I think regen fields and bubble shields were almost as bad as armor lock. Slowed gameplay to a crawl.
Twice onthe last page I read "new radar."
Did they actually put in the spartan ability only radar? I no longer have an xb1 to play H5 but I'm curious.
I don't think a lot of us talking about the "details" (which we consider really important) are merely trying to propose ways to make "Halo great again" in the public eye. They may or may not accomplish that. We are just talking about it from a passionate fan perspective that wants the best game possible. We are talking about fundamental design philosophies and their impact on the gameplay, which is why people play games anyways. They frankly go hand in hand and can't be separated.
I don't usually like to try to talk about what might make sense from a business perspective (unless the idea is counter productive) because it seems most big-wigs making those kind of decisions are out of touch and presumptuous anyways.
I understand. To me, i look at it more in the way of "how halo can stay relevant" but also make money. Making money is what allows halo to stay relevant. Making it play like an older Halo game to me will never accomplish that.
I like it a lot. If 6's mechanics closely resemble 5 I hope they bring over this new motion tracker as well.Yup and it's a massive leap in the right direction.
Twice onthe last page I read "new radar."
Did they actually put in the spartan ability only radar? I no longer have an xb1 to play H5 but I'm curious.
The only issue I regular encounter is myself or other party members getting booted from Warzone matches at the very start of the match. Seriously Stinkles, when can we expect a fix for this? It's been nearly 6 months!
That and other things are continually being looked at the code and server side. Unsatisfying response, I know, but it's not being ignored and a significant number of folks are looking at issues and fixes, non stop. Committing to timeframes is the bane of any developer's existence but we forge ahead.
What's this whole extermination playlist about?
Anyone played it?
What's this whole extermination playlist about?
Anyone played it?
I posted the question then found the link.Yeah it's a community made gametype. Awesome they turned it into a playlist. Better than breakout imo
Also why say "what's this about" when they literally listed all the info in the article you posted lmao
Yeah it's a community made gametype. Awesome they turned it into a playlist. Better than breakout imo
Also why say "what's this about" when they literally listed all the info in the article you posted lmao
Yup and it's a massive leap in the right direction.
and have a HCS playlist with pistol only starts and without any automatics! (apparently to be added back in at some point after some tweaking to allow for a bigger skill gap)
That's one reason I'd be okay with removing sprintand upping base movement. One less thing to control, plus abilities chained to it like slide and Spartan charge would also be gone. Simplifying things seems necessary to future success.Halo 5 is a legit great game. But I think we might need to "dumb" it down in a way to make it more accessible.
I love Halo 5 MP but it is definitely the most hardcore Halo since Halo CE. I know a lot of us here loved that about it. But it did not help the games popularity at all. I think they skewed it too far in the other direction. Halo 2, 3, (and bullshit aside) Reach felt perfect.
Halo 4 is when they went off the deep end and over corrected in Halo 5 to cater to a very small hyper competitive crowed. I think they are slowly realizing this by bringing social back in to the fold but its too late.
Halo 5 is a legit great game. But I think we might need to "dumb" it down in a way to make it more accessible.
I love Halo 5 MP but it is definitely the most hardcore Halo since Halo CE. I know a lot of us here loved that about it. But it did not help the games popularity at all. I think they skewed it too far in the other direction. Halo 2, 3, (and bullshit aside) Reach felt perfect.
Halo 4 is when they went off the deep end and over corrected in Halo 5 to cater to a very small hyper competitive crowed. I think they are slowly realizing this by bringing social back in to the fold but its too late.
That's one reason I'd be okay with removing sprintand upping base movement. One less thing to control, plus abilities chained to it like slide and Spartan charge would also be gone. Simplifying things seems necessary to future success.
No, that i do not agree with. Games do not need to be dumbed down. Ever.
Ive never once played a game that was "better" cause it was dumbed down. Just look at Battlefront 1. It was a dumbed down battlefield and was also mostly shit because of how simplistic it played.
Games need to be easy to pick up but difficult to master. Halo 5 is just that. In terms of actual gameplay, the game is practically flawless as it is now imo.
The actual problems with halo5 are the other stuff like the missing gametypes, the abundance of forge in the MP and mostly, the lack of WZ maps and the actual problems with the WZ gameplay. I dont really feel like listing all the warzone problems right now, but lets just say that 343 dont make it easy on players to go into that gametype and not get frustrated by some little things that should just be better.
Like heres one example: if i pick a vehicle card like a tank, LET ME CHOOSE TO SPAWN AT THE BASE I WANT! The game spawns me at the base at the far end of the map where i dont even have time to get to the area you need to get to and kill the bosses. Its little shit like that that make people say: Fuck this game.
By dumbed down it seems like he means simpler controls.
Simple yet deep is better than complex yet shallow.
Fo example:
It takes a million button presses to pull off a 'skill jump' in h5. In h3 you'd never have to take your hands off the joysticks...
That said crouch jumps and spring jumps were typically more skillfull than the sprint-thrust-stabilize jumps that replace them in h5- especially when consider players were pulling off these old jumps 1) without even looking at their destination and 2) simultaneously landing shots on their targets (because sprint and clamber werent around to force you to look in one direction)
H5 more button presses to do less
Thats a different story. I dont necessarily disagree but then again, make it too simple and everyone can do it. Thats not any better which is why i say: easy to pick up but hard to master.
H5's skill jumps certainly aren't easy.
H5's skill jumps certainly aren't easy.
I appreciate the response. I hope it's not too long of a wait atleast.That and other things are continually being looked at the code and server side. Unsatisfying response, I know, but it's not being ignored and a significant number of folks are looking at issues and fixes, non stop. Committing to timeframes is the bane of any developer's existence but we forge ahead.
So are any of these playdates ever *not* going to be during standard work hours in the US? Or should I just give up hope of ever having even the chance of trying for that helmet?
So are any of these playdates ever *not* going to be during standard work hours in the US? Or should I just give up hope of ever having even the chance of trying for that helmet?
Honestly what I want from this game is an MMR reset
I had my tryhard pants on when game launched and got into Onyx. Fell off of it, and every time I came back for a game of Halo I got romped.
Please, they have better things to do than use their own product off the clock.
Aren't all of them tactile?https://t.co/ZUrLeMpkvF
HCS playlist updated. Notable changes include doubling the pistol ammo (yes!) And testing tactile mags on fathom.
Aren't all of them tactile?