So they did the whole Ghost in the Shell Forge competition...
I came second!
Kinda bummed I don't get to go annoy Tashi in person in California, but the 2nd place prize means a seriously cool replica Needler
Really awesome to have all my Forge addiction pay off in some way.
So they did the whole Ghost in the Shell Forge competition...
I came second!
Kinda bummed I don't get to go annoy Tashi in person in California, but the 2nd place prize means a seriously cool replica Needler
Really awesome to have all my Forge addiction pay off in some way.
What am I looking at?![]()
This has to be a troll right?
What am I looking at?
❤I'm crying tears of joy at work right now and no one will ever know why.
Making me proud, son.
He's been critical of the marketing for the World Championship especially in comparison to last years. This was one of the official halo channels first twitter references of the event, and it's uniformative and it isn't really exciting.
It does look like marketing is heating up though, as videos and articles have started popping up on various outlets including BBC and espn.
For whatever reason everything that should be public knowledge about this tournament has been treated like a big secret. It's been like this since the qualifers. They still haven't publicly release a schedule for example. Luckily the sleuths at team beyond (who have seemingly been shunned by HCS) have been on the case.
As expected, people got 10x more horrible without their precious radar.
I mean, maybe ranking wise but the games I've played the good folks are still good. And I say this as someone who hates the new radar. A good team is still solid, maybe your basic randoms are a bit worse now.
Oh yeah, it does nothing but improve full teams IMO. Solo'ing with randoms is even worse if no one is talking, awareness just seems really low with my teammates.
Which is another reason why I really don't want the new motion tracker. At some point you have to aim for a certain level of enjoyable experience, and the majority of the time I'm not with communicative players.
Which is another reason why I really don't want the new motion tracker. At some point you have to aim for a certain level of enjoyable experience, and the majority of the time I'm not with communicative players.
Which is another reason why I really don't want the new motion tracker. At some point you have to aim for a certain level of enjoyable experience, and the majority of the time I'm not with communicative players.
The main thing that is annoying with that tweet is there's literally no info on anything. Like why bother tweeting it? No URL, dates, teams, etc. It's mind blowing.
Not fun to see players and coaches having to leak a stream schedule for the biggest tournament of the year too.
They read the thread kappa
This kind of posting behavior contributed to HaloGAF getting shut down.Things like NOT MATCHING YOU WITH AN ENTIRE TO4 WITH MICS would make this discussion non existent. Don't poison H5 game play because 343 is too fucking stupid to make a enjoyable matchmaking experience.
The argument that it empowers teams can be made, sure, but I think it empowers solo players more than the previous radar imo. With the previous radar, one person on that team of 4 can see your red dot without actually seeing your Spartan, then the entire team knows where you are. But now? They have to actually see you in order to make that call-out.Yeah, I dunno. While matching against teams is harder now, and many of my team mates seem more clueless, I personally feel more empowered. I can't go back to default.
They talked about gaf?
This kind of posting behavior contributed to HaloGAF getting shut down.And hotdogs.
No reason to talk that isht breh.
The argument that it empowers teams can be made, sure, but I think it empowers solo players more than the previous radar imo. With the previous radar, one person on that team of 4 can see your red dot without actually seeing your Spartan, then the entire team knows where you are. But now? They have to actually see you in order to make that call-out.
So they waited until 2 days before the event to start spreading the word on a 1 million dollar world championship tournament? Who does that? They should have been pushing this event as soon as they knew the teams. And I agree with Cyren. The tweets should contain the start dates/times up front like. You can go to the link, but you still have to scroll way down to see when things get going.Looks like they finally posted something, on FB:
Link goes to
New job so I longer get Fridays off, so I'll be counting on you nerds to post the req codes during the day (assuming Tashi doesn't forget again) so I can redeem them during the day. I'll try and post them on the other days in return. tyiaDisappointed i won't be able to watch much on Saturday. Friday and Sunday i will be glued to Twitch however.
Yeah I was just adding to it. I see some people making the argument that it makes teams stronger, but teams are less effective now than they were with the previous radar when versing solo players.That's what I'm saying. I feel more in control over my own fate, as a solo player, with the new radar
New job so I longer get Fridays off, so I'll be counting on you nerds to post the req codes during the day (assuming Tashi doesn't forget again) so I can redeem them during the day. I'll try and post them on the other days in return. tyia
New job so I longer get Fridays off, so I'll be counting on you nerds to post the req codes during the day (assuming Tashi doesn't forget again) so I can redeem them during the day. I'll try and post them on the other days in return. tyia
Thanks! Pay raise, better hours/benefits, consistent schedule, and less commute. I'm pretty psyched 👍Cool. I'll definitely post what I can. Congrats on the job.
Thanks! Pay raise, better hours/benefits, consistent schedule, and less commute. I'm pretty psyched 👍
Wait, wut?
So because you aren't communicative, the game is better when people are camping in corners with ARs?
Makes no sense.
When the new MM system boosts the MMR of players in parties, then solo players will be separated from parties via the MM system. non-communicative players would be separated from those who do communicate via the ranking system.
There's no need to settle on a worse version of the game simply because you don't want to talk to people. Instead aim to improve the system that fixes your matches.
Well I think that all kinda goes back to how I've always said classic motion tracker empowers the individual. Yes that leads to less overall team awareness but I was the one begging for the classic tracker to at least remain in FFA.
A solid matchecking system would help, sure. So would a healthy population. But as it stands right now if I'm going to go into a lobby with no one communicating I'd rather have the classic style. A good social playlist just for solo players would go a long long way here. After finally picking up Overwatch I don't understand how that community has people talking and yet Halo players either remain silent or in party chat. That's the most frustrating thing for me.
I was thinking of making a gaming side thread for the HCS worlds. Has anyone done that yet?
I hate that I try and play Mass Effect Andromeda campaign or multiplayer and yet I am afraid to sprint without shields because I am conditioned now to think they won't recharge. Was noticing all day yesterday. Just sitting there with no shields hoping they would recharge lol.
I was thinking of making a gaming side thread for the HCS worlds. Has anyone done that yet?
Havent been able to watch yet, eat lunch at sierra nevada brewery /brag, but ryanoob released impressions on the modified radar
He thinks normal radar is better than new radar.
Ehhhh, not sure about that.
Edit: Made a worlds thread:
Is the new radar still just the one playlist for now?
Probably AR changes.Yes. Before it went up they said it would be for "at least a month". I imagine they may extend it into other playlists (ranked?) After that.
Wonder what will be next for the proving grounds? Pistol start btb.
Yes. Before it went up they said it would be for "at least a month". I imagine they may extend it into other playlists (ranked?) After that.
Wonder what will be next for the proving grounds? Pistol start btb.
This still doesn't make much sense. With the classic tracker your options are limited because just about everything you do is going to broadcast your location.
How is that empowering?
Against a to4 you are even more powerless because they don't even have to see you to call you out. The moment you move, if you are within 18ft of one enemy, he can report to his entire team.
Yes you are getting free info, but your opponents are getting that same free info about you. The ONLY way to get a competitive advantage with this info is to move less- which means you are less powerful.
I think overwatch has more people talking, in part because there is less free information being handed out. This encourages people to cooperate instead of being content with just the info the game gives them.
I've always been the guy holding bunker respawn on the rig, or top lift on sword base.
Ill get over it, but the subtle way this makes the game faster lends itself to more BR based gameplay being the winning strategy. As always.
I'm not sure about that with Overwatch. I mean, there's a character that lets you see enemy players through walls ala pro vision.
But sure, everyone is equally able to use the motion tracker but I've always played conservatively. I've always been the guy holding bunker respawn on the rig, or top lift on sword base. And yes, in those situations the enemy player never sees me on radar due to crouch walking which gives me a huge advantage.
Knowing where your teammates are and listening to their callouts certainly helps even in that situation. Having the information of where the enemy team is pushing, well outside of radar range will always help.
I guess my frustration really stems from while at the core I agree no radar is the best way to test two equally matched teams of four, that does not apply to real life. In the fact that with population and matchmaking systems it's currently tough to pull off. And more so than that, the beefing up this does to your run and gun, without sprinting, BR user is huge. All the while weakening a slower more conservative player like myself.
Ill get over it, but the subtle way this makes the game faster lends itself to more BR based gameplay being the winning strategy. As always.