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Halo 5: Guardians |OT3| Ball Dropped

Record a clip for us.... to... enjoy :3
3 of my 7 first qualifying matches I was on the team with quitters. And at least a couple games were against full teams. I can barely get out of a game with an even k/d ratio let alone a positive one. It blows my mind no mercernary/randoms playlist has ever been put into halo. People have asked for that since at least halo 3.


Unconfirmed Member
3 of my 7 first qualifying matches I was on the team with quitters. And at least a couple games were against full teams. I can barely get out of a game with an even k/d ratio let alone a positive one. It blows my mind no mercernary/randoms playlist has ever been put into halo. People have asked for that since at least halo 3.

The problem is lack of a social play list. If you search arena prepare to play against some of team of x. It's just inevitable.

All they give us is arena and warzone. Maybe they didn't want to fragment the play list, but not everyone wants to go try hard mode.


dresses business casual
So I placed Plat 3 and dropped to Plat 2. I pretty much only go positive K/D 1/10 games. Is that how the ranking is supposed to go? I would have expected closer to 50% of games above 1.0 K/D.


Good post Akai, though a little Halo 3 bias :)

The H5 beta carnage report was 100000x better

It's not game bias and I completely judged this based on how the UI's each imdividually look and their functionality. I haven't considered looking through the Beta UI, because it got cut anyways. The rank progression was added, because I remembered that I have saved that screenshot and always forgot to ask why it's not there.

Really good post, got me all nostalgic.

I really do hope some major UI updates come soon, specifically the player carnage stuff and just overall tweaks. It makes no sense that they got rid of some of the functionality of old games that were super useful like that.

Thanks. I actually had to play a game of H3 and Reach MP to take some screenshots and god was the netcode bad.

Yeah, I hope Halo 5's UI gets an huge improvement.

This is what annoys me the most, it was really good in the beta, why'd they remove it?

Well, the Beta UI looked way different then the final one. Not sure if they just tossed it away, but I was totally expecting it in the game. Now, I have to refresh Waypoint to track my progress. :(


Unconfirmed Member
So I placed Plat 3 and dropped to Plat 2. I pretty much only go positive K/D 1/10 games. Is that how the ranking is supposed to go? I would have expected closer to 50% of games above 1.0 K/D.

Are you questioning your placement?

If so, what did you finish the last season with? That influences your placement.

Honestly the ranking system in this game is stupid. The fact that your placement can be influenced by last seasons is silly as it is.

It's already easy enough to get Onyx and Champion as well. I think they should have stuck with the XP curve of Halo 2's ranking system because that was a legit indicator of skill. Assuming the person didn't cheat.

It's bittersweet in a way when it happens because you only have the satisfaction of opening packs half as much :(

I miss opening silvers. After opening them so much and finishing. Doing golds suck. Takes forever to get 10k RP.

E92 M3

Are you questioning your placement?

If so, what did you finish the last season with? That influences your placement.

Honestly the ranking system in this game is stupid. The fact that your placement can be influenced by last seasons is silly as it is.

It's already easy enough to get Onyx and Champion as well. I think they should have stuck with the XP curve of Halo 2's ranking system because that was a legit indicator of skill. Assuming the person didn't cheat.

I miss opening silvers. After opening them so much and finishing. Doing golds suck. Takes forever to get 10k RP.

Halo 2 rank was goat indicator of skill. People in the 40s were always good at the game.
For those of you wishing for bulk REQ selling and haven't seen anyone post about it, here's a link to the Chrome extension:

Halo Waypoint Tools

And you can immediately open packs online, too!

REQ Store

I just converted a bunch of garbage REQs into 30,000 REQ points and opened 6 Silver Packs. Feels good man.


dresses business casual
Are you questioning your placement?

If so, what did you finish the last season with? That influences your placement.

Honestly the ranking system in this game is stupid. The fact that your placement can be influenced by last seasons is silly as it is.

I didn't place last season (didn't play enough games). I can't remember what I was before that, high gold or low plat probably. The mechanics of the game are good, but I'm not enjoying it as much as I would have thought for finally getting an arena shooter on a console again. I feel like I get torn apart by half as many bullets as it takes me to kill enemies.


Unconfirmed Member
It was basically all cheaters past a certain point, meh.

Depends on the play list. There are plenty of cheaters in slayer less so in team hard-core. I was in 40s in hard-core, at that point you are playing against guys that are really good or pros. There were not as many people either so you ran into the same faces a lot. There were cheaters but not as much in slayer. I was a 46 in slayer and I ran into more cheaters in slayer than in hard-core.

I didn't place last season (didn't play enough games). I can't remember what I was before that, high gold or low plat probably. The mechanics of the game are good, but I'm not enjoying it as much as I would have thought for finally getting an arena shooter on a console again. I feel like I get torn apart by half as many bullets as it takes me to kill enemies.

Arena is punishing if you don't play as much as others. I never see you online in my friends list.


Through 3rd party website maybe but it was never displayed in-game.

Kills and deaths are always in the Post Game Report. Its really not that hard to figure out if you have a negative or positive K/D. My KD/KDA sucks. But that is totally expected because I am playing against other 1800+ onyx players.
Yeah, going in solo, not playing as much and going against weathered opponents- You're not going to have a good time.

this isn't h2,h3,reach or h4. The pick up n play isn't just remembering how to strafe and shoot.



Smooth tonight.

Halogaf lieutenants, I will have the dubious pleasure of my mother-in-law at my house from tomorrow until Sunday night so I won't be grinding again until Monday. Please understand that this is not through choice!!
Aww you couldn't get the Halo lol

It was hard because i never had a full team. I had some friends who played time to time, but they were like lvl 12s/30s. I'd just solo que all day haha

good times during HS. all the time in the world to play play play play play.
I was lvl 49... never could get to 50 sadly. :(
h3 i only could get to 45 :(
Damn cheaters.. Anything above low 30's were hardly legit. I reached 37 "legit" but even I can't fully believe there wasn't a host bridger or standbyer in some games because of how prevalent cheaters were.

Now, reaching 49? Cheating 100% confirmed.
Damn cheaters.. Anything above low 30's were hardly legit. I reached 37 "legit" but even I can't fully believe there wasn't a host bridger or standbyer in some games because of how prevalent cheaters were.

Now, reaching 49? Cheating 100% confirmed.

haha i remember games on terminal where i'd spawn in the air and while falling their auto BR would insta kill me... over and over and over again... sigh....

Cheating is for suckers.

You were a 49 in Halo 2 but not a 50 in Halo 3? 50s in Halo 3 were handed out like candy

yeah i couldn't get there for whatever reason. guess my time to play became limited :( or i just sucked at h3. h2 was my jam man. loved the little jump tricks and nade-shots for dayss.

like now in h5, i just struggle to keep a rank in platinum 5.
I'm calling you the cheater for reaching 49. You can't possibly say that was a legit and expect anyone to believe it lol

Show me the receipts.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm calling you the cheater for reaching 49. You can't possibly say that was a legit and expect anyone to believe it lol

Show me the receipts.

The bigger problem here is he could not get a 50 in Halo 3. If you couldn't get a 50 in Halo 3, how do you expect us to believe the 49 in Halo 2? 50s in Halo 3 were handed out like candy dude.


haha i remember games on terminal where i'd spawn in the air and while falling their auto BR would insta kill me... over and over and over again... sigh....

Cheating is for suckers.

yeah i couldn't get there for whatever reason. guess my time to play became limited :( or i just sucked at h3. h2 was my jam man. loved the little jump tricks and nade-shots for dayss.

like now in h5, i just struggle to keep a rank in platinum 5.

Halo 2: 49
Halo 3: 45
Halo 5: Platinum

I suck at Halo when compared to 2, but I have not dropped off THAT much. [That is almost Ram tier :p]

Had my 50 in 3 and remain a high Onyx in 5.

Holy shit lmao, people make some cool stuff.

It's not as fun as it looks, but that's mostly because the Ghost is too slow.


Had my first Xbox at the tail end of halo 2.
Didn't play much ranked but dunno what I ranked.

Halo 3 was like 47-48. Seemingly rank locked. I remember I wanted to get a 50 and had some really good friends try and help me. I remember at some point in 2009 we went into team slayer (thinking all the super intense people were in mlg) won like 7 games in a row and didn't go up. Lost two at the end of our session and I went down a rank.

Said lol ok and took my gold bars.


The worst? Using a "win the game" card and going into an already started game where the team youre on is getting destroyed. Super fun.

These should go back into your inventory if you don't win. Getting matched against teams and quitters ruins it. You might as well just sell the win and gambit cards.


These should go back into your inventory if you don't win. Getting matched against teams and quitters ruins it. You might as well just sell the win and gambit cards.
That's what I do....the whole one in the hand being better than two in the bush concept.
Halo 2: 49
Halo 3: 45
Halo 5: Platinum

I suck at Halo when compared to 2, but I have not dropped off THAT much. [That is almost Ram tier :p]

Had my 50 in 3 and remain a high Onyx in 5.

There's no way this happened without bridging for host my friend.

And a 50 is Halo 3 was so much easier especially solo. Idk, anything above 44 in Halo 2 was suspect of something.

Oh man deja vu with someone else on the page lol.


Are you questioning your placement?

If so, what did you finish the last season with? That influences your placement.

Honestly the ranking system in this game is stupid. The fact that your placement can be influenced by last seasons is silly as it is.

It's already easy enough to get Onyx and Champion as well. I think they should have stuck with the XP curve of Halo 2's ranking system because that was a legit indicator of skill. Assuming the person didn't cheat.

I miss opening silvers. After opening them so much and finishing. Doing golds suck. Takes forever to get 10k RP.

Why shouldn't the system consider where you left off the prior season? It's not like someone is going to have a massive jump/drop in skill over the course of 10 placement games?

If also like to know how you figure it's easy to get into Onyx. Only 6% of the playerbase managed to do it last season
Halo 3 keeps blowing my mind recently. How did that game get away witih having TWO overshields on 4v4 maps?

43+ was not all boosters.

I'm not a Halo 2 kid, but I thought the general consensus was that players claiming to be over 40 legitimately were either well known pro players, or really bad liars.



Halo 3 keeps blowing my mind recently. How did that game get away witih having TWO overshields on 4v4 maps?

I'm not a Halo 2 kid, but I thought the general consensus was that players claiming to be over 40 legitimately were either well known pro players, or really bad liars.

Citadel is the only one that comes to mind.

And halo 3 os was fairly weak


Unconfirmed Member
Why shouldn't the system consider where you left off the prior season? It's not like someone is going to have a massive jump/drop in skill over the course of 10 placement games?

Because then the ranks won't be earned through consistency. Once you play well for your initial placement games, you can be inconsistent and still place well for the seasons after. For all you know, your placement games were against players that aren't as competent and now you are put into a division where you may not belong to.


In season one everybody is new to Halo 5 and getting a feel for it. Because of this there will be a lot of players that will be less than stellar searching. You can get lucky and match against those for your placement matches. You do good and are now placed in Onyx.

In season two, since you placed Onyx in season one and obviously finished with it since you cannot derank, it now has influence into what you place in season 2. Now you are in season 2 and people are growing more competent and now you begin to struggle. But once it is all over, you still get placed into onyx.

Do you see where I am going with this? The fact that you cannot derank from divisions is also what makes this silly. The ranks should be placed around consistency.

Halo 3 keeps blowing my mind recently. How did that game get away witih having TWO overshields on 4v4 maps?

I'm not a Halo 2 kid, but I thought the general consensus was that players claiming to be over 40 legitimately were either well known pro players, or really bad liars.


Lol what a silly mindset. There were plenty of people that were good in the 40s. Problem was it was saturated with cheaters.

What is less believable is the 49 because of the XP curve for Halo 2. And anything at that point was saturated with a lot of cheaters at that level.

Now there are people who could have obtained that legitimately, but the problem is if you get a 49 in Halo 2 and cannot get a 50 in Halo 3, it looks suspicious. 50s in Halo 3 were handed out like candy.
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