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Halo |OT 21| Battle is the Great Redeemer | LIVE. DIE. RESPAWN.

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This is pretty much what happened. They didn't specifically put anything back.. they just gave each studio the last base stable branch of each game and had them port it. They didn't have anyone also give them the last matchmaking state of each game, or consult anyone on what the maps should be like now.

Halo 2 technically shouldn't even have PR start on Covy maps now since a late game MM update forced SMG as the starting weapon in all gametypes that had non-BR starts, instead of 'map default', let along SMG starts at all.

It's just a cold, to the numbers port, there's no actual 'care' put it into at all. No historical or documentary like quality to it, in either the game content or any actual docu/history material included with the game. You'd expect something closer to a Criterion Collection release.

And all it would have taken is sitting someone down for like, 2 hours, and have them write down what state each game should be in. I could have re-Forged all the 3 and 4 variants within a couple of days.

Please save us all ( TДT) Is it possible that this thing really was super rushed? If something so simple to do that could have been done by any good forger why didnt it happen?


Please save us all ( TДT) Is it possible that this thing really was super rushed? If something so simple to do that could have been done by any good forger why didnt it happen?

Technically they could have done it even faster than Forgers by simply bringing over the variants from the 360 and converting them in-place and boom, it's done. This is actually the only real way to have Boundless/SANDTARP/Epilogue/etc come over, since they can't be made with the in-game Forge.

When you're a studio porting something, you port what you're told to do. If it's not in the client's spec it doesn't get done.
Technically they could have done it even faster than Forgers by simply bringing over the variants from the 360 and converting them in-place and boom, it's done. This is actually the only real way to have Boundless/SANDTARP/Epilogue/etc come over, since they can't be made with the in-game Forge.

When you're a studio porting something, you port what you're told to do. If it's not in the client's spec it doesn't get done.

why would the obvious improvements be ignored though? taking out Smg starts? replacing the default map variants? Adding the turbo halo 4 that 343 themselves made? How does this get x'd off the list?

Welcome back.

Well now that I'm back from my vacation and having logged over 100 hours in the MCC (campaign only, haven't even bothered trying MM apart from one ill-fated game with a garbage team of randoms), I can say that I'm a bit sweet and sour on it.

On the one hand, I've logged over 100 hours on the campaign alone. Loving the challenge of the par scores. Loved the challenge of the 3-hour campaign speed runs, although without sword cancelling/sword flying I think they need to up the threshhold for Halo 2's speedrun to 4 hours. I don't think much thought was truly put into these achievements because they're all the same (3hrs for all campaigns, 25k points for all par scores, even though the levels vary VASTLY on the attainability of these scores).

On the other hand, I cannot play Halo 2 Anniversary online co-op AT ALL. It just doesn't work. Halo CE, 3, and 4 work and are usually solid if playing 2player, but 3 and 4 can bog down considerably depending on who I'm playing with if I try to play 4-player.

But Halo 2? Broken and unplayable (for me) in online co-op. It's not my NAT. It's not my connection speed. It just doesn't work. Yet my two friends have been able to get it to work, not without crashes and disconnects, but they're at least making progress on speed running levels on Legendary. Me? Nothing. I don't get how it can be broken and not work for some people, but only semi-broken and *mostly* work for others. Just doesn't make sense.

So yeah... I'm both pleased and disappointed. I've been absent from the forums because I've been playing so much, but now that I'm back at work I'll be back on here. Hopefully the online issues get resolved and we can get some GAF customs nights going. Not even going to bother trying to resurrect my online customs thread, as no shits could be given by most people for that thread. But I look forward to consoling one another while the game is broken as it is now, and playing with each other (if)when it becomes stable and all that.

Edit: And if anyone cares, the achievement walkthrough is complete (apart from par-score and par-time videos which I think are unnecessary but may be added in the future). A link in the OP would be great, but I doubt it will happen. You can see it on TrueAchievements.com by clicking on the Walkthrough link at the top of the Halo: TMCC page. I'm sitting just shy of 3500 gamerscore so far and have around 85-90 achievements remaining to obtain. I made youtube videos for all the collectibles and easter egg achievements, and some of the not-obvious miscellaneous ones.

Also, and this is the big one (if you don't think it's too broken to bother). I'm giving away FOR FREE a Collector's Edition copy of the game that I imported from GAME.UK. It's about a $90 retail value in the states after importing and shipping and all. I posted a video explaining how the giveaway will work on my KorbeKGaming youtube account. My account is NOT monetized on twitch or youtube, so no annoying ads. I'm just doing the giveaway to give back to the gaming community that has given me so much over the years.


Yeah, seconding the thought behind the achievements. Monopoli's time is ~2:27 without sword flying lol, they didn't really take that into account.

Finishing in 3 hours is literally a top 0.001% thing. Most people won't even be able to do it in any reasonable timeframe.

It's a shame; they should patch in swordflying, fix sword cancelling and change Envy back to the way it was.

But they are too busy now with the game's actual stability to look into the finer details :/


why would the obvious improvements be ignored though? taking out Smg starts? replacing the default map variants? Adding the turbo halo 4 that 343 themselves made? How does this get x'd off the list?

That's really a question to ask the Project Managers on this game. It can result from having tons of middle management which big companies like Microsoft love to have (often can have 7-10 layers of management between you and the big boss), and having to manage so many employees at once, you end up with people that have a broad but shallow-detail view of the project because they assume the layers below or above them have taken care of it or will take care of a detail.

Which is why you can end up with stuff like entire Forge functionality missing from 3 and 4. Ruffian probably did port all of that originally, tested it, sent it to MS - then when it was sent to UFG for being integrated into the UI, nobody noticed Forge was broken because Ruffian already tested it on their end, and 'loading forge' works on UFG's. It's something that will pass automated unit tests/spotchecks but not a five minute nerd-check.

I fucked up a map update like that once for Reach MM. Took full responsibility for it and apologized profusely on Waypoint for it - I accidentally tagged most of blue team's vehicles as asymmetric, but the map only had slayer in MM so their vehicles never spawned. There was no way for 343's sustain team to catch it since the map worked. They didn't know that I intended more vehicles to be on the map, because they were completely separate. That's an example of what happens when you have two different processes / people working on the same item and assuming the other will catch what they're 'supposed' to.

Bigger and more people get involved in game projects, the less control you have over finer details, unfortunately


Assault on the Control room bridge fall/jump is such a pain to do. Wonder if it's even worth trying to do it. Second jump screws me up. Keep sliding off


Assault on the Control room bridge fall/jump is such a pain to do. Wonder if it's even worth trying to do it. Second jump screws me up. Keep sliding off

Still best on PAL with the Shade Turret :p

I wonder if that works on MCC... probably not because 60FPS will make the fall timer slightly shorter.



Tried to find image, found Fyre's image supposedly. Even Bungie admitted they were a mistake and yet they're back in MCC.
And did the same shit with H2A

Also the whole talk with the Halo 3 map variants just show how they set their priorities.

That is what I meant with saying even after the game is fixed into the intended playable state there is a whole lot of stuff to do with gametypes, maps and spawns


Patches coming in the upcoming weeks?
343, it's straight up goddamn matchmaking for games that were already made for you. People have been doing this for over ten years. Get your shit together already.


I have a new hatred for Jackals in Halo CE on legendary

it's not even that they insta kill you like in Halo 2. But they're so annoying. And I swear the pistol isn't as accurate as it used to be

I put them on the same bullshit tier as the Banshees in Halo 4. Fuck those guys and their 100% accuracy.


I see there is no shortage of salt.

The update was nice. Good to know there's another update this week. Though it sucks it's taking so long.

Edit: And if anyone cares, the achievement walkthrough is complete (apart from par-score and par-time videos which I think are unnecessary but may be added in the future). A link in the OP would be great, but I doubt it will happen. You can see it on TrueAchievements.com by clicking on the Walkthrough link at the top of the Halo: TMCC page. I'm sitting just shy of 3500 gamerscore so far and have around 85-90 achievements remaining to obtain. I made youtube videos for all the collectibles and easter egg achievements, and some of the not-obvious miscellaneous ones.

Also, and this is the big one (if you don't think it's too broken to bother). I'm giving away FOR FREE a Collector's Edition copy of the game that I imported from GAME.UK. It's about a $90 retail value in the states after importing and shipping and all. I posted a video explaining how the giveaway will work on my KorbeKGaming youtube account. My account is NOT monetized on twitch or youtube, so no annoying ads. I'm just doing the giveaway to give back to the gaming community that has given me so much over the years.
Thanks for that guide; it's incredibly helpful. A true CHAMPION of HaloGAF.
I see there is no shortage of salt.

The update was nice. Good to know there's another update this week. Though it sucks it's taking so long.
I don't know man.. a Halo fan can only take so much abuse, and this was supposed to be our grand reunion! I imagine it's really starting to sink in for a lot of people.

Sometimes I feel like crying..


It's pretty annoying. But at least it gives me enough time to finish the campaigns on legendary before the H5 beta, I guess

Thinking about buying Far Cry 4 or GTAV to fill the void for the time being though


Sunset overdrive. Or destiny

I have Destiny... But aside from putting an hour or two a week into doing hard raids, I'm burnt out on the rest. Even raids themselves are getting boring now that I've unlocked everything.

And I was never sold on Sunset Overdrive. Looks nice with its colours but I didn't have the motivation to try it out :\
Thanks for that guide; it's incredibly helpful. A true CHAMPION of HaloGAF.

I don't know man.. a Halo fan can only take so much abuse, and this was supposed to be our grand reunion! I imagine it's really starting to sink in for a lot of people.

Sometimes I feel like crying..

Thanks man, I put a lot of work into it.

I got your invites on XBL and messaged you back via PM, but I couldn't join because I was working on videos for the guide. If we can get H2A campaign co-op WORKING I'm always down for that. Not gonna bother with matchmaking at all until it's fixed.


Watching Eli's stream, seeing the Elites getting smashed in High Charity. The Minors get owned by Drones and Jackals independently... and anything other than a sword elite gets annihilated by Brutes.

Covenant Loyalists OP.


I realized today that as long as the game is fixed in time for Dec 25th, the population isn't irreparably damaged. There are no more games coming out between now and then to compete with it, and there will be a population spike as people finally unwrap their copies of MCC. This thing will sell like hot cakes to the Black Friday crowd due to its perceived value (4-in-1!) and I expect it to be a common gift this holiday season as a result.


Edit: And if anyone cares, the achievement walkthrough is complete (apart from par-score and par-time videos which I think are unnecessary but may be added in the future). A link in the OP would be great, but I doubt it will happen. You can see it on TrueAchievements.com by clicking on the Walkthrough link at the top of the Halo: TMCC page. I'm sitting just shy of 3500 gamerscore so far and have around 85-90 achievements remaining to obtain. I made youtube videos for all the collectibles and easter egg achievements, and some of the not-obvious miscellaneous ones.

Also, and this is the big one (if you don't think it's too broken to bother). I'm giving away FOR FREE a Collector's Edition copy of the game that I imported from GAME.UK. It's about a $90 retail value in the states after importing and shipping and all. I posted a video explaining how the giveaway will work on my KorbeKGaming youtube account. My account is NOT monetized on twitch or youtube, so no annoying ads. I'm just doing the giveaway to give back to the gaming community that has given me so much over the years.
Very helpful! Nice job. I will definitely be looking over this

Kinda nitpicky... But is there a reason why achievement descriptions are above the achievement name? Makes it a bit hard to follow. Though I guess I'll get used to it xD


I realized today that as long as the game is fixed in time for Dec 25th, the population isn't irreparably damaged. There are no more games coming out between now and then to compete with it, and there will be a population spike as people finally unwrap their copies of MCC. This thing will sell like hot cakes to the Black Friday crowd due to its perceived value (4-in-1!) and I expect it to be a common gift this holiday season as a result.

Anyone who does even an ounce of research into the game will see the issues though. My local EBGames was even telling people wanting to buy the game that matchmaking wasn't working and that patches were coming. Obviously the consumer base at large will be ignorant to a lot of these issues, but I'm going to assume a lot of people who want to buy the game will hold off on their purchases.

Just have to face it, the casual and non-hardcore and newcomer crowd likely won't return to this game. The biggest problem they also might have to counter soon will be indifference by a lot of Halo fans who own or sold the game as well.

I do think the holiday season and beta will have another influx of users, but nowhere near what it would've been had the launch been flawless.


I'm going for worst case scenario as well; word of mouth spreads fast. A Facebook status can inform 100-1000 people that a game is broken.


Neo Member
I'm going for worst case scenario as well; word of mouth spreads fast. A Facebook status can inform 100-1000 people that a game is broken.

It can also inform people that it is fixed. That glorious day when everyone is tweeting #wefinallyback.... will certainly be something to get excited about.


I don't know man.. a Halo fan can only take so much abuse, and this was supposed to be our grand reunion! I imagine it's really starting to sink in for a lot of people.

Sometimes I feel like crying..
The game is fucking broken man, they have all the rights to be mad at 343i.
I get why everyone is upset and they are completely justified. It's soul crushing.

I just... *sigh*

Yeah the MCC had a shitty launch. It sucks a fat one and I'm just as disapointed as everyone else. Saying shit like 343 don't care or that they're just in it for the money is completely uncalled for and ignores so much to the contrary. They've been doing so much to show that they are really giving it their all. Yeah sprint is coming back and ADS (as completely redundant as it is) is happening in some form. However unlike with Halo 4, there's a MUCH bigger list of things they are doing to improve things and once the MCC is working it's going to be incredible. The MCC launch was some major bullshit and I'm not saying it should be excused. However 343 is owned by Microsoft. Whether 343 thought the MCC was ready or not, I doubt it would've delayed the launch for Microsofts biggest game on a holiday release.

I get that it sucks. This was supposed to be the reunion of the forever. There was so much hype that has been crushed and seeing everyone else so down is heart wrenching. I'm not trying to tell anyone how to feel. I'm just asking that everyone try to take a step back and see the bigger picture. I love all you guys.

I know how you feel Fun. I really do.
Wanna hug?

willow ve

Maybe when they said "just like you remember it" they were speaking truthfully. I remember Halo when everyone had DSL connections and lag switches were a thing. So really the MCC experience pretty much sums up my memories.


I actually wonder how many Halo 'fans' were happy that the whole launch went wrong, just so they could bitch about another Halo game constantly. MCC thread is a disaster area. The community has been negative since Halo 2 on the Bnet forums so once something comes along that isn't just subjective for them to criticise, boy oh boy does the self-righteous indignation come out.

It's frustrating, sure. But the only people actually helping are the few reporting bugs. I just want the game to be fixed so I can play. Can't understand the glee some people seem to take in berating 343 from their high horses.


People complaining about the Arbiter in Halo 2 made me lose whatever respect I had for the forum community on BNET. Especially after the criticism was successful and applied in Halo 3.

I'm still mad to this day, haha.


I actually wonder how many Halo 'fans' were happy that the whole launch went wrong, just so they could bitch about another Halo game constantly. MCC thread is a disaster area. The community has been negative since Halo 2 on the Bnet forums so once something comes along that isn't just subjective for them to criticise, boy oh boy does the self-righteous indignation come out.

It's frustrating, sure. But the only people actually helping are the few reporting bugs. I just want the game to be fixed so I can play. Can't understand the glee some people seem to take in berating 343 from their high horses.
Reporting bugs, huh? Oh I know. Hey 343i. Matchmaking isn't working. You're welcome.

No one is happy that this game isn't working. The truth is that most of the issues surrounding this game have been reported and compiled already. And we're told nothing except "see you in a few weeks". 343i deserve all the backlash they get for this disaster of a launch.
343 are blaming this shit show on MCC being untested by a massive userbase, right? How does that translate to people having to jump through hoops to use the UI when holding a LAN? The game not functioning on LAN has nothing to do with massive server stress. People who think 343 had no idea about the state of the game at launch are deluded. They knowingly put this game out there broken. Only the extent of its faultiness will have been surprising to them.


Reporting bugs, huh? Oh I know. Hey 343i. Matchmaking isn't working. You're welcome.

No one is happy that this game isn't working. The truth is that most of the issues surrounding this game have been reported and compiled already. And we're told nothing except "see you in a few weeks". 343i deserve all the backlash they get for this disaster of a launch.
Well I mean what do you want them to say?
Frank already promised a complete explanation once everything has settled. It's best they don't give concrete dates because of how crazy this seems. They've already said they will specify what each patch includes. They've been apologizing up and down.

What else is there?


Well I mean what do you want them to say?
Frank already promised a complete explanation once everything has settled. It's best they don't give concrete dates because of how crazy this seems. They've already said they will specify what each patch includes. They've been apologizing up and down.

What else is there?
Well ideally they never would have released the game in this state. Like Henry said, they certainly knew some of these issues existed and chose to release it anyway.

I don't care what they say as long as they fix the game at this point. But until then, as far as I'm concerned, people have a right to complain about paying 60 dollars for something that doesn't work.
I actually wonder how many Halo 'fans' were happy that the whole launch went wrong, just so they could bitch about another Halo game constantly. MCC thread is a disaster area. The community has been negative since Halo 2 on the Bnet forums so once something comes along that isn't just subjective for them to criticise, boy oh boy does the self-righteous indignation come out.

It's frustrating, sure. But the only people actually helping are the few reporting bugs. I just want the game to be fixed so I can play. Can't understand the glee some people seem to take in berating 343 from their high horses.

343 deserve every stinking turd being dropped on them right now. Two weeks after putting this product on the market and you can't take a party of two into matchmaking or start a custom without deciphering a rubik's cube of invites, back outs, hard resets and party lead conundrums? Piss, piss poor showing and a degradation of the Gold Standard Halo has upheld until now.


Well ideally they never would have released the game in this state. Like Henry said, they certainly knew some of these issues existed and chose to release it anyway.

I don't care what they say as long as they fix the game at this point. But until then, as far as I'm concerned, people have a right to complain about paying 60 dollars for something that doesn't work.
Ideally yes. Hell that shouldn't even be ideally. It should just be expected.

Everybody is well within their rights to complain about the MCC and I don't blame anyone for being pissed off. It's just when people start being dicks about it that it becomes harder to sympathize.

343 deserve every stinking turd being dropped on them right now. Two weeks after putting this product on the market and you can't take a party of two into matchmaking or start a custom without deciphering a rubik's cube of invites, back outs, hard resets and party lead conundrums? Piss, piss poor showing and a degradation of the Gold Standard Halo has upheld until now.
Did you honestly expect them to have this shit fixed within 2 weeks? 343 aren't the only ones at fault here and while they certainly had to be aware of some of the bugs I doubt they were pushing for it to be released. Yet people are acting like they are the source of the problem and are completely to blame.
Did you honestly expect them to have this shit fixed within 2 weeks?

Er, Yes? It's matchmaking, something that's worked day one for every online Halo release. I expect it to work when I put forty plus pounds down for it (plus the cost of the new Xbox One to play it on, plus a Gold subscription, plus a play and charge kit so the new pad (which I don't like but am forced to use) functions, plus the Stereo Headset adapter). But if they can't manage to get it working the day they sell it, I do expect it to be cleaned up with two weeks, yes.

343 aren't the only ones at fault here and while they certainly had to be aware of some of the bugs I doubt they were pushing for it to be released. Yet people are acting like they are the source of the problem and are completely to blame.


Look at the names at the bottom. Whose fault is it? Bungie's? MS/343 are interchangeable.



Tried to find image, found Fyre's image supposedly. Even Bungie admitted they were a mistake and yet they're back in MCC.

Maybe it wasn't the best idea, but I think that part of the idea was to produce the mp experience as it was. We still get all of those BR Slayer games. I don't see what the big complaint is. 9/10 slayer games I get are BR starts.


Er, Yes? It's matchmaking, something that's worked day one for every online Halo release. I expect it to work when I put forty plus pounds down for it (plus the cost of the new Xbox One to play it on, plus a Gold subscription, plus a play and charge kit so the new pad (which I don't like but am forced to use) functions, plus the Stereo Headset adapter). But if they can't manage to get it working the day they sell it, I do expect it to be cleaned up with two weeks, yes.

I agree. It's one thing to be bummed that the game doesn't work (which I am, let's not get it confused. I'd LOVE to play this game) but there's been a lot of money poured into this by a ton of people. You, Trasher, Blood, and a few others I know have all bought new Xbones just to play this game.

I can't remember where I saw the number but I'm pretty sure it was over 650,000 physical copies were sold near launch. I don't know how much actually goes back to 343 but at $60 a piece that's a 39,000,000 US dollar total. And they walked away with it with few noticeable changes.

THAT'S my issue.


Er, Yes? It's matchmaking, something that's worked day one for every online Halo release. I expect it to work when I put forty plus pounds down for it (plus the cost of the new Xbox One to play it on, plus a Gold subscription, plus a play and charge kit so the new pad (which I don't like but am forced to use) functions, plus the Stereo Headset adapter). But if they can't manage to get it working the day they sell it, I do expect it to be cleaned up with two weeks, yes.
Yeah the games should be working day one. However given the breadth of the issues with matchmaking, it's unrealistic to think they could have everything fixed within a couple weeks. Does it suck? Yeah. Should you be upset? Of course. You paid for the game. It SHOULD be working. You can't just ignore the scale of the problems though. There's a lot of shit they need to fix with this.


Look at the names at the bottom. Whose fault is it? Bungie's? MS/343 are interchangeable.
Yeah um... no.

Microsoft owns 343. They are not equal partners. If 343 said they don't want to put the game out yet because it's got some major issues Microsoft could say tough shit and release it anyway. We don't know what happen but I highly doubt 343 wanted to release a broken game.

As for the names there, it's been known for a while that this game was outsourced to various studios for the port. Now 343 gets to clean up the mess and what's worse is everyone is putting the blame solely on them. That is some grade A bullshit.



Yeah the games should be working day one. However given the breadth of the issues with matchmaking, it's unrealistic to think they could have everything fixed within a couple weeks. Does it suck? Yeah. Should you be upset? Of course. You paid for the game. It SHOULD be working. You can't just ignore the scale of the problems though. There's a lot of shit they need to fix with this.

Yeah um... no.

Microsoft owns 343. They are not equal partners. If 343 said they don't want to put the game out yet because it's got some major issues Microsoft could say tough shit and release it anyway. We don't know what happen but I highly doubt 343 wanted to release a broken game.

As for the names there, it's been known for a while that this game was outsourced to various studios for the port. Now 343 gets to clean up the mess and what's worse is everyone is putting the blame solely on them. That is some grade A bullshit.


Well put.


Oh. I've got 11GB left on my Xbox HDD.

Damn. Haven't even had my console a year. Gonna have to buy an external, I guess
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