That's a pretty big assumption, I'm sure big fixes and maybe even a few small forge updates are a thing, but if you're expecting a full blown content update, I think you're setting yourself up for disappointment.I'm assuming they have some type of update(s) in the work for H5. They wouldn't leave the game stagnant until H6. MCC on the other hand is probably just fucking dead, I don't seem them putting any resources in that.
Unless there is some type of significant update for H5, I'm pretty much done with Halo until H6. There are too many other great FPS to play and more coming this year.
First tease about future game from stinkles? How many sleeps til deets??
That's a pretty big assumption, I'm sure big fixes and maybe even a few small forge updates are a thing, but if you're expecting a full blown content update, I think you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
That's a pretty big assumption, I'm sure big fixes and maybe even a few small forge updates are a thing, but if you're expecting a full blown content update, I think you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
Just got my very first Halo 5 Perfection in Team Arena. Feels so good!
Don't we still have some Brute weapons that are unreleased?
Yes. Yes.So... Is the Halo Community going to be down for nearly a year until we get the first glimpse of the next big thing, since we won't have a MCC playlist update or new Halo 5 content?
Is it time to move on and consider that Halo (FPS) is dead?
Yes. Yes.
It sucks to see each successive title do worse at sustain that the previous one (MCC not included). Halo 5 definitely felt like they blew their load and walked away. Castle Wars is the only new rotating playlist that they've added...
Because there's other stuff to play and there's no hook to bring them back. A graphical update won't be enough because a ton of other games are getting graphical update as well.Why would the community walk away? I still play it and ill play it until the next one. And if it gets 4k updates, even better
Because there's other stuff to play and there's no hook to bring them back. A graphical update won't be enough because a ton of other games are getting graphical update as well.
I don't mind the Halo Wars 2 updates. It's their latest launch so they have to support it (season pass). However, it's still a spinoff. I wish they would support their main entry (H5) more. After they finished their *monthly* updates, it kind of just died.
It's one of Halo 5's biggest blunders.
You'd have to imagine 343 had a roadmap for Halo 5 planned out post launch that went beyond the first year. What was written down for year 2 and year 3, "bug fixes"? It was great that the game didn't have a season pass or paid DLC (made up for with req pack income) and the first year was packed with new stuff every month but there's also no denying a lot of added content should have been in the game at launch anyway. After those content drops for the first year how did 343 think it was acceptable to then have a barren wasteland for the next 2 years? It's just so short sighted. It's like they planned to just blow their load in that first year, get as much money as possible, then let the game wither away for years while they focus on Halo Wars 2 and Halo 6.
It sucks because Halo 5 is a great game being handled by not so great management. And don't even get me started on how they've handled the Halo pro scene...
What's really weird is that they have a model that can keep on making money with microtransactions an keep their community happy, but it just kinda...died. R6 shows you can keep growing a community as long as the game is supported.
Also if we got a real PC full version that would be extra income too but that's also dead to to lack of support (mouse aiming is still not great but it's much better)
Yeah, the PC Forge was strange also. I mean you take the time to release Forge on the PC for free, which is great. However, why just stopped there? Why not just port the entire multiplayer and charge like $20-30? Instead it's like they just forgot about it.
I'm not sure, irrespective of what 343 wants, Microsoft as a whole knows what to do about the PC situation. I mean, forget Halo 5, you put all that effort into Halo Online (which I think made far more sense from a business standpoint for a PC title) but then they sink it without a peep.
I'd like to see a Halo Online postmorterm/behind the scenes someday
what a weird project
They could make actual BTB maps and more 4v4 maps, but nope.![]()
Well maybe youre just not a big fan of halo. I always come back to the franchises i love, even when other games are out. Just like Battlefront2 wont stop me from coming back to BF1. New games dont stop me from still playing older ones.
And honestly, as critical as i am of halo5, theres still nothing else out there quite like it.
I haven't had the desire to play more than 1 match in a play session in months.
There's no incentive to continue going back, they don't update the playlists on a regular basis like past games have done, and the game just isn't fun. If I can put a check mark on just one of those then I'd probably play more often.
Don't get me wrong, I love Halo too but that doesn't mean I'm going to force myself to play something I don't enjoy.
BTB pistol starts.
They are still working on H5... They just completely fucked up super fiesta by adding halo 1 maps and removing the rest.
I'm stuck playing the MCC, but even, those are games I already played so much I can get tired of, especially since players are acting like idiots, being AFK or leaving if they are not playing the game they voted for...
I'd be down for those changes. If they do intend on keeping Halo 3 in Team Slayer they should atleast make BR starts mandatory. Hell, add Halo 4 and put some BTB maps like Bloodline in it aswell.TMCC needs a playlist refresh. Ain't nobody got time for 95% Halo 3 in mixed playlists with AR starts still in play. Imagine the nightmare that is Halo 3 KOTH Standoff AR starts when one team controls the Hogs and Laser.
Maybe they should remove Halo 3 from the Team Slayer playlist and also make a separate Halo 3 BTB playlist.And add a 4v4 CE playlist that includes Blood Gulch CTF w/ Hogs only.
I've been getting the other maps still in addition to the H1 stuff.
phil on giant bomb
"the list of games that are gunna be xbox one x enhanced is going to keep growing, i was down at 343 the other week and saw some stuff that looked really good" *
Seriously. I used to play in the slayer playlist because it was the quickest way to find a match, but it's mostly Halo 3 with the way everyone votes. No idea why 343 neutered the CE playlist down to a 2v2 setting. Awful decision and such a waste.TMCC needs a playlist refresh. Ain't nobody got time for 95% Halo 3 in mixed playlists with AR starts still in play. Imagine the nightmare that is Halo 3 KOTH Standoff AR starts when one team controls the Hogs and Laser.
Maybe they should remove Halo 3 from the Team Slayer playlist and also make a separate Halo 3 BTB playlist.And add a 4v4 CE playlist that includes Blood Gulch CTF w/ Hogs only.
Screw that, it was a physics/framerate bug that literally desroyed game balance.MCC needs superbounces patched in.
MCC needs superbounces patched in.
Screw that, it was a physics/framerate bug that literally desroyed game balance.
slow down there satan
You guys can have your jumps back when Halo 2 is on Xbox backwards comparability.And when they bring the Halo 2 servers back online.
Yeah... I hope that's not an unrealistic dream.
Bust out Xlink! Actually Xlink should still work since the BC games will support LAN
that's why i'm hoping MS just does their own version of it where you can make virtual OXbox LANs via Live. Hell just make it an option while in party
Bust out Xlink! Actually Xlink should still work since the BC games will support LAN
You were unable to do this with later 360's, so I'd imagine that might be the case with Xbox One as well. Hoping not though.
You were unable to do this with later 360's, so I'd imagine that might be the case with Xbox One as well. Hoping not though.
-Fixed crouching into a wall to stop a plasma grenade detonation.I just had a 1.3 gig update for Halo 5.. any clue what that was?
Nvm, just saw - 'June hotfix'