on map. Steam to 343i and pros. Watch ur humiliation unfold!!!!!

And if you guys seen my post count...

I hope not, they never do mid week streams do they?

If the live stream isn't till next week then the update probably isn't till the week after which sucks considering it already fell out of this month into the next.

The last one was on Tuesday and the Update dropped on Wednesday
I'd pay 343i to include country flag display. Honestly we're going to bitch about connection quality always, please just show us:

1. the selected dedicated server using a country flag or icon for the specific datacentre as the game loads up.

2. all player cards always include their country flag.

3. Post carnage report and in game back menu shows the dedis flag too.

Broken record time, toggles and player choice would negate the need for such things. If you're not going to give us control/choice please at least show us what you're doing and who we're matching with. I know it would remove a lot of the inherent frustration of playing online for me. Oh I see the guy who went 30k 5d live in Singapore where the game I just played was dedis hosted, frustration mitigated for the most part IMO. It also helps us adjust our gameplay.

Ping would nice per player but I'd settle for just flags.

Also what happened to the Reach UI that highlights players in a party? Can we get those sorts of elements back please. Again before the match starts you have a better indicator of what's about to go down.

It might lower your frustration, but not for every player. I could easily that being abused by players just blocking the Singapore player.

Now THAT'S how you use the PC. Thing is a wrecking machine if used in the right situation.
It might lower your frustration, but not for every player. I could easily that being abused by players just blocking the Singapore player.

Now THAT'S how you use the PC. Thing is a wrecking machine if used in the right situation.

Players will do that anyhow. It's even been common since H2 clan days that parties block "more skilled" parties they repeatedly face too.

I take it from the lack of reply on this point you're all for the dedis selected showing the datacentre or flag though?
Players will do that anyhow. It's even been common since H2 clan days that parties block "more skilled" parties they repeatedly face too.

I take it from the lack of reply on this point you're all for the dedis selected showing the datacentre or flag though?

Sad people would rather block than learn from a loss. But yeah, I'd certainly welcome it since it doesn't look like we'll be getting the option to choose servers ever.

Agree with the UI point as well. And showing gamertags too. Oh and being able to look at profiles. You know, just normal Halo things. :p


Can we just talk about the fact that 343i is in their 3rd game(yes, I'm counting H2A) and they still haven't fixed the shitty vehicle health system.


Yeah, who knows what use cases they were trying to account for... maybe they originally were going to sell you stuff in game? Now that's some nightmare fuel:


"It looks like you could use some help. Would you like to purchase a Nornfang for $1.99 USD?"
*Palmer's voice* "We're not out of this yet. We can still destroy the enemy core.

..for $9.95 only this Tuesday!"


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Jesus everything about this post is full of denial, delusion, refusing responsibility, ignorance, factual inaccuracies, etc to the point where I couldn't possibly address it all. However, I will make some replies because the points are indicative of your level of thinking and the knowledge base you seem to be working from, as well as the manner in which you're presenting your argument and approaching the game.
Do I know exactly how the game works and make shit up to excuse stuff I know ruins the play or do I not understand how the game works and thus choose the wrong thing experimenting in ignorance? At least make up your mind about what you are assuming about me.

You aren't being analytical for shit. If you were, you'd check the theater clip, maybe figure out if the other team is using better paths or opening strats.
I don't know what theater clip is.

You'd explore the map, figure out jumps or methods to escape your armory area, anything to do your part to contribute to a better experience. But this isn't what you mean by analytical. You're talking about feelings and whether things *feel* better or *feel* like the better strat or gameplan, whether or not they are in reality (spoilers: they're not).

So your failing strategies fail and doing the same thing over and over again and failing gets monotonous. Woooooooooowww. Congratulations.
I am not talking solely about myself in that quote, I am talking about the entire game mode, which includes teammates. I said it wasn't about winning and losing, but monotonous gameplay in the battles. So the thing I was looking to change was that overall circumstance of the battle. When things get locked in to a head-on one-armory struggle, I find that boring and monotonous, so can something be done to break that? Or is the only way to spend the majority of the battle working through the unenjoyable monotonous battle my team seemed perfectly fine doing?

If the only way was to slowly struggle through it like they were, then that would mean the majority of the battle is boring to me, and thus half the time the mode simply is not for me. However, instead of just dropping the mode outright, if there are other ways to approach things, things that I could do that could shake things out of that monotony, or at least supportive roles outside of that main battle I could play that were effective for anything, then I would only find them by experimentation. Experimentation inherently has risks, inherently has failures, and so I didn't care if I died or not because it came with the territory. This is what I meant by the difference of mindset between only caring about winning and losing, and caring about the experience and seeing if there is some alternative.

You are stuck on thinking I'm stubbornly rejecting all advice, but really the advice is not in regard to what I'm seeking. I am not looking for what wins, necessarily, but what may make things play differently when those situations arise. If all I cared about was winning, then yes I'd try to round up teams. Instead, I'm seeing these common situations that can come up in Warzone and was wondering if there was an alternative approach I could take to make it a mode more interesting to me to play. That is a different process from merely conforming to whatever is needed to win. That is why I explained this to you, because you seemed to think I'm trying to win then making excuses for not winning. I'm not. I'm trying to make different things happen when things get locked into the same things happening, regardless of winning or not.

As for jumps specifically, in these situations I've been shot dead while still in the air or just as I landed pretty much every time. Bad strategy.

Again, this is your mental reality until you prove otherwise. The game stats on waypoint don't support your assertion. These teams aren't getting 30+ kills each. At best they're farming bosses.
I never said we get all the bosses. Bosses appear on their side of the map where we'd have to cross center, so obviously we don't get those.

Many of your teammates don't seem to be in such dire straights. Did it ever occur to you that maybe if you help them fight off the siege that would help instead of just going full derp and blaming them? Sure it might be a long/prolonged fight. So what? Even when we've had an armory on lockdown, there's sometimes 1 or 2 people that are constantly preventing us from capping, thanks to respawns. You're complaining about ranged weapons, perhaps like this clip? If you are the other team, do you really think it makes sense to send in everyone to capture, or should they send maybe a couple to use as bait and the rest support? HMMMMMMMMMMM............ That's not even getting into your laughably delayed reaction time.
Nope. Let me explain what was going on there.
First life: I'm focused on getting the guy because he killed my entire team as they spawned. He's obviously a problem that needs to be fixed because it is our last armory. The longer he holds it the more emboldened his buddies are to join. I didn't even know that little notch he's hiding in up there existed because most of the time when you are on the roof there all the action is happening over at the garage. So he ducks in a corner I didn't know existed and a tank (which wasn't there before) starts shooting me in the back. I'm dead. I know this. To try and exit their view I'd be entering his view and I'm already in the process of being wounded so he'd have an advantage. I'm dead so I accept it and try to get far enough to at least throw a grenade to maybe kill/damage him as I know my team is also moving in to kill him and that would help them if the pause between us isn't too long.

2nd life: The reason I made this clip. You see how I spawn and there is a pause before I do anything even though I'm materialized and he is clearly in view? Yeah, I can't control my guy there. And the pause can be longer, and I have many times before appeared already dying in that space. When I gain control here and start to move I know (as I am well acquainted with from such shit spawns) that he and others across the way already have a beat on me just from where I appeared in the middle of the roof so I'm pretty much dead already. No direction of movement even with a thrust is enough to make up for the shots he and others already have on me, so I toss another grenade.

So no, that is a completely different sort of situation.

That level is actually the best in regard to any longrange stuff when at the armory because it usually isn't very long range battles on that roof and the level curves. So guys will shoot from the garage, which isn't far, or maybe from far off on the left, under or on top of the rocks, which is only good for the bottom exit since the roof is mostly shielded on the left, and either way there is a tunnel right there and the other side exit of the bottom which goes right into cover.

Longrange only becomes trouble there when you try to get across or sometimes when you come around the tunnel. There are spots where they can hide in the rocks far out from the entrance of the tunnel, but the long range guns can easily snipe people in there. If it's a DMR you can try to peek and figure where the fire is coming from, take a hit and recharge, until you can finally make out what tiny pixel on the horizon is them, but that doesn't make you capable of actually shooting them first. And obviously if it's a sniper rifle you're already dead.

Spawning back at base doesn't really help since it just feeds directly into the same situation rather than offering an alternate path around. Any tips for that kind of situation? The only half-decent thing I've found is trying to keep cover of boxes on the inner walkway, but then if some of their team comes to fight you, you have very little space to move to fight them without entering full view of the ranged guys looking into the tunnel.

So, you're saying if you had all the special long range weapons unlocked, you wouldn't try to use them to break a siege. Or alternatively, if you don't, trying to close the distance is also a bad idea? Jesus...
No, I'm saying that trying to take on people so far away with a gun that has muuuuuch less zoom is dumb. From my gun it's trying to find a pixel or two on the horizon while from their gun they are shooting at full bodies in view. That's a bad engagement. If I had guns with equal zoom those battles would make a hell of a lot more sense as I'd have hope of killing them, just like the early battles before the mismatch happens.

This is literally the dumbest shit I've ever read.
I wasn't very good and didn't want to get better. I didn't know the maps so instead of trying to check them out and get a general feel in custom games, I went into the competitive playlist and got shit on and am now using my lack of map knowledge for a reason I haven't tried Arena since. My goal is supposedly just looking around seeing what people are doing instead of trying to win the game, thus wasting the time of everyone on my team. It's not like I could have tried my best in the moment and try to acclimate, then later just go to theater and see the locations I was getting shot from in order to be *actually analytical* and learn.
You're assuming again. Did I say that was the reason I hadn't been back to Arena? No I did not. I was explaining why my performance in it was low/hadn't improved, since you asked about my performance in Arena. I was still in the very early stages and hadn't spent enough time to even begin to get better, especially since I didn't have crucial information back then and haven't even been back since getting that information. Also, again, I don't even know what you're talking about with theater. Sounds like something that would be better for analysis, yes, and nicer to my team since you can only play these ranked for some stupid reason.

@ bolded: what the actual fuck are you talking about?
Maybe I am misreading things in here, but looking at the radar discussion it seemed like if you are couching and jump you don't show up on radar. It made sense to me since I remembered a time that someone dropped down near me from an upper level and didn't appear on radar until they landed. If that's not how radar works, I guess I misinterpreted.

What? No. Sometimes, as Eugn pointed out, the best strat is to fight the hard fight over the center base. Some times it takes a long time to achieve (many minutes). These are large-scale, extended battles quite often in Warzone. Maybe you should play more WZ Assault to get better at attacking fortified positions on the WZ maps. Often as attackers you have lower REQs as well. It's good practice.

Maybe it's not working because you're not working with your team, not the other way around. But I guess winning a hard fought struggle isn't interesting for you either, so whatever.
So you're saying these battles just magically clear up after several minutes, and then you come back from the 500-600 point lead they made in the process when you only have a 50 point margin of error? That is how these situations usually go?

Okay, let's just assume that is true. It would mean it is very common to get stuck in these head-on clashes where people are just trying to pick each other off from long range for the majority of the game. If that indeed eventually leads to turning things around, leads to success, and is in fact the most common way to spend the majority of your time in Warzone, then yes, that isn't interesting to me. Nearly endless "peek and pop" battles with people very far away is very boring and monotonous to me, and is actually why I dropped Battlefront because that's 90% of what it is. As I explained earlier, much of me in this thread has been me trying to see if there was some alternate more enjoyable way for me to experience Warzone, or if I should just wait until Firefight.

You realize you can use any 3.5mm headset/mic/whatever right? They cost a couple bucks. As for the process, it's only a chore because you make it so. I'm not inferring shit. Show the fucking receipts.
"then getting mad when"
"being pissed"

That is an inference. I am directly responding to things you directly said. You said, presuming, as in based on an inference, that I was pissed. I was correcting you that it wasn't making me mad, but that the process seemed to be boring.

I'm not saying you hate Halo 5 (although from your responses I have no idea what you think Halo plays like). I'm saying your complaints and stories are unwarranted, unsubstantiated by facts, or exaggerated at best. As far as your "simple post", don't even try and rewrite history when everyone can see it. First, I didn't respond to that post, nice try though. Second, this has been a multi-page, multi-day discussion with You v. Literally Everyone Else. People suggested you party up, join in on community parties, post gameplay to help you, etc, etc. You do literally fucking nothing of the sort and continue bitching in the thread after every couple games. It started out fairly cordial and whatnot, but like your shitty teammates, some of us can only stand head-banging, I-don't-want-to-better-myself, nothing is my fault, no way it's a problem on my end, allow me to narrate my experience in matchmaking every other game, everyone I play with is stupid, straight up shitposting for so long.
I didn't say it was only because of you. Eugn replied to it, which is what led to that first elaboration. It doesn't have to be from you to be true of why I bothered to explain.

As for the rest, I was just coming to learn various things about the game type and possibly my internet connection. Did I know teams could go against solo queue people? No. That came to my knowledge through discussion. Naturally people would say to get a team together, and then I explained it wasn't what I was after, and I would personally like a solo queue (others felt the same way) so if it is not available I was realizing that is one aspect of the mode that wasn't for me. Apparently kill farming is a very specific thing that wasn't what I thought, so that is another difference of understood concept clarified by description of events. The spawning issue was a rather extensive problem, and it took a lot of specific elaboration to explain for others to verify it is something they never experienced.

Really, it seems like you are taking a very combative perspective on everything. It is not "Me vs Everyone else" and I never saw it that way. I was learning some things about Warzone I didn't enjoy, and by communication others helped me understand certain expected things that tend to go with the mode to have a better time, such as playing with a team. I misunderstood a phenomena (kill farming), and by describing what I was experiencing others helped me understand that what they were talking about earlier was different. I have some kind of spawning issue that can kick up often, and others reported what sort of spawns they experience to determine it wasn't the game itself. This is not opposition. This is not me getting mad. I'm just getting a picture of things and learning the mode is not for me.

You took it as "bitching" and because you took it as that, you seemed to think the problem was about winning and so I needed to change my tactics to doing whatever could possibly help winning occur so I could no longer be mad, and so if I didn't do what people said to fix it, then I was being stubborn. That isn't what took place. My issue wasn't with winning or not, but the experience of how the playing was going and if that was typical or not. It took experimentation and discussion to discover the nature of the mode, and from there I figured if it was a game type for me or not; as a preference, like do you enjoy strawberry milkshakes or chocolate milkshakes? That kind of thing, not angry. About the gameplay experience, not just doing what wins or not.

The only thing I was actually upset about was the chain insta-death from the spawning pause, and that has little to do with the mode itself, and that was clarified. Nonetheless, the mode has a lot of situations where that can lead to chain deaths because of how the spawns work and what sort of circumstances arise. Some agree spawns need work, some think how they work is intentionally designed to make things interesting, either way it is simply how they are and no confirmed changes are on the way. So again, it's simply a realization the the mode isn't the best to me in terms of what sort of experiences I get from it, so it is better to set that on the backburner and do something else, and get more into big battles with REQs when Firefight arrives.

Prinz Eugn also thinks I'm addressing matches in completely the wrong way, but he's not reading all this anger and opposition into it. I think your frustration from my posts comes mostly from this interpretation you take, which is why I pointed out what you are inferring. That said, I have made by far my biggest posts in the thread in response to your challenges, trying to explain these differences of what I was after in the first place, thus perspective on what I thought needed to be tackled, thus my different philosophy on what to try and do, thus my different approaches that didn't seem all that concerned with self preservation and winning. I definitely would have left it at that simple post because my main efforts of experimentation and main understandings of the mode had been settled.

If you STILL don't get what I have been trying to explain, and STILL think I just want to make winning happen, and STILL think I am writing off help-me-win advice you only assume is what I'm after even though I directly said it's not, and STILL think I'm being angry... Well, I can't help that. I am however tired of writing these long posts just to explain a difference of what I even looked for from Warzone after the initial view seemed to be uninteresting half the time. I am not interested in trying to get some full match upload for you to go over with your analysis on what to change to win when it's not the issue for me.


You both have to drop this, this is getting out of hand.

It should have been like this:
Dice: game is sometimes crap got shit on
Exwife: life is tough
Dice: yes
Exwife: yes.

Fucking done. Conversation was over once you gotta snoop into someones game history to call them out.


Something I would like to see, maybe tucked away in the UI a bit so it isn't intrusive for people who don't care, is an option to save presets for armor with different items and colors. Like maybe just an additional tab in the "Spartan Appearance" section or something where you could save a couple configurations. I unlock new helm or armor pieces and then go in to the appearance section and see what they look like but end up keeping what I currently use. If before a match I could go in and select "Saved Armor Config 3," I would probably be more inclined to tinker around with different color schemes on different armors.

That's not to say that it is some huge chore to swap back to my main config if I don't like what I was trying out; it isn't some huge problem that needs a solution. I just think it would be a nice minor addition. I know there are some Spartan Companies out there that use only certain armor pieces in group matches, so I imagine they would like an quick way to toggle between say their SC armor of choice and then swap over to their personal favorite armor when soloing.

Just a thought.
Blah blah bullshit

Blah blah lack of reading comprehension when responding to simple sentences

Blah blah can't even look at main menu to realize there's a theater mode

Blah blah can't accept my interpretation of my own situational awareness is a joke

Blah blah blah

still no receipts.

My whole point is that your game knowledge, awareness, recollection, reactions, and tactics are nowhere near par and are deluding you into unfounded assertions and complaints. I don't know how to say this in any other fashion. You didn't need to explain the clip I linked. Anyone with a couple games of Warzone under their belt knows what's going on and a few dozen more games grants them knowledge of how to deal with it effectively. You're talking to a forum of folks where most have had the game since launch. We heard your issues, gave suggestions, then when you kept elaborating, things smelled fishy and Prinz Eugn and I checked out your claims. Surprise, they're bullshit. Whether you meant them to be consciously or it turned out that way through lack of experience or whatever is beside the point. When you're factually wrong and get called on it, the adult thing to do is acknowledge as such and get over it, not write Wahrer-tier megaposts trying to "further explain/defend" yourself.

Again, bring some receipts and people will be glad to try to help you with your issues, but seeing as you seem to have skipped over the parts of my posts where you were specifically corrected re: your ignorance of your console/OS/game that would have helped you to do so, I'm not expecting anything from you anytime soon.

You say Prinz Eugn was critiquing but not "angry". You realize he basically said your claims were ridiculous and blaming your teammates was laughable? If I come across as angry, it's because I do have some tolerance for ignorance, even less for purposeful ignorance, but practically none for straight up lying BS.

Unless you can demonstrate your problem, I'm done with conversing with you from now on. Good luck with Firefight.

You both have to drop this, this is getting out of hand.

It should have been like this:
Dice: game is sometimes crap got shit on
Exwife: life is tough
Dice: yes
Exwife: yes.

Fucking done. Conversation was over once you gotta snoop into someones game history to call them out.

I've said my final piece above, but calling it snooping gives it a sense of negativity to fact-checking. We went to see if we could further understand his problems, and we definitely did, just not how he would have liked.


I just played my first match of Breakout and I was surprised to find out that I liked it. We lost, 5 to 3, but I can definitely see the different strategies in the mode and can understand why good teams can do well in it. I think I only got two kills and scored one flag return but I can see myself playing it a lot more and hopefully getting better at it or finding some people to team with. I can already tell that communication and callouts are gonna be a big part of getting better at it though, so I'll need to work on that.

EDIT: Wow, these maps are solid. Played one on a map I can't remember, one on Canals so far, and one on Altitude. Now Epicenter is booting up.
EDIT2: Can't say I care for Overpass, since I am so shit at the long-range game. And man, losing a player definintly hurts more in Breakout than any other gametype I've played so far. Still, really liking Breakout.
Do I know exactly how the game works and make shit up to excuse stuff I know ruins the play or do I not understand how the game works and thus choose the wrong thing experimenting in ignorance? At least make up your mind about what you are assuming about me.

Just a light hearted joke here mate but your recent posts feel like some sort of ALT account of me from pre-Halo 4 launch :)

I've had my share of frustrating WZ games too, solo or small parties, the tactics at the start of the game by mid-large teams working together is creating lopsided games. The skewing is regardless of their farming or scores closeness for the duration of those games. It is a developing trend in WZ strategies; perhaps say the last 2 months especially. It's inherent in WZ though and I'm not entirely sure 343i can design out every facet of team strats just for solo/small parties to reign supreme.

It's always been this way in competitive online games, especially Halo MM. Party up or play at your own peril. It almost should be a warning on the box :)

Been having this happen all the time to me the past couple days.

Even my boosts and RP are slow to load every game for the last week or two. By the step 4 "loading game" I'm rushing to lock in a boost that finally loaded. It's strange seeing 0 RP while every game loads. I also had a JiP game last night and no REQs would load in game, after one death it all went fine after that.
Just won a 2v4, the other players had connection issues or something because they both quit at the sametime close to the start of the match. So I guess they were in a party and something happened. Anyways it’s a good way to end the night.



Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Whether you meant them to be consciously or it turned out that way through lack of experience or whatever is beside the point. When you're factually wrong and get called on it, the adult thing to do is acknowledge as such and get over it, not write Wahrer-tier megaposts trying to "further explain/defend" yourself.
When you point out facts there is nothing to elaborate for those things, just as there is no point in responding to your opinion of my attitude. I never made any denials, I simply let your valid points or personal expressions stand and only addressed the things you said that demonstrated misunderstanding of what I was even after. Such as...

You didn't need to explain the clip I linked. Anyone with a couple games of Warzone under their belt knows what's going on and a few dozen more games grants them knowledge of how to deal with it effectively.
You asked specifically if that clip was what I was talking about in regard to head-on long-range battles of longshots/DMRs vs standard BR. I explained why no, it did not fit that context and why. If you already knew that was not what was going on in the clip, why would you ask? And then now you just also framed it as me trying to make excuses for failures that others try to learn how to overcome, but I never at any time pointed it out as "the problem" or something that could never improve. I know that I could learn to do better in that kind of situation. I even specifically said that I didn't know that corner he ducked into existed, which shows understanding of room to learn and do things differently next time. I never even brought up the clip at all, you did. Do you see what I mean about taking things to opposition when they are not? Do you see how I could come away with the sense that you are inferring things I don't have in my mind?

So no, I wasn't calling you angry, I was saying that you were reading anger into my posts, just as you read "trying to do something else regardless of winning/losing or dying a lot" as "trying to win and then failing and then making excuses." If that is the view you are set on taking of me, I suppose can't change that. If I made a video for you I'd definitely have to have a mic for constant commentary on why I was doing what I was doing so you didn't misunderstand what I was even aiming for just as you have so far.

Unless you can demonstrate your problem, I'm done with conversing with you from now on.


I'm 5/10 placement matches in Team Arena and Team Slayer and I'm curious as to how the league system works. I know about the various leagues and tiers, but how are they distributed? Are they split up so it's 20% bronze/silver/gold/plat/diamond, 1% onyx/champion?

Also, once you place, is it pretty good keeping you at a 1:1 win/loss ratio? It's been really rough going in the matches I've played so far. I've gone 5-9 in the14 arena games I've played, and half of those losses have been complete blowouts.
I'm 5/10 placement matches in Team Arena and Team Slayer and I'm curious as to how the league system works. I know about the various leagues and tiers, but how are they distributed? Are they split up so it's 20% bronze/silver/gold/plat/diamond, 1% onyx/champion?

Also, once you place, is it pretty good keeping you at a 1:1 win/loss ratio? It's been really rough going in the matches I've played so far. I've gone 5-9 in the14 arena games I've played, and half of those losses have been complete blowouts.

Here’s a graph showing the distribution in Slayer (the most played ranked game mode).


However, this is from the February season. They changed the algorithm for the March season, so it might not be as accurate. At least in my experience the game tries to force a 50% w/l. However, I really don’t mind that much. A large number of my games always comes down to a few kills. The matches I have in H5 are far more competitive and closer than any other FPS I’ve played.

Here’s a full list of all the game modes distribution.


Well, I placed in Breakout. Silver 5. Not the worst I could have done on my first ten games, so I am not bumming out over it. I know I said the maps are solid earlier but I also want to say that they look great. The aethestic that all of them have with the blues everywhere really works, I think.


I just went two straight Breakout games where I played horribly and didn't get a single kill between the two of them. I think I'm calling it a night soon.


Unconfirmed Member
Well, I placed in Breakout. Silver 5. Not the worst I could have done on my first ten games, so I am not bumming out over it. I know I said the maps are solid earlier but I also want to say that they look great. The aethestic that all of them have with the blues everywhere really works, I think.

Just did my first 5 Breakout games tonight too. I have a feeling i will end up in silver too. Didn't go so well. Got to Plat 3 in Swat. New high for me .


Just did my first 5 Breakout games tonight too. I have a feeling i will end up in silver too. Didn't go so well. Got to Plat 3 in Swat. New high for me .
I don't think I'll be hitting Platinum in anything anytime soon but I'm kind of okay with that for now.


EG and ALG just had a solid scrim, ended up being 7-6. Suspector is looking good.
A well trained trio of player who play together for years now + one new person from the second placed team at world barely wins against a squad where only 2 of them have teamed before and even that only for 3 months now?

Don't know EG has to work more than just change one player around.
Killing is wrong, and bad.

There should be a new, stronger word for killing like badwrong or badong.

Yes, killing is badong.

From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of killing: gnodab.


G'nite fellas!
Watching naded's stream, down 2-1 ctf on torque, he's making a clutch flag run through the middle with under 30secs remaining... Flag falls through the map and resets!!

He cried QUINNNNN!!!! Lol

Fucking torque


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Here are some clips of the type of long-range situations I'd rather not be in, but I made them just to show you how much of a difference I'm talking about with ranged battles (read: I wasn't going for survival here, otherwise I wouldn't even be there):

Note that the guy who shot me before I went around was using a DMR on the right, very far away. That is not something to be fighting with a standard BR. For the sniper at the end obviously you can tell he's looking from the light on you, but it's nigh impossible to tell where the hell he is. Even if you see he's in that tiny little corner above the inner left of my sights, there would be absolutely no competing with that. Thing is, this happens not just with snipers who can one-shot you, but DMRs or sentinel BRs who do a lot of damage very quickly if you try to run anywhere.

Note that the guy who kills me isn't the dude up top I was firing at or the guy who came in close, but a guy very far away on the right with a DMR. There are usually 3 or so such people just "out there" in little hiding corners no matter where you go. You can peek and take a hit or two and tell from the shot directions a vague idea of where they are, but with no zoom you can't compete even if you know exactly where they are.

For this match the situation was the same no matter where I'd go. I could go through the bottom and around the right side behind the rocks, try to fire from the top, sneak around the dock (extremely risky), or go back and around in the cave where the warden appears. No matter where I went, I'd be stuck with the only option of running into these long-range engagements with a very shitty gun for it. So for this game I focused on killing bosses or being a distraction for a couple vehicles they pulled out while my teammates with real firepower attacked them, but this long range stuff was pretty much my only option when it came to fighting spartans. That just isn't interesting gameplay to me.

Now imagine that not in balanced, calm settings like this, but within an extremely high bombardment siege where you keep spawning exposed. How many real options are there? If "everyone" learns how to handle those situations, what exactly is the method for doing so? Did you "learn" how to do it as you unlocked better guns so you could actually maybe land a hit and make them duck behind the corner so that you actually had a chance to do something else?
First clip is just a not smart play. You know the sniper is staring at you but you stay in his sights. Maybe thrust away when you see it next time instead of wasting a death trying to "pinpoint". A death does nothing but fuel their REQs.

Second clip, a viable option is to go through back tunnel. You can even escape your current trap by not using the easy-to-watch ramp and jump up the right side of the docks instead. Back tunnel has plenty of cover to traverse between while you go through it if necessary and there's even fortress-side secondary paths to force closer engagements once you get to the other side (assuming the destructible rocks are already broken, which they usually are that far into a match). There's also the boxes and crates for cover once you make it out of the tunnel.

Of course, you guys have 2 bases, including the most important one, and you said you're killing bosses, so you're going to win anyway, barring some epic comeback. Like, even if they get the Warden coming up in 30 secs in the second clip, you guys can maintain control and get objective point gains. It's not always about being super aggressive or trying to outshoot folks. Maybe use the Warden as a distraction to break out and flank them, further ensuring the victory?

EDIT: The archive of the Warzone stream from Saturday is still available, including party chat if you want to gleam meta-strats (a lot of it is us joking around and shit) and maybe figure out some general gameplay stuff. I have everything unlocked, so your engagements won't be identical, but it might help since Eugn cut his stream short tonight.

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