So are any of these playdates ever *not* going to be during standard work hours in the US? Or should I just give up hope of ever having even the chance of trying for that helmet?
Its even more fun if you're non US.
They're almost in sensible times for us here in the UK, but of course to stand a chance of matching them you've got to search expanded, and will of course be matched with anyone else first.
I gave up on completionism with the Unicorn Skins and Timmy (I even have the Lan emblem). I don't like customs (well I do, but the 151 grind takes precedence to sinking 50 hours of hard found playtime into customs) and Im still bitter with my lack of H5 Beta emblems.
Hmm those bloody beta emblems really annoy me as they just dont give a shit about it. (their forum support, after 6 months told me to basically "Sod off and stop bumping the thread every few weeks). - Oh and that time the @HaloGear twitter said they'd send me something to make up for them not getting the Mattel figures to the UK in time for Christmas, leading to my son been disappointed, only to never actually send anything....Disjointed ramble aside, I love the games, but 343 do seem to enjoy finding ways to piss me off via their community stuff...