Ragnarok Flames
what the absolute fuck? that looks more like Hostel than The Thing
Me too, I have to say I was really hoping for player/party toggles of maps and gametypes with bare bones playlists. The insane value of this game hasn't diminished for me because of them missing but toggles appear to be long overdue for Halo. I would have thought MCC was the perfect opportunity.
Toggles provide player choices, reduce quitters (like a lot IMO), create closer game outcomes (more effective ranks anyone?), reduce developer/sustain resources required and empower players while creating faster matches and easy dynamic voting to boot.
I just don't understand how toggles keep getting left on the cutting room floor? Is it a technical framework thing with the Halo engine or just development decisions to always stick with matchmaking verbatim? Who knows...
I would very happily hand over $5-$25 per month for dedicated local Azure servers whenever I or friends of mine fire up customs in MCC or any future Halo game.
They looked like Doom 3 hellknights drawn onto Spartans, discarding their tendril design. Much prefer the grotesque mass of bodies of the Bungie era.I thought they looked awesome in Halo 4. The sounds they made were goofy as hell, though.
This ^Midship
I'm not I'm just excited to see video reviews with footage compilation of everything and stuff we haven't seen yetwhy would you wait for reviews?
I`m sure this has been asked but what`s the word on super jumps?
Has anyone who has a review copy of the game tried them out yet?
Yeah I even heard rumblings of Team Christ or Team Moses or whatever the fuck their name is getting back together.
My impossible dream would go something like this:
- Select Big Team Battle Playlist
- Decide on Map in Lobby as usual.
- Decide on Gametype on the selected Map.
- Start Game.
Like I know we all want to play on Sandtrap rather than Ragnarok, but why do we have to choose between Sandtrap Slayer and Ragnarok CTF is we have played Slayer 5 times in a row, one of which was on Ragnarok?
Also, if Mario Kart 8 lets me choose between 32 tracks on my own freewill, why does Halo only give me a choice out of 3 maps each time?
If MCC only gives me an option of 3 maps out of the 100 which can be played with as Slayer, why bother if it picks 3 maps I hate?
They looked like Doom 3 hellknights drawn onto Spartans, discarding their tendril design. Much prefer the grotesque mass of bodies of the Bungie era.
This is the Flood to me:
I'm sure my experience will not be indicative of others' for the final version, but I wanna bitch about this somewhere.
I downloaded the press pre-release a couple days ago, and was able to play H1, H2, H3, and H4 campaigns, as well as H1 and H2 local multiplayer. Everything was as good as one could hope it to be.
Last night I downloaded the patch. It downloaded quickly, and installed quickly. I got into the game, tried to pop into Forge, and it said that that hadn't installed yet. So I waited and watched. The progress bar got to about 87% for H2A content, then went back down to 50. I was surprised and confused, but I let it go, and let it go again. This time it didn't get as far before resetting. So I uninstalled the whole game, let it download over night, and booted it up this morning.
Now H1 and H4 were available, and nothing else was. I let it download for a while.
So now I've done a factory reset on my system (no great loss, haven't used this thing much and Destiny stores itself in the cloud), and am redownloading it again. I'm certain this will fix it, right? Time will tell.
My basic review of the package will be up tomorrow, regardless, and I'll stream some Forge stuff for everyone to enjoy. But I ain't breakin' the embargo date, that's for sure.
Any thoughts on CE's netcode? I want to watch it but every time I open a stream the person's playing H2:A.
Looks like the flood spore is coming out of the Spartan's skull mouth. Looks creepy and awesome. Way better than the H4 model.
Looks like the flood spore is coming out of the Spartan's skull mouth. Looks creepy and awesome. Way better than the H4 model.
This didn't work for me.
Any thoughts on CE's netcode? I want to watch it but every time I open a stream the person's playing H2:A.
Flood-Palmer boss fight pls.
Good questions and perhaps the average time to complete a Mario Kart race is less than the average game of Halo? Therefore player pools are easier spread? Also less permutations per race vs. settings & maps etc?
It played well the few matches I saw. Sniper reticle is back to small as well. Can't really say for certain how the netcode will ultimately be but CE fans should be happy especially if settings, weapon spawns, vehicles spawns mirror OG Xbox.
Dudes on the Beyond stream encountering bugs in the pregame lobby settings. It wont let them change teams. Is there a patch due for Tuesday?
That would be the working mans 20GB patch.
Dudes on the Beyond stream encountering bugs in the pregame lobby settings. It wont let them change teams. Is there a patch due for Tuesday?
Maybe (hopefully) an effect of pre-launch server oddities? Either way, I'm sure the 15GB patch isn't the only one we're going to get. Idk if the next one will be a day one patch though.
How can reviews be finished if the most important part of the game isn't even functional yet?
How can reviews be finished if the most important part of the game isn't even functional yet?
A guy is streaming Classic Halo 2 and it looks so good in glorious HD.
Snipetality, so hot right now.
Sweet, I'm glad reviewers are taking the "in progress" route.Review embargo up 12 PM PST, 3 AM EST. IGN is only posting their "review-in-progress"
Most people seem to just be posting their review of campaign as matchmaking is not yet live.
Review embargo up 12 PM PST, 3 AM EST. IGN is only posting their "review-in-progress"
Most people seem to just be posting their review of campaign as matchmaking is not yet live.
Sweet, I'm glad reviewers are taking the "in progress" route.
The radar made that 1v1 pretty boring.
Looks like 343 is playing a game with us. What could it mean?