Alright I am upset at that image. The the obvious reasons why:
1. ADS
2. Sprint
Halo for me has always and will always be about fast paced 4v4 combat in small maps. Midship FFA Midship 4v4 KOTH, Ball, Bomb, Lockout 1v1's Lockout FFAs Lockout 4v4 Oddball and KOTH. Et cetera. Watching MLG streams of competitive pros playing on weekends. Getting on and trying to rank up as high as I can go the rest of the week. The best part of Halo was there was always that distinct jump where you could go over to the BTB playlist and play 8v8 on huge maps with crazy unbalanced vehicles and social game and play with the dirty plebian uncleansed social zombie kids, if you maybe weren't playing that well or feeling competitive that day. I think during the split of Halo 2 and more perfectized Halo 3 split of Rank/Social they began to see maybe people weren't playing ranked as much. Of course with a ranking system that is going to happen you get your number high, you don't want to go into the next match until you've got your 3 other teammates ready to go and warmed up. This leads to a lot of social play. I think they saw this and even further bastardized the system in Halo Reach. Adding just one Arena playlist and having everything else social playlists. Of course the playlist management was atrocious for Arena and did not give the competitive players what they wanted for months and months only to be partially fixed later on. This led to a quick death of the Arena. So in Halo 4 guess what, game didnt even have a ranking system. Everything was social, the game copied so much from Call of Duty it basically was CoD in space. Well we all know what happened to the population charts in Halo 4. Dead game is dead.
When you add Sprint and more movement options available the maps have to start to accommodate that movement type. It leads to larger maps and longer corridors larger rooms and larger gaps between cover. This means if you ever are to take the Sprint out the maps no longer really "work" with the traditional movement. The addition of Sprint also sometimes means a hit to the default movement speed as well which means a slower game and Sprint usually kills strafing an ability that some of the best pros worked to really master a way to move out of shots ways while still understanding how to remain on the enemy player in terms of shots. This casualizes the game. It also makes it closer to CoD or other games that are already doing their type of FPS incredibly well. So its no surprise when games like Reach and Halo 4 statistically don't do so well when they try and be the new CoD.
Halo fans have and will always know what they want and that is Halo, They want their gun to be up and ready the entire game ready to enjoy their next 10 second loop of gun battle they want that precise moment when they know the player that showed up on their screen had the same weapon the same armor the same abilities and the thing that stood between his life and his death was how well THEY handled their controller. Their thoughts and their skill alone created victory and the rush of endorphins hits the brain and all is well. That is the moment a Halo player fiends for, craves. This is why MCC is such a wet dream to the Halo player, were going to be once again playing these games from the past that hit the formula just right or close enough that their games flaws can be overlooked. Surely you can point to a 101 errors, glitches, bugs in any Halo. However the fans loved the rush, the arena combat, saying I AM BETTER THAN YOU only by action, well sometimes with words, and so they overlooked these blemishes to the point Halo is a perfect game for some of these players.
We don't want AIM DOWN SCOPE, WE DONT WANT SPRINT, We do want social playlists but we dont want it at the cost of our ranking system! LET THEM KNOW!
Give us our Halo back akin to CE, 2, and 3. We do not want what you are feeding us lately. I urge all of you to play MCC, and if Halo 5 does add all this garbage please go back to MCC do not even touch 5 at all. Sell it back to the game store, mail it back to 343i with a No thanks letter attached, speak with actions, do not give in to an industry giant and the movement of which its going.
Anyways, I guess I got carried away. I feel strongly for these games. If anyone read that thanks!
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