Ricky Ricardo
Denial with dat ... denial ...
Twitch is such a power hog, turns my normally silent laptop into a airplane
Twitch is all html5 now afaik, so it shouldn't be that bad anymore like it was with Flash. Maybe time for a new laptop![]()
Twitch is all html5 now afaik, so it shouldn't be that bad anymore like it was with Flash. Maybe time for a new laptop![]()
On my macbook it said it was playing via flash still, can I change to HTML5 or something?
On my macbook it said it was playing via flash still, can I change to HTML5 or something?
I bought that new 10 dollar req pack thinking I would get 5 new skins, because literally every picture I've seen of people opening it they got 5 skins, along with the image they used to to advertise the pack only shows new skins.
Turns out I paid 10 dollars for 1 skin and , 1 blue helmet, and 3 purple armors.
Twitch is such a power hog, turns my normally silent laptop into a airplane
You're only going to get five skins back if you already done with your req collection.
So what was up with CLG earlier?
Those games with Epsilon were too close and its not cause Epsilon somehow got better.
For people running Windows 10: If you guys don't care about chat (doesn't work with large viewer numbers) and just want to watch the stream, there are some lightweight W10 apps that run smooth that I use occasionally (especially for these early rounds in which I don't care much for chat).
My current fav: Unstream https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9wzdncrcwb0g
Or use the VLC method
Summit raid in the Halo channel <3
Forgot that you have to enable the HTML5 stuff. Oh well.
Another good W10 app is 8Stream.
Ninja succeeds when he plays way more defensively than he usually does, which is what I'm talking about.ninja isn't even struggling tho. ninja has played well so far this series.
Rig is just a terrible slayer map. Little options and incentive to move around the map
Is it The Rig or is it radar?
The meta game of Halo 5 can easily shift to a highly defensive game in the manner pros play Slayer on The Rig; it's already there when you see two teams of equal, high level skill play against each other, and it's why players like Ninja struggle against these players. You're going to see way more camping/defensive play as competitive H5 develops.
Ninja succeeds when he plays way more defensively than he usually does, which is what I'm talking about.
Mind you, I'm not saying Halo wouldn't be a defensive game without radar, I'm just saying that radar makes it lean that way much more.
EG not looking good but renegades does.
What is this a best of?
Are they doing the REQ pack codes?
Ban Slayer imo, Hogs Wars and objectives only.I feel like a part of the reason why Slayer on The Rig is so terrible is because Slayer is so terrible.
Worth considering.
Is it The Rig or is it radar?
The meta game of Halo 5 can easily shift to a highly defensive game in the manner pros play Slayer on The Rig; it's already there when you see two teams of equal, high level skill play against each other, and it's why players like Ninja struggle against these players. You're going to see way more camping/defensive play as competitive H5 develops.
Ninja succeeds when he plays way more defensively than he usually does, which is what I'm talking about.
Mind you, I'm not saying Halo wouldn't be a defensive game without radar, I'm just saying that radar makes it lean that way much more.
I love thisLOL at Spartan calling out Commonly after that game saying EG is going to drop him. Dude might want to take it down a notch. It's only group play.