Headhunter and Stockpile were both bad, they both indicated that Bungie ran out of ideas.
Strongholds > H5 Assault imo. Maybe one-sided Assault in H5 would be better than neutral Assault, but we wouldn't know because it doesn't exist ;'[
Played one game of slayer tonight after doing some mythic warzone games. Got decimated by AR's and was like nope I'm done with that garbage. So i finally tried the HCS playlist and it was like a breath of fresh air. Wow. So much better. Lost one game of HCS Slayer but played well. Then had a CTF game that my team won. Not sure but several players were sporting shooting accuracies of around 50% with decent supporting stats. Then i look and they're all silver. Possible smurf accounts or is the hcs playlist that competitive? Lol.
Interesting. I went back and looked again and a couple players were even bronze. My skills have fallen hard apparently lol. Still a lot of fun and it even had the feel of older halo games to me. I love no autos and starting with just one weapon. This is how halo 5 should have started.Ranking is different in HCS, I'm onyx in slayer and team arena but couldn't get out of platinum for HCS.
This was from the most recent community update:
I hope the next Halo installment has armor sets like this.
This was from the most recent community update:
I hope the next Halo installment has armor sets like this.
I'd appreciate it if they implemented an option for this, along with optional highlights for friend and foe.Concept art always looks good, then you see in game armor not even close
Also it helps that it's not all red/blue
Wish in h6 there was a toggle to turn off red/blue colors and instead show exactly the way you and other players customize the character, i mean there are so many fps games out there that do it why not halo?
I'd appreciate it if they implemented an option for this, along with optional highlights for friend and foe.
Another good suggestion that I've seen tossed around has been the method Rocket League uses, with different shades of red 'n blue.
Didn't Halo 3 also have different shades of red and blue or am I imagining thingsI'd appreciate it if they implemented an option for this, along with optional highlights for friend and foe.
Another good suggestion that I've seen tossed around has been the method Rocket League uses, with different shades of red 'n blue.
Didn't Halo 3 also have different shades of red and blue or am I imagining things
I just want it to look like Halo again.This was from the most recent community update:
I hope the next Halo installment has armor sets like this.
To be fair, Head Hunter was planned back as far as H2, but they cut it due to the actual beheadings in Iraq. Or at least that's what they claim and probably partially the truth. Given what a shit show H2's dev was, I wouldn't be surprised if they just used that as an excuse for not wanting to work on it.Headhunter and Stockpile were both bad, they both indicated that Bungie ran out of ideas.
I just want it to look like Halo again.
Space marines:
Not space power rangers:
First whats wrong with Buck's armor?
Second, I can't tell if you're not liking Omega Team's armor or not?
Buck looks fine, everyone else is far too angular and/or colorful, they don't look like they belong in the military. Then the armor looks even worse in the multiplayer.
Is oddball out yet? How is it?
I dunno they look too Anime or mechanized to me. While I was a huge Robotech fan back in the day, it just doesn't look like halo to me. Gotta agree with moose. Give me more of a space marine look.This was from the most recent community update:
I hope the next Halo installment has armor sets like this.
This was from the most recent community update:
I hope the next Halo installment has armor sets like this.
This looks legit. It reminds me of Reach.
Instead we get this shit.
And Fotus and Scanner, which were in before MK V. Let that sink in.
You shut your mouth about Fotus.
You shut your mouth about Fotus.
This was from the most recent community update:
I hope the next Halo installment has armor sets like this.
Robert, the one in blue, looks like a fucking mobile suit. I get that functionally he's a riff on Jorge but something about it seems off, not the least of which is his upturning shoulder plate. He looks fucking cool, just out of place.
This was from the most recent community update:
I hope the next Halo installment has armor sets like this.
The pauldrons especially looked like they wouldn't do anything except from very narrow angles.
The yellow Spartan's left pauldron is especially like that. No frontal protection at all, and not sure it is that useful from side either, unless it is intended to protect the head a bit?
How to improve the look of Halo
1. go to this link https://www.artstation.com/artist/spaceshipguru
2. make all the concepts a reality.
How to improve the look of Halo
1. go to this link https://www.artstation.com/artist/spaceshipguru
2. make all the concepts a reality.
What if I were to tell you... it already had?
Our left or his left? It looks like it's designed to protect his silhouette when he's in a firing stance, which now that I think about it doesn't make much sense considering he's using a sword.
The blue guy I don't actually have a huge problem with other than the armor looks... I dunno, off? He's got the same armored asymmetry as Jorge, since both of them are designed for maximum deflection from ahead when in a firing position with the turret.
Not up until the 29th. Also, it's a variant of Assault so it's not true Oddball.... Lame. Apparently the game mode is up on user WitDarkstar 's content browser.
I figured it would just be a variant of the "ball" gametype. Do forge parameters allow for a faithful recreation?
I'ma play Halo, you guys should get on.
Let's be honest here, Halo 5 Assault isn't real Assault either. The bomb is supposed to explode and kill everyone nearby after it's armed and planted.
Not up until the 29th. Also, it's a variant of Assault so it's not true Oddball.... Lame. Apparently the game mode is up on user WitDarkstar 's content browser.
Our left or his left? It looks like it's designed to protect his silhouette when he's in a firing stance, which now that I think about it doesn't make much sense considering he's using a sword.
The blue guy I don't actually have a huge problem with other than the armor looks... I dunno, off? He's got the same armored asymmetry as Jorge, since both of them are designed for maximum deflection from ahead when in a firing position with the turret.
I was under the impression that this was his art.
I love the Reach-era Hannaford concept art so much that it was the principle art I used back when I was trying to make Halo homebrew for the Fantasy Flight 40k RPG.
Unyshek said:To be upfront with everyone, this is not a brand new Oddball mode with new announcer voices, medals, or a Skull. You will be carrying the Assault 'ball,' and gameplay events will trigger Assault's voice over and medals (when applicable).
The gameplay will play exactly as you would expect Oddball to play in Halo 5, just want to be upfront that there were no new medals, audio elements, or models being added for this playlist.
I love that concept art, as it seems to consolidate gritty Bungie-era aesthetic as the base armor, with 343i's Power Ranger style for the accessories.