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Halo 5: Guardians |OT4| You picked a helluva week to join up

Yo I just played Halo for the first time since OW came out and it definitely felt SLOW!

The fps, game speed, ttk, and aiming lol

Going to be hard to bounce between both man.

My aim and game sense (whatever I have at bottom gold 1) are still fine, but between the shitshow unfair matchmaking, disconnects and lag I'm simply not having fun. Overwatch at least lets me play with no questions asked.
I just finished gold packs, but I can't get the certifications for 5 mongooses. All level 1 commons. Really annoying that I can't 100% vehicles. Other than that I need emblems and Achilles helmet and then I'll be done.
The three biggest things 343 can do at this point to help the population is fix the servers, add a solo queue preference, and also add new maps. All the new reqs are cool and all, but playing on bad servers is turning a lot of players off, evidenced even in halogaf. The map issue is staggering. Best halo forge yet and no maps ever inserted into main slayer playlists. And finally this whole randoms getting blown out by teams is really awful. How can 343 ever expect people to stick around when you have to deal with full teams while playing alone?

I do think firefight will help, but it's not a solution but a short term distraction.

I just finished gold packs, but I can't get the certifications for 5 mongooses. All level 1 commons. Really annoying that I can't 100% vehicles. Other than that I need emblems and Achilles helmet and then I'll be done.
This is obviously a really silly question but you are buying bronze packs correct? Bronze is the only way to get common certs and it's a chance upon opening a pack, not guaranteed. Sorry if you know this but needed to ask for process of elimination.


Ranked matchmaking solo is just unplayable. The lack of options to choose to not play against parties is stopping me from playing this game.


My aim and game sense (whatever I have at bottom gold 1) are still fine, but between the shitshow unfair matchmaking, disconnects and lag I'm simply not having fun. Overwatch at least lets me play with no questions asked.

Oh now I remember, you are the Chinese guy right? No wonder you are complaining about lags.


I'm on the verge of giving up on Arena MP again. 343i can't be serious with this matchmaking. I'm playing against people who are Champion and High Onyx almost all the time. Today is a good example: In 8 matches, I counted 2 different people that played with and against Naded earlier this morning (
and actually had a chance
) plus several other Champions including EU Pro Players from Team fabE. Why am I getting matched against those?

Sorry, but I'm not on Champion Level and I probably never will. I want equal enemy teams, so I can have fun. It's not fun to get completely destroyed and neither is it fun to only win games, because people disconnected.

The three biggest things 343 can do at this point to help the population is fix the servers, add a solo queue preference, and also add new maps. All the new reqs are cool and all, but playing on bad servers is turning a lot of players off, evidenced even in halogaf. The map issue is staggering. Best halo forge yet and no maps ever inserted into main slayer playlists. And finally this whole randoms getting blown out by teams is really awful. How can 343 ever expect people to stick around when you have to deal with full teams while playing alone?

I do think firefight will help, but it's not a solution but a short term distraction.

This is obviously a really silly question but you are buying bronze packs correct? Bronze is the only way to get common certs and it's a chance upon opening a pack, not guaranteed. Sorry if you know this but needed to ask for process of elimination.

Yeah, I've bought a few bronze packs since completing my gold packs. I'll keep trying, I guess. Really want to 100% everything.


I don't often ground pound, but I might try more often after this ridiculous gem (
triple GP

http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Prinz Eugn/video/18278786

What sucks is that the clip just barely missed me also GP-ing the driver out of a ghost.

TL;DR last night was fun. TCkaos should write the first-person account.

Speaking of me, Halo and writing, I'm kinda interested in running a Halo: Mythic campaign on roll20. It's a percentile based tabletop RPG somebody made about Halo. the PDF is just under 250 pages long, and it's definitely a feature complete game. From what I've read it plays more or less like the 40k RPGs (paging Daedalius).

So, think of XCOM combat attached to a narrative of our own design in the Halo universe. Probably at or around 2552, so we get to do fun things like fight the actual Covenant and not worry about ONI being a bunch of douches or the UNSC having an unabashed hatred of scientific progress.

The three biggest things 343 can do at this point to help the population is fix the servers, add a solo queue preference, and also add new maps. All the new reqs are cool and all, but playing on bad servers is turning a lot of players off, evidenced even in halogaf. The map issue is staggering. Best halo forge yet and no maps ever inserted into main slayer playlists. And finally this whole randoms getting blown out by teams is really awful. How can 343 ever expect people to stick around when you have to deal with full teams while playing alone?

I do think firefight will help, but it's not a solution but a short term distraction.

This is obviously a really silly question but you are buying bronze packs correct? Bronze is the only way to get common certs and it's a chance upon opening a pack, not guaranteed. Sorry if you know this but needed to ask for process of elimination.

You unlock Commons, Uncommons and Rares from Silver packs. Bronze packs can unlock Commons, but it isn't guaranteed.


It's a hero shooter with characters people like. I prefer arena shooters but Overwatch is still fun and it's not too hard to see why others like it

The characters don't bother me, but the gameplay does nothing for me.

Does law breakers count as a hero shooter? That looks more my speed...
I do not understand the hype Overwatch is getting.

It just seems like an anime version of TF2 with more abilities, there's nothing satisfying about the gameplay at all IMO.

I've been playing a good amount of Overwatch recently.
It's fun playing all the different characters and they are all pretty balanced.

However I did go back and play a couple games of Halo and I couldn't help but feel like I was having so much more fun on Halo.


Ranked matchmaking solo is just unplayable. The lack of options to choose to not play against parties is stopping me from playing this game.

I played ranked with a party for the first time last night and man, having a party makes a huge difference. I wish we had a "mercenaries" game mode from the older CoD games.
You unlock Commons, Uncommons and Rares from Silver packs. Bronze packs can unlock Commons, but it isn't guaranteed.
I stand corrected then. I was thinking silver packs gave you uncommon to rare. Cool cool.
Buying a bunch of bronze packs worked. I've now 100% everything except emblems and Achilles helmet.
Woot woot! Congrats



Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
I do not understand the hype Overwatch is getting.

It just seems like an anime version of TF2 with more abilities, there's nothing satisfying about the gameplay at all IMO.

same, but i'll add that i find the visual style and ui really overly busy
Wow, I didn't even realize that Monopoli found a new skip on Halo 2 - Gravemind (Prison Skip) last month. Pretty crazy that they are still finding those for a game that is now 12 years old.

They posted a blog post and we have a thread over here.

And it's only the 1st half of updates. The 2nd one will be probably revealed at E3 with huge announcements according to sources.

Oh man that skip is amazing! Would have been so nice when I did my legendary speedruns last year, don't know if I could pull that off on legendary though. Still awesome and brilliant!
343's forge team is discussing making a sanghelios/covenant palette.

So we can have more cool maps that never get put into matchmaking? Why waste the time and effort? I get more and more negative the longer halo 5 goes without forge maps being inserted into slayer. Wouldn't even be as hard as developing new assets or reqs or remixed maps or anything else 343 has been working on. Test some maps while having some fun. Done. But we have Pegasus ladies and gentlemen.


I was looking back at past Halo announcement trailers (as one does around this time of year) and pose this question, what has been your favorite?

I love how many of them are a bit deceptive. You can't identify what the game is immediately.

Halo 3 - figments of Cortana come into view

Halo 3: ODST great one

Master Chief Collection : when everyone was expecting H2A and turned out to be all 4 games (although some leaks right b4 the conference may have ruined the reveal). Even the Halo trailer from the year before was just a desert and a dude in a poncho. Big reveal when the wind reveals its the Chief.

Halo 4 is just pulsating nerve fibers and you slowly hear Cortana

Halo Wars also cool
Dear Spartan Company Achil19s. Thanks for doubling the required playtime AFTER we got the armor. Good luck getting that helmet forcing people to play 300 minutes a week.

JHFerry out.
Is it bad that I actively DONT want a Halo 3 Anniversary?

I don't want the niche halo population to be split 3 ways between MCC, H5 AND H3A

I hope those clamoring for one don't get their wish until next gen
The fan base would rip 343 a new one if they did that. There's a bunch of people who want to go back to H3 mp

Sure could be awesome for the three of them that doesn't even have an xbox. And I mean, CEA is exactly that: campaign remakes with maps on current new Halo entry (modified Reach sandbox but still Reach).


And I mean, CEA is exactly that
And serves as an excellent example of why that approach should be avoided. CEA's Reach MP wasn't bad per se, but it was very poorly-integrated to Reach, and an absolute joke in terms of being a Halo 1 MP offering.

Although, in CEA's case it had the added issue of replacing a really highly-valued alternative that had never come to fruition.
Do H3A campaign only, with some maps remakes into H5 MP.
Boom. Best solution imo.

The fan base would rip 343 a new one if they did that. There's a bunch of people who want to go back to H3 mp
I don't know why though. They have the master chief collection for that. If you go into the slayer playlist, 9 times out of 10 halo 3 gets voted for. I think more than ever halo 5's gameplay needs to be supported and stuck to exclusively.

We need more maps in halo 5 matchmaking. The base maps that came out with the game were never given much praise, and we are still playing them over and over again 6 months later. Can a 343 employee please enlighten us as to the reason forge maps aren't put into matchmaking on a regular basis? I'd gladly take some forge remakes of previous halo maps.


And serves as an excellent example of why that approach should be avoided. CEA's Reach MP wasn't bad per se, but it was very poorly-integrated to Reach, and an absolute joke in terms of being a Halo 1 MP offering.

Although, in CEA's case it had the added issue of replacing a really highly-valued alternative that had never come to fruition.

If they do it again, they need to just do remixes of H3 maps and not straight up remakes. Shouldn't alter the gameplay to fit the maps, like Reach did (even though it needed the upgrade.)
Wz assault on summit is such a joke now. People have learned that all you have to do spawn ghosts over and over again and the base can't be taken. Why are vehicle req levels so low?
And serves as an excellent example of why that approach should be avoided. CEA's Reach MP wasn't bad per se, but it was very poorly-integrated to Reach, and an absolute joke in terms of being a Halo 1 MP offering.

Although, in CEA's case it had the added issue of replacing a really highly-valued alternative that had never come to fruition.

That's why they shouldn't try to mimic that again imo. Just put the good Halo 3 maps into Halo 5 MP and call it a day. The community isn't big enough nor has enough interest in another sandbox setting, catering towards Halo's current remaining fan base would be a smarter and less costly approach.
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