Don't know what you guys are talking about with excellent decisions like this:
Wait, the BR is 2.5x normal zoom? Is that an increase from other Halos?
Don't know what you guys are talking about with excellent decisions like this:
I wonder if we'll be able to toggle Spartan Abilities individually, even if it's just through modded / gabo-wizardry-edited gametypes like Sprint in Halo 4.
Do you realize there are BIG communities like ForgeHub, Halocustoms, THFE guys and others which are being held back thanks to this " minor issue".
This communities create content which helps grow and enlarge the game experience for everyone and keep it on track.
I'll redirect you to my other post on the issue: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=141139003&postcount=7917
Reading some of your last posts and Ryn's had me rolling my eyes for real.
If this game launched as intended we could have been in a golden age.
But the darkness is still around us
I'm holding out for a scope in that doesn't look like ADS but I doubt I'll get it.
They could very easily put an ACOG in that emulated the look of past games.
Oh don't worry. That will probably just be basic BTB in Halo 5.If 343 focused on something other than that wheel they seem determined to reinvent we would probably have 12v12 Invasion where Spartans spawn in Drop Pods and have to destroy a Scarab in the third phase as a space battle rages on in the skybox. But no, we get Battlefield Halo on oversized Midship.
Even from the most objective standpoint, a non-functioning feature is still a technical failure.
So just like with CoD, I can say ACOG is the best scope? Deal.
Even from the most objective standpoint, a non-functioning feature is still a technical failure.
Coming off of Reach, the number of gametypes in Halo 4 was absolutely disgraceful.
343 loves reinventing the wheel though. Prior to 4, Halo had Flag mechanics that were perfected over many titles. 343 spends their resources on Flagnum. Halo has scope mechanics that have worked flawlessly for multiple titles. We get Flinch and no Descope the first time and now we get Aim Down Sights the second time.
If 343 focused on something other than that wheel they seem determined to reinvent we would probably have 12v12 Invasion where Spartans spawn in Drop Pods and have to destroy a Scarab in the third phase as a space battle rages on in the skybox. But no, we get Battlefield Halo on oversized Midship.
Oh don't worry. That will probably just be basic BTB in Halo 5.
Coming off of Reach, the number of gametypes in Halo 4 was absolutely disgraceful.
343 loves reinventing the wheel though. Prior to 4, Halo had Flag mechanics that were perfected over many titles. 343 spends their resources on Flagnum. Halo has scope mechanics that have worked flawlessly for multiple titles. We get Flinch and no Descope the first time and now we get Aim Down Sights the second time.
If 343 focused on something other than that wheel they seem determined to reinvent we would probably have 12v12 Invasion where Spartans spawn in Drop Pods and have to destroy a Scarab in the third phase as a space battle rages on in the skybox. But no, we get Battlefield Halo on oversized Midship.
I'm not denying that, I'm saying in comparison to the issues in the MCC it's very minor. And it doesn't show that 343 are technically incompetent.
I'm not denying that, I'm saying in comparison to the issues in the MCC it's very minor. And it doesn't show that 343 are technically incompetent.
Halo |OT 22| Astroturfing And Resume Padding
FFS, I never said the MCC wasn't a technical mess; I said 4 wasn't!Uhhh their Christmas 2014 flagship title begs to differ.
I don't see why this is an argument. 343 has failed at the majority of what they set out to do. Halo 4's population bricked faster than any other Halo game.
They then aim to release a game that would most certainly perform better with sustained populations. And instead they gave us MCC.
The 343 defence force can fuck right off untill 343 delivers a functional, competent Halo game. So far we've yet to get that. Untill then they deserve every grain of salt they've been getting.
How Halo 5 will work out is anyone's guess.
I think jem/ryn are just young and naive, that's all.
I don't think it worked as a proper competitive CTF gamemode. I just thought it was quite fun in the same way Gungoose CTF is, a casual gamemode.Flagnum shows how little 343 understands the basics of gameplay though. In Slayer gametypes, the only way to win is by killing enemies so players should always have their weapon ready. In Objective gametypes, the only way to win is by controlling the objective so players don't need, and shouldn't have, their weapon ready to fire while they are controlling the objective. It's so simple in my mind.
Jem I don't think you fully understand what a producer is.
The producers of the MCC fucked up by letting that buggy mess release with the Halo name on the front. And they are 343 employees. Doesn't matter if they outsourced it. Someones job was to oversee the project. And it still shipped like this.
343 are hilariously incompetent.
Technical fuckery aside. There's still SMG starts In Halo 2. Back then all we did was complain about them and they got changed finally.
Fast forward ten years and the same complaints are valid.
343 are incompetent.
I think jem/ryn are just young and naive, that's all.
You give 343 so much shit, but your favorite mode is Invasion, you should be embracing 343 with open arms.
Invasion was dope
Flagnum was pretty cool though. It was ridiculous that they took out all the other flag mechanics though.
Comparing to MCC? Why wouldn't you compare to a standard from the previous 10 years? Sure Halo 2 was rough, but every single title from 3 until 4 was 99% free of technical failures. I'll let framerate issues on 2 shipped maps count as technical failures.I'm not denying that, I'm saying in comparison to the issues in the MCC it's very minor. And it doesn't show that 343 are technically incompetent.
Flagnum was pretty cool though. It was ridiculous that they took out all the other flag mechanics though.
Also 5 looks nothing like Battlefield. It's obviously a CoD: Advanced Warfighter ripoff![]()
I don't even know why I am dying.When I was young and naive you know what we did with games that were broken at launch? We buried them in the desert. #InfinitePowerOfTheShovel #Hashtag
Invasion was one of Reach's most enjoyable gametypes prior to the zero bloom patch, the sandbox just worked perfectly for Invasion's relatively encapsulated experience.
The gametype is often seen as a mindless shoot gallery but it had a very strong strategic feel to it where teamwork is KEY.
Obviously BTB maps suffered a bit from this so 343 made Dominion, a shitfest of ordinances and some scattered bases with no real flow and substance.
Invasion was awful bro.
And jem, just stop defending MCC, 343 isn't even defending this travesty. No one cares that you liked 4, or that you're anticipating 5, just stop defending a broken money grab.
Invasion was awful bro.
1v1 me scrub, Invasion on Spire, 0 seconds capture float time.
You chose poorly. A better option would've been on Boneyard and you spawn as human.
And jem, just stop defending MCC, 343 isn't even defending this travesty. No one cares that you liked 4, or that you're anticipating 5, just stop defending a broken money grab.
On the topic of Flagnum, is there anyone out there that genuinely believes that the player carrying the objective should be able to fire a weapon without dropping it, the one item on the map capable of putting points on the scoreboard? If so, why?
Well please tell me what I'm doing wrong.You're doing something severely wrong.
Well yeah, if you want an automatic weapon to just wildly spray at enemies like a degenerate. Precision rifles are severely limited.There is no lack of ammo, it is not sparse. You just aren't looking very well because there is tons of it around.
Seems to take at least one magazine to take out a Knight's shields. It takes a few more shots to get the headshot because of the second of invincibility and their tendency to teleport and start the whole process again. I rounded up and said two. But it's not much lessUnless I'm remembering wrong, it took 1 magazine to kill a knight. I guess as long as you're zoomed in that happens. Maybe unscoped it takes 2 magazines.
Well please tell me what I'm doing wrong.
On the topic of Flagnum, is there anyone out there that genuinely believes that the player carrying the objective should be able to fire a weapon without dropping it, the one item on the map capable of putting points on the scoreboard? If so, why?
He keeps brushing off file share as not a big deal, which is MCC...which is 343...
I think most games slow you down when you aim down the sights too.. you're on to something here.
Quick, someone check sprint!
What? He's been entirely critical of the MCC.
Read the entire post, Ramirez.
I think most games slow you down when you aim down the sights too.. you're on to something here.Also don't most games allow you to shoot whilst holding the flag?
I'm okay with them being able to use a handgun, honestly. It gives them at least some way to defend themselves at range. But there is a nice trade off between dropping the flag and letting the enemy team know where you are, but you can use your gun again vs not letting the team know where the flag is and being undefended.
On the topic of Flagnum, is there anyone out there that genuinely believes that the player carrying the objective should be able to fire a weapon without dropping it, the one item on the map capable of putting points on the scoreboard? If so, why?
Normally, I am very much against trade offs in core Halo mechanics, like you shouldn't have to lower your weapon in order to move at full speed like you do with sprint, but when you are carrying the one item on the map that can put points on the scoreboard I think you should have to take the moment required to drop the objective before you can return fire.
It's not even an almost, Certain Affinity did a huge portion of the multiplayer for 4.How much of the MCC's problems are 343's fault, I don't know. However, like I said earlier, I've seen a number of people claim that 343 can't produce a technically competent game which clearly isn't true because the one game they created (almost) on their own was on the whole fine. You can say what you like about the quality of the game but it wasn't technically broken.
It's less assuming and more basic pattern recognition. Their last game is a buggy mess, and it's the same company managing, if not working on things directly. From what we've seen about their policy (which might very well be up to MS and not anyone at 343i), they apparently are A-okay with releasing a broken, buggy mess of a game.I'd also argue that the MCC isn't a very good indication of the technical quality of 5, yet many people are assuming that 5 will be a mess because of how the MCC turned out. Which I think is silly.
Okay, but...I'm not naive, I'm just not fucking negative about absolutely everything 343 related. I actually quite enjoyed 4, I also think 5 looks great. Apparently that means I'm an astroturfer and can't think for myself.
This is an example of trying to spin something actually terrible for the game in the most positive light possible. "They removed a core feature and replaced it with something worse across the board, but at least it was goofy 'fun'!"I don't think it worked as a proper competitive CTF gamemode. I just thought it was quite fun in the same way Gungoose CTF is, a casual and fun gamemode.
When "not technically broken" is the bar you've established... that pretty much tells us all we need to know.I'm not denying any of that, the argument I'm making is that 4 wasn't technically broken.