Yeah i think most people avoid Arena like the plague and chill in Warzone.
Besides connection issues for months and multiple titles this is exactly why my mates really don't play H5 anymore at all. It's so damned competitive, all the time. Play in a full party and near your best all the time or be prepared to get stomped basically. That's not a relaxing game of Halo or a laugh. The movement, sandbox and gunplay they agree is some of the best but the modes and maps are basically MLG or massive party WZ and nowhere in between. BTB ain't even close H3/H2 days.
Shit just the other night I had a fellow Aussie in Arena and all I said down the mic was "y'all have to fight for rockets/power weapons" in the first few kills/minutes. The entire rest of the game I got chewed out about showing up at the next competitive event in Melbourne and why a 40 year old would play H5. Fuck me, relax mate I wasn't having a go. Hyper competitive all the time = asshats outside of parties and full parties are a pain to organise all the time.
Flip it and go Warzone to chill...same deal if you're not in a massive party you'll generally get stomped or farmed etc.
Where's the fun side of Halo exactly? I can take a loss and I'll admit I played like shit for the game I was being chewed out but overall I should feel like I'm having an impact in game whether it's WZ or Arena. To me this is what's missing from H5, solo/buddy impact.
Connections have been solid, so congrats for the hard work and success there 343, and since changing to Google public DNS on my two ISPs connection there is less fuckery with REQs but issues still exist but don't halt the game/playlists from being playable.
Here's a case in point from just last night for example, I had to go play OW after that (where 3 other mates were waiting to party up). Perhaps a solo rank in place of team wins below Champ/Onyx would help, as would a solo searching playlist.
Here's the same issue over and over last night:
Fuck team wins only in its stupid ass. Bonus OW play of the game killing 5/6 enemies made me happy in my pants again: