All you hardcore Halo fans are a weird bunch. I don't envy the position 343 is in, or Bungie was in at the end.
Make even the smallest changes, and your biggest "fans" scream and howl.
Don't make changes, and you're stuck with a stale, old-feeling product.
The rule seems to be "older is always better." The old maps were better than the new. No armor abilities > armor abilities. Old weapons better than the new weapons. I'm not the world's biggest Halo fan, with "only" a 2000-3000 multiplayer games played, but I actually liked the DMR more than the BR. Does that make me a heretic? Am I entitled to that opinion?
343 is boxed into a corner by their fans that all have different opinions on what "Halo" is and will throw tantrums if the studio deviates from that in the slightest.
But it's not a small change at all. In fact, it changes the entire gunplay of Halo. Halo is a fast-paced run and gun shooter. As stated in the other thread, ADS turns it into a run OR gun shooter. Instead of moving around to get kills, players will be forced to stand in one spot to accurately shoot an enemy and get a kill, just like pretty much every other shooter these days.
And sprint? Sprint by default stretches out maps. We will never get something like Guardian ever again because the maps will need to be bigger because of default sprint. And if the movement speed was increased already, what would be the point of sprint?
You're comparing apples to oranges. We're talking about the very core of Halo's gameplay being altered to be identical to pretty much every other shooter on the market and you compare this to the BR vs DMR debate, something as simple as a weapon.
But of course, IGN will fully support everything like you always do. You'll give Halo 5 a 9.5-10, say how it's the best in the series, and include it in the top 5 in one of the hundred Top 25 Xbox games lists you'll inevitably have. You'll make it seem like a very small minority of extremist fans are complaining about something nonexistent yet at the same time, the community will drop even harder than it did with Halo 4.