Enter The 36 Chambers
Thanks, 343.

Thanks, 343.
Hold on dude!Yeah, I'm honestly on the verge of selling my Xbox. My interest in gaming has plummeted, and I never turn it on for more than 20 minutes at a time. I'm getting Dragon Age tomorrow, though, and we'll see if that holds my interest. I'll hold onto the console for a while before making a decision, but it definitely feels pointless to have it now. Even when matchmaking works I only kind of enjoy it. Halo's fun, but so are lots of other things, lol. It's just hard for me to care right now. I haven't felt this way about games in years. It's weird.
Speaking of which, anyone who has Smash and wants to play, add me: UNKNOWN-iXiHold on dude!
The new Legend of Zelda is just around the corner and it looks glorious (as you know). Then there's Splatoon, the New Smash Bros, a bunch of interesting indie games on the One along with the PS4, some cool new IP that are so cool I can't remember their names and don't forget PC gaming.
Never let the dream die
Call it a hunch, but I think this one will go far.
I will certainly be smashin' it up with you once I get a Wii U. I've gotta get a One first though.Speaking of which, anyone who has Smash and wants to play, add me: UNKNOWN-iXi
Yeah, it looks cool. I just can't imagine myself sitting down and devoting that much time to a game right now. It sounds cool, but a lot of games sound cool and I still find myself feeling like I'd rather be doing something else. I think I just need to accept my disinterest and stop trying for a while. If DA doesn't do it for me I'll probably box up my consoles indefinitely.
Lol.Yes. And I tried playing H2C after the patch and it crashed in the lobby. With 10 people too. Still haven't played a game since the 14th. Thanks 343 I'll try again in 2015
Fuck that game.
It's kind of like being asked what you'd wish for. There's so many options that you don't know what you want and you get stuck.I know how you feel man. I always find that entertainment and free time are the hardest to manage in life. There's a lot more meaningful things to do in life. It's all a bit overwhelming sometimes.
Edit: I have dragon age and I certainly enjoy it, but I feel very similar to how you feel and it didn't change anything. It's too much to take in and the combat isn't particularly engaging. So many side quests too. Main story is serviceable. It's the world and characters that are interesting. I would rather talk to people than adventure and engage the enemy.
It's kind of like being asked what you'd wish for. There's so many options that you don't know what you want and you get stuck.
Based on the gameplay I've seen, I would LOVE the game if it had Dark Souls or Bloodborne's combat style (while keeping everything else such as the tactical map thing). The game looks like so good but I prefer my gameplay to be based around skill more than stats. Still interested in checking it out though.
I'm done.
Multi bomb on sanctuary. I was killed. Had a 9 second respawn that didn't countdown. I was out of the game for over 30 seconds while the other team scored.
This game can go do one. Complete opposite of fun.
Yeah I'm officially done with the game too. Thinking about getting a refund. This recent patch made it far worse for me.
Random thought but they really need to put the boops back into CE. I feel like all my skill is practically thrown out the window as it's just a guessing game if my shots are registering.
Having the game operate like this without the hitmarker boops is like playing roulette and leads to frustrating gameplay.
343 listening to the wrong people in that case. Once explained, those complaining understand the importance of those boops.Maybe we shouldn't have complained and made fun of the boops. They were pretty handy.
I usually set games to hard as well. Love a challenge. However fighting a boss monster only to lose because they're stats were better than mine feels more like a grind.This is exactly it. You hit the nail on the head. Everything is so automated. I typically put games on the hard setting but this game is now on "casual" because I realized that all my encounters are based on the enemy's health bar ultimately.
Just tired of fighting health bars in such a direct manner. I wanna use reflex and coordination to defeat a foe, not stat stack them.
They should make the boops optional. And also add an option to reduce the volume of the boops.
Everyone would be happy with that solution I think.
Maybe we shouldn't have complained and made fun of the boops. They were pretty handy.
Well, that sucks.343 does not like options. See Halo 4 and the shit ton of decisions that couldn't be turned off even in custom games as reference.
Random thought but they really need to put the boops back into CE. I feel like all my skill is practically thrown out the window as it's just a guessing game if my shots are registering.
Having the game operate like this without the hitmarker boops is like playing roulette and leads to frustrating gameplay.
343 does not like options. See Halo 4 and the shit ton of decisions that couldn't be turned off even in custom games as reference.
Speaking of which, anyone who has Smash and wants to play, add me: UNKNOWN-iXi
I'm still waiting for this to become your tag#butts
343 does not like options. See Halo 4 and the shit ton of decisions that couldn't be turned off even in custom games as reference.
I don't know the exact post, but Ftankie did say here on GAF once that one of the biggest things they learned from Halo 4 was that customization and options needed to be stronger.
They should go out. Even add some stuff people would never use...
For example, one time I mentioned being able to set the speed that you can go in any direction. So you could go at 150% speed going forward, strafe at 200% speed, and move backwards at 50% speed.
edit: My idea for this kind of system would be for a mini game. Pretty much you'd only be able to walk backwards or something silly like that.
I'll play it with you dude. My internet's down at the moment though so I won't be available for probably another week.I've been legitimately considering packing up my xbone and bringing the 360 back out just so I can play some Halo.
Oh and fuck all that effort Ozzy. I would have stopped after game 2.
I've been legitimately considering packing up my xbone and bringing the 360 back out just so I can play some Halo.
Oh and fuck all that effort Ozzy. I would have stopped after game 2.
Hook up both! Especially nice during these winter monthsin the northern hemisphere
Also I know a few of you are also Rock Band dorks, so I'll xpost in here that 11 tracks are being pulled off the store, nab them before the 23rd .
Thanks for the tip. Have Rock Band or Guitar Hero even liscened Stairway to Heaven yet?Hook up both! Especially nice during these winter monthsin the northern hemisphere
Also I know a few of you are also Rock Band dorks, so I'll xpost in here that 11 tracks are being pulled off the store, nab them before the 23rd .
Thanks for the tip. Have Rock Band or Guitar Hero even liscened Stairway to Heaven yet?
Well this whomps.Nobody has been able to license Led Zeppelin songs at all. They don't want anyone having access to their masters.
love it, this is why Halo is good. I love this stuff so much.
What is Halo?
This is Halo
Halo was and is THE reason I've gotten and will get an Xbox.
It's what made me jump from the Nintendo train (just in time too because I was thinking of getting a Wii at the time).
Ok almost all forgiven, CE wizard pistols loaded with a party of 4 and ARs with Dedis it felt like pure gold. Good times. Please hold together for a few games tonight...
Couldn't have said it better myself.Right?! I typically play more on the competitive side of the spectrum where this type of stuff doesn't happen, but I love Halo's big open maps and BTB for this type of thing. When you pull something off like that it's just so satisfying and so different from every other game, Halo's uniqueness and the opportunities that presents you makes it wonderful.
By the way, you can click the crappy gif for a smoother video.
Same conse line up for me as well. The first game system I ever owned was the original Game Boy. I also played some PlayStation games but my parents ended up selling most of our systems because my older bro and I played so much (my parents could never seem to decide their stance on video games).I can absolutely relate. I was a die-hard Nintendo fanboy for the longest time; my only consoles were NES, SNES, N64, and GameCube. I had no desire to get an Xbox and thought it would flop. Then I played Halo for the first time - four player split screen on a projector. I was hooked. Scrapped together every single penny I had and bought an Xbox and Halo the moment I could afford them.