Grenade hitmarkers suck.
Weapon hitmarkers are fine though and should stay.
Even things like blind fire locked hydra shots?
Grenade hitmarkers suck.
Weapon hitmarkers are fine though and should stay.
Even things like blind fire locked hydra shots?
Grenade hitmarkers suck.
Weapon hitmarkers are fine though and should stay.
Thinking Devil's advocate again though. Couldn't it be argued that grenade hitmarkers discourage camping?
If they incorporate more subtle highlights, like the lights on pink and purple tower within Truth, then they could remove the grenade hitmarkers since players will know someone is in that area.
I dont know any other map that has these type of triggers.
They're no where near as bad as grenade hitmarkers. With blindfire shots you're not really getting any more info about enemy positioning than you would without hitmarkers. Locked shots are still going to track the enemy so you're going to know roughly where they are regardless of if you hit them or not.
That said, I was referring to hitscan weapons like the pistol etc. I feel like hitmarkers make long distance shooting less frustrating and they have basically no negative effects.
Ugh. The boring phase of the HaloGAF cycle; where the current game is shit and we bitch about old games performances and what to do with questionable things in the series.
We can all agree that grenade hitmarkers are stupid as fuck though right?
Grenade hitmarkers suck.
Weapon hitmarkers are fine though and should stay.
Thinking Devil's advocate again though. Couldn't it be argued that grenade hitmarkers discourage camping?
It's not just the knowledge of someone in there though. There's two factors:
1. The camper knows that someone else is aware they are in that position because they've been damaged by a grenade. This encourages them to move to a different position.
2. The player who threw the grenade knows that the camper is now weak and so has more encouragement to push.
My biggest problem with grenade hitmarkers is that if you're playing against a team and you get hit by a grenade you can basically guarantee there will be a fucking hailstorm of grenades coming your way within seconds.
Grenade hitmarkers suck.
Weapon hitmarkers are fine though and should stay.
Thinking Devil's advocate again though. Couldn't it be argued that grenade hitmarkers discourage camping?
We can all agree that grenade hitmarkers are stupid as fuck though right?
I think Halo's decline is reversable. The primary issue is that the current gameplay loop isn't widely appealing. I like it. Anyone who's still playing it probably likes it. But there are millions of people who bought it, but didn't enjoy it enough to keep playing it.
A resonating gameplay loop can survive a bad, content sparse launch. Just look at Rainbow Six: Siege. People stuck around long to see it's offering improved because the gameplay was so good. Others picked it up after positive word of mouth.
Sometimes I feel like we're in an echo chamber. Halo 5 DOES feel good to me. But would the mass market agree? I think the convoluted control scheme used to deliver the SAs is frowned upon by many. Is the lack of content really want actually kept people away Or did people just not like how it plays.
Sure they discourage camping.
But the encourage grenade spam. And often punish players for being unlucky enough to get hit by random nades- even if they aren't camping.
The question is do the pros outweigh the cons? I think it's a resounding no. There are other, more effective, less damaging ways to discourage camping (like the new radar, and tweaking/removing autos).
Even though both players gain information, the one who is damaged is severely disadvantaged because his exact location is known and he weakened- mind you the damaged player wasn't neccisarily camping in the first place.
Edit:That said, I do actually enjoy the weapons hit markers. And the kill marker. I have no idea why, but I find it satisfying, especially when accompanied by the sound of a head shot.
Sure add the option to remove them, I've got nothing against that.The weapon hitmarkers are obnoxiously huge and do we really need the red x popping out from the center of our cross hair when we get a kill? It's worthless visual noise.
Let us disable weapon hitmarkers if we want... There should be shield flare and blood to give us feedback... It was something actually unique and recognizable about Halo, but we had to regress to COD style for no reason.
But let us gather to appreciate the positive things they have brought to HALO.
The ultimate FORGE and Custom Browser. OF course, each of these still need evolving and updates, but at least there is a good progressive vision ahead.(unless they fuck it up like MM and everyone not in the USA quit the game)
What i really love most about MP is the fact that you can outplay the opponent, and maybe their comrades with your skill(double,triple,overkills). Oh really, i did a 180 jump clamber then back thrust with another 180 to clamber on a different ledge only to hover for 2 seconds and ground pound the guy looking around clueless up in the air? yep.
Oh, you see they are chasing you as they got the first shot? Say hello to my bank nade where you're about to clamber up to. Yes, thank you for going into my TRAP.
Halo 5 MP provides me with satisfying play sessionsthat remind me of my halo 2 days. Oh, and i only play slayer because im a solo queue type of player and arena gets me more frustrated than reward as it depends more on your team than individual strengths.(when connection is optimal and mm isn't setting me against teams of 4 or people ranked way higher than me)
I completely agree that the pros do not outweigh the cons though. I don't like them. Just saying they're not necessarily entirely a bad thing.
I'd say overall they encourage more aggressive play which I'm not against.
Sure add the option to remove them, I've got nothing against that.
However I disagree that they're a regression. The lack of hitmarkers one of the more dated aspects of older Halos imo. It's also certainly not just visual noise. It makes hitting shots distinctly more satisfying.
I feel the exact opposite. I like the game's world and environment reacting to my actions, not a superficial layer of UI giving me a thumbs up. It makes shots less satisfying to me.
It's one if the reasons I like removing crosshairs from single player games (some MP like Siege) if I can. It's more satisfying and the visual clarity is wonderful.
I would also like the kill notification sound to go away.. Replace it with various classic death screams, nothing, or w/e.
I feel like you and I enjoy games for very different reasons. Lol
Sure add the option to remove them, I've got nothing against that.
However I disagree that they're a regression. The lack of hitmarkers one of the more dated aspects of older Halos imo. It's also certainly not just visual noise. It makes hitting shots distinctly more satisfying.
I feel the exact opposite. I like the game's world and environment reacting to my actions, not a superficial layer of UI giving me a thumbs up. It makes shots less satisfying to me.
It's one if the reasons I like removing crosshairs from single player games (some MP like Siege) if I can. It's more satisfying and the visual clarity is wonderful.
I would also like the kill notification sound to go away.. Replace it with various classic death screams, nothing, or w/e.
I feel like you and I enjoy games for very different reasons. Lol
They're also unique to you: if you're engaging a player with a teammate shield flare won't indicate whether it's you or your teammate hitting the shots.
is better than:
is better than:
Ultimately, i think most of you are arguing about "details" that in the end will change very little in the grand scheme of things. Sprint or no sprint wont put halo back on top again. Those are details.
Games that are popular today all have one thing in common, they have a progression system or loot system that keep people coming back. They all have something like that. Think of any really popular game.
If halo does not incorporate something that makes people want to come back daily (and spend money), then the same thing will happen next time around. And NO, i dont mean changing Arena into that. Arena is fine how it is. But warzone can definitely benefit from some creative liberties.
They definitely need to make Warzone into something that has a good deep progression system and hell, maybe have different types of armors that give you different abilities, shit like that. This is what people expect now. If 343 dont bring that aspect into their game in some way, it will continue to struggle long term and you will see the population drop fairly quickly.
Destiny2 and all those loot games are out there. People wont stop playing them unless they have a good reason too. And fun, isnt enough anymore.
This is a logical point that I didn't think of. I do however hope they would allow people to disable them, or at the very least, set their transparency levels/color like BF1. And you are correct, we do just have different perspectives...but that leads to how we might enjoy something. I kid you not, seeing hitmarkers takes me out of my connection with the simulated world. There is a psychological difference in the simulated world appearing like it's reacting to me (shield flare/blood) and the game telling me that something is happening (hitmarkers).
I know what you mean.
It's actually exactly the same reason people like sprint. Games are an audiovisual medium, a simple visual indicator like swinging arms has a surprising impact on a players experience.
Yeah, the main difference is that hitmarkers (aside from splash damage weapons and grenades) don't have a noticeable impact on gameplay, but sprint does. lol
But yeah I get it, cuz sprinting does "feel" good (although in Halo 5 it feels a bit pedestrian).
I know, just pointing it out
I actually do think the lore argument has some merit, however not in the way people usually argue it. You shouldn't add stuff like sprint because a spartan should be able to sprint. However, I don't think it's unreasonable to add sprint to make the game feel more like you're playing as a spartan.
I don't want to continue the whole sprint argument by the way, just thought this was worth mentioning![]()
I get you.
But couldn't the same could be argued for sprinting while shooting? Lol
If you're shooting you're not really sprinting though are you?![]()
supersoldier science fiction beh-bay!
Can't forget the Armor Lock GOAT:
As for hitmarkers, I'm fine with them in MP (except grenades, which is just stupid), but I think campaign immersion is lost a bit with hitmarkers. The purpose for them is just not there in that situation.
Oh man. I haven't seen that in years. I remember buying that off iTunes at one point for some reason. It really does show how ridiculous that ability was. It be nice if whoever came up with it shared their thoughts on it now. I would love to hear why they thought it was a good idea.
I think regen fields and bubble shields were almost as bad as armor lock. Slowed gameplay to a crawl.
It was quite the experience facing off against Bubble Shields, Regens, Power Drains, etc. with the Halo 3 BR on 2007 netcode lol. People think the sprint debate is tiresome? Imagine reading swaths of people calling for a BR nerf because the other weapons were butt.I think regen pissed me off more tbh
The only issue I regular encounter is myself or other party members getting booted from Warzone matches at the very start of the match. Seriously Stinkles, when can we expect a fix for this? It's been nearly 6 months!recently got an Xbox again, Placed Platinum 6 in Slayer, MAN I'm rusty.
The servers are absolute shit though, I experienced lag in almost every match (I have 150mbps down internet) is that how it's generally been lately?
recently got an Xbox again, Placed Platinum 6 in Slayer, MAN I'm rusty.
The servers are absolute shit though, I experienced lag in almost every match (I have 150mbps down internet) is that how it's generally been lately?
Actually the equipment dates way way way back before that. In Halo 1 they internally label the melee button as equipment button in the strings.. So the whole "golden triangle" was something that came in later rather than an initial concept. I also know another modder who found some evidence in I believe the executable to support that the idea of equipment made it a lot further than just that string.
I can post proof (but it being simply text it's easy to claim I am pulling it out of my butt), but anyone with Halo PC and the means to view the string lists in it can check it out in POA.
Halo 1 also had jetpacks in development (Boarding Action was actually designed around them being in the game) and Halo 2 still has sprint animations left over in the game. Including a hilarious placeholder one where if you sprint with dual SMGs, Chief just drops them and runs forward flipping a double middle finger.