Unconfirmed Member
Doesn't bnet still have archived stats?
Yo GOSU what was your GT during halo 2
Sorry Doge, I don't believe you either lol. No one in Halo 2 reached the 40 ranks without at least bridging for host; it was impossible.
There's no way this happened without bridging for host my friend.
And a 50 is Halo 3 was so much easier especially solo. Idk, anything above 44 in Halo 2 was suspect of something.
Sorry Doge, I don't believe you either lol. No one in Halo 2 reached the 40 ranks without at least bridging for host; it was impossible.
Lol I was actually disappointed I got put in onyx again for slayer. I solo q'd to have harder games and be put in diamond.Oh no doubt about it,
I got to 44 in H2, but that was by bridging host in order to avoid cheaters.
50 in 3 was super easy. Onyx in 5 almost too stressful.
Doesn't bnet still have archived stats?
Yo GOSU what was your GT during halo 2
Samurai g0su. I checked h3. I guess i only got up to 35?. Lol fuck my memory. I swear i was at 45/46 and just hovered there forever.
Same here, I know a bunch of 40's who all say their ranks were legit, but they also don't consider bridging for host cheating. Some even think it was anti-cheating to combat the modders lolI personally known people in the 40s and they were just beastly. Cheating was rampant for sure, but there were legitimate folks.
Hmm, who's thinking that? I'm of the belief that it was impossible to reach 40+ without bridging for host at the very least. Close to 100% (not an exaggerationLol I can careless if you believe me or not. I have people that can vouch for me, but who would care since they can be "biased". I could let the skill speak for itself.
Honestly the whole point for 40 and above being pro players only is ignorant.
Same here, I know a bunch of 40's who all say their ranks were legit, but they also don't consider bridging for host cheating. Some even think it was anti-cheating to combat the modders lol
Hmm, who's thinking that? I'm of the belief that it was impossible to reach 40+ without bridging for host at the very least. Close to 100% (not an exaggeration) of my games had cheaters once you hit the 30's.maybe
However, Halo 2 was around for 3 years so I'm not sure if there was a point where cheaters weren't that popular, so who knows.. or cares, like you said lol
I've already played more Halo 5 MP in 3 months than I played Halo 4 MP in a year. lol
Had Halo 4 six days early and the multiplayer was fun during that time. And then everyone else got it and Boltshot became a thing. I noped out until April when Forge Island came out, and I think soon after the Castle DLC went up. Castle + Crimson was a legit playlist.
Until Heavies came up. I hope we never see BTB heavies again. Can't just dump all the things on a map unless it's Sandtrap or something.
Warzone is heavies, it's a delightful separation.
Halo 3 keeps blowing my mind recently. How did that game get away witih having TWO overshields on 4v4 maps?
I was lvl 49... never could get to 50 sadly.
h3 i only could get to 45![]()
You're proof that Halo 5 is ground zero for this franchise. 343 has a great thing in their hands, I hope they don't mess it up by starting over with Halo 6.I've played more Halo 5 already than all other Halo games online combined.
Still had dial-up when H2 was out. Halo 3 I dropped after a bit for CoD4. Never owned Reach and Halo 4 was.... yea... BTB was fun at least.
didn't think about it that way but that's a relief.
unfortunately means we probably wont see the Tank in BTB.
Uh 77 atmWhat's your SR?
Because then the ranks won't be earned through consistency. Once you play well for your initial placement games, you can be inconsistent and still place well for the seasons after. For all you know, your placement games were against players that aren't as competent and now you are put into a division where you may not belong to.
In season one everybody is new to Halo 5 and getting a feel for it. Because of this there will be a lot of players that will be less than stellar searching. You can get lucky and match against those for your placement matches. You do good and are now placed in Onyx.
In season two, since you placed Onyx in season one and obviously finished with it since you cannot derank, it now has influence into what you place in season 2. Now you are in season 2 and people are growing more competent and now you begin to struggle. But once it is all over, you still get placed into onyx.
Do you see where I am going with this? The fact that you cannot derank from divisions is also what makes this silly. The ranks should be placed around consistency.
Lol what a silly mindset. There were plenty of people that were good in the 40s. Problem was it was saturated with cheaters.
What is less believable is the 49 because of the XP curve for Halo 2. And anything at that point was saturated with a lot of cheaters at that level.
Now there are people who could have obtained that legitimately, but the problem is if you get a 49 in Halo 2 and cannot get a 50 in Halo 3, it looks suspicious. 50s in Halo 3 were handed out like candy.
Nah you have a misunderstanding of how the system works. It IS about consistency.
If I placed in gold in preseason, the grind my way to platinum, and consistently play at a platinum level, why should the season 1 placement matches assume I'm a noob again? I've already displayed platinum ability.
My placement matches will now look at if my individual performance warrants me playing at a higher or lower level.
They've got all this data on how player should typically perform at different ranks. They have an opportunity to use this data to ensure that people quickly get into matches with similar opponents. Why not use it?
Regarding the inability to derank, that is also remedied by the start of a new season. If I finished the season Diamond 1, but my placement matches against diamond players are subpar, I'll end up back on platinum.
Because the Halo 3 OS was borderline worthless after the initial immunity period.
I'm sorry, but there is simply no way that I buy you being a legit 49 in Halo 2 but you're platinum in Halo 5. Skills don't deteriorate like that my friend.
Its okay. If you dont believe me thats fine.
Before i was a sophmore in highschool. Now im a full-time employee, married with 2 kids that is an infant and toddler. Soo when your surroundings change i believe they can have an effect on your "skeeelz" .
by barely holding plat i meant plat 6 even tho i match against high diamond n onyx.
I think i still do decent but not as good as i used to in h5.![]()
Honestly dude, maybe you were a 49, maybe you are not. The whole thing that makes this suspect is Halo 3. Not being able to get a 50 in Halo 3 is suspect because getting 50s in Halo 3 was laughably easy.
It is like you got into 40+ in Halo 2, but you could not get a 50 in Halo 3? wut
That is the whole point, behind myself anyhow.
Doing a new season will not help because if a person places Onyx in the last season, that will influence the season after. They can hit 1500 and keep losing but keep that Onyx because you cannot go from 1500 to a D6. You should be able to go down a division.
Now you are saying if you play consistently. What if you are Onyx but do not even play at an Onyx level (lol this sounds stupid)? That is called being inconsistent if you cannot stay at that level. What if the person has more bad games than good games at Onyx? But guess what? No matter how many times you lose, you cannot go down a division.
If you are truly good, then you will be consistent. If you are consistent then you will consistently keep getting placed at your deserved rank. What so hard to understand about that?
Now if you are inconsistent, you should be placed to the rank you are playing at accordingly. Once you get there, you can grind your way back up by winning your games. The only way to go up is to be consistent.
I can literally go into a season, and have my worst games of my life in my placements and I will still get placed at higher level because of the divisions influnce from the season prior. Worst I would place would be platinum if not diamond cause of my season one finish of champion and season 2 of onyx.
There was a guy that was throwing his placement games so he can get into the bronze division and because of his placements prior the worse he got was gold.
It doesn't work like that. If you are ranked onyx in a season prior, but don't play at an onyx level during your placements, you'll be placed at under onyx.
The system is also has a tolerance for anomolonies and manipulation. The fact that someone can't throw their matches and get an opportunity to dong on lower level players is a good thing. Since it considers your previous season rank, and it's statistically unlikely that someone's skill will drop significantly between season, it ensure people are most likely playing with people close to their level.
Today's random thought: it's nice to visit HaloGAF and see posts about the game and wishlists instead of bitching at each other. Solid turn around in the community forums with a solid game. Some would say it was predicted long ago![]()
Screw youuu!!!!. Gett outaaa heeerreeeeee!!!!
Off to the gallows!!!
i did it wrong huh?
I am still in belief it is not that great. Playing arena and I get matched with players that should not be playing at X division.
But you are making that decision based on seeing that person play one game. The system has a lot more data that you do. Maybe they had a bad game, or an uncharacteristically good game. Maybe their little brother was using their account...
But you are making that decision based on seeing that person play one game. The system has a lot more data that you do. Maybe they had a bad game, or an uncharacteristically good game. Maybe their little brother was using their account...
Well I mean, no one believes your lvl 49 in H2.
So that is something!
I'm here for the future and to remind people every so often about the CE Master Race.Yeah no worries though. Im not here to please them and prove to them i was.![]()
even though i tried to look up ranks but info has been purged. =/ Only thing i got is i have double the amount of games played in h2 compared to h3 and in h3(44) i have 9 days worth of playtime. Oh well. Tis was all a dream right? Its k ill derank myself n say i was lvl 20. So it matches my rank in h5 now lol
Were here for halo 5 and the future now. And i cant wait for the feb update lol
I just learned that I can look up my recent games through Halo waypoint. This is awesome. Is there anyway I can make the page look like a list so it can show more data? The thumbnails are huge and it is like five games a page.
I just learned that I can look up my recent games through Halo waypoint. This is awesome. Is there anyway I can make the page look like a list so it can show more data? The thumbnails are huge and it is like 10 games a page.
I think ppl like to use halotracker.com more since it breaks down more details for you.
In the url, change where it says 'count=10' to 'count=25'. It won't go any higher than 25 so there's no point in going higher.
EDIT: funknown is a fool