Start up MCC, prompted for patch. I download patch, fire up multiplayer. First try, Rumble Slayer....searching....searching....searching...searching....back out.
Try again....searching....searching....searching....back out.
Try Team Slayer....searching....searching....searching...back out.
At this time, my background goes completely black.
I try Team Slayer again....searching....searching....this is now ten minutes...I'm done.
Do 343 test their own patches before they release them to MSFT? Seriously, go down to your local retail store, buy an Xbox One, install MCC, then try your own patch...ugh....
I swear, this is ungodly frustrating.
While I'm sure they do test their own patches, I wonder if they're only testing them on dev kits? There's something happening with our own Xbox Ones after downloading this patch, because there's no way that MSFT would have allowed this patch to pass if it didn't work, but then again, doesn't MSFT only test it for their own network's reliability, in otherwords, makes sure it doesn't crash XBL? So, if it doesn't, it gets the ok to go?