I have a serious question for you HaloGaffers. I have been thinking about Halo 4, and despite all of the things we really dislike I still had some genuinely great moments in campaign and multiplayer alike.
Do you, or whoever reads this, think that Halo 5 could be good as long as they got rid of loadouts, instant spawns, infinity weapon drops etc, but kept sprint? Now I know that's a huge issue for many (even including myself), but I am willing to entertain the idea. Sprint has become such an integral part of the FPS video game landscape that I have a hard time believing 343 will remove it for us old-school fans. I think we have an awfully good argument to be made on how sprint ruins a lot of things, but I'm also willing to see it be used well. I do enjoy the speed boost it provides and it feels energetic, not to mention it makes sense within the lore that spartans can really hoof it.
The thing is, what made Halo so interesting is partially what it restricted you with. It wasn't uber fast like Quake or Unreal Tournament and you were limited to carrying 2 weapons. That made Halo feel like Halo...not just super soldiers with shields. It hurts to even consider Halo again with sprint, but honestly if a lot of the issues were taken away besides that, I could see myself maybe playing Halo 4 more today.
This is my proposal: Adopt a Counter-Strike "tagging" system. What could occur is that when a spartan is shot while sprinting he/she slows down. Depending on the weapon he slows down even more (sniper/grenade you come to almost a complete stop). I think this could be truly balanced because when sprinting you must lower your weapon. When getting shot and still sprinting you are effectively useless. This would prevent people from just running around and doing hit and run tactics, sprinting with melee etc. Sprint would simply be a method of quicker transportation that has it's proper risks. No longer would people be able to flee when they get one shot or eat a grenade...Also, it would help if sprinting wasn't immediate, but it took a second to get into full speed.
Hope your personal issues are resolved randomrosso. PM me if you need to vent.
Honestly Halo 4 like I said wasn't bad. It just wasn't a great Halo game. When I think of Halo I think of wide open environments, great AI, missions that while really don't have variety they appear to have variety. Now I'll explain each of my issues and take them all in steps.
1. Missions consisted of Go here and insert Cortana there or push button. Now most Halo games you can break down to this level but they at least had variety. You had defend this spot, go and get to this destination, etc. In Halo 4 it was almost entirely Go here and push or insert Cortana there. There were a couple of missions that actually did vary from this and those were the really fun missions.
2. Mission play areas were pretty linear minus a spot or two. In the previous games there were sections that you had multiple paths or giant huge open play areas. In Halo 4 I can only think of one real area or maybe 2 that fulfilled this need. The rest were pretty linear.
3. The AI was a huge downgrade. Halo is known for it's AI. In previous games you could see it working to coral you in an area, drive you out, etc. In Halo 4 I would actually sit and watch the AI get stuck in a loop of moving forward and backward and not doing anything. this happened regularly. At the same time Bungie always made their AI follow the rules we had to movement wise. In Halo 4 they didn't. Grunts could thrust/jump really high instead of having to go up and around using steps and other stuff. It feels like this change was again a way to try and cover up the AI being a downgrade.
4. Prometheans weren't fun to fight. I was ok with the Knights and even the crawlers but the watchers were a pain in the ass. They were so small and could be hard to hit from a distance. More so when they would fold up and go hide. I actually liked the way they would grab grenades and shield knights. That part was cool. Just make the watchers a bit bigger. At the same time you could not tell what a promethean had until it was too late. They just all looked way too much alike and their attack patterns were unfun too in that it was the same AI issues of teleport forward, backward, forward, backward. Notice a pattern.
5. New characters were really hit or miss. Laskey and Thorne I actually liked. At the same time Del Rio and palmer sucked. I can kind of see what they were going for with Palmer but the dialog and the acting for the character were just awful. I swear if I hear the word egghead again I'm going to snap. Del Rio just sucked all around. Dialog, acting, story elements. He was just awful in every way.
6. Story was pretty weak. Certain changes weren't even explained. Cough cough armor cough cough. Then they didn't explain a lot of material. If I hadn't read the books I'd have been 100 percent lost. Say what you want but Bungie got one thing right. That was keeping the games story self contained. You never felt lost in their games. Then you had characters with specific personalities just totally changed. Halsey for example went from being someone who thought of the Spartans as her children in a way to some psycho who was just pure evil. It was just not needed. Combine that with their need to constantly beat us over the head with how evil she was and how everyone wants her dead or in prison, etc and it gets annoying.
7. Multiiplayer wise my biggest issues were again with armor abilities, random ordinance, lack of weapons on map, and the map design. Those things just made for a very un fun game most of the time. There were like 3 maps I liked. Those being exile, adrift, haven. I'm leaving out old maps remade cause those weren't 343 designs. The rest were mediocre to awful. There was no real flow to most of them and they were so cluttered due to the broken nature of the DMR and 343's need to break them up so you weren't just all sitting in corners shooting each other from across the maps. The actual gunplay underneath was great though minus the range of that DMR. It's range destroyed Sniper play and made even good maps unbearable due to it's insane range.
8. Going back to campaign again I forgot a couple things. Graphics were great yes but I feel those came at a price. Weapons disappeared way too quickly and whole areas regularly became locked off after you had passed them. One of the things I loved in the past games was that you could go back almost the complete length of a level and find ammo and just explore. In 4 you regularly couldn't and that sucked.
Now all that said I still enjoyed the campaign for the most part. Even found myself every so often enjoying the multiplayer. All of these things can be fixed too.