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Halo |OT 21| Battle is the Great Redeemer | LIVE. DIE. RESPAWN.

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Anfony O

are you serious right now

"bububu I was promised a perfect game"

no you weren't

you were promised a faithful game, not a perfect one

there's a difference between tempered expectation and outright pipe dreaming

Actually are you being serious? It's acceptable as it is right now I find a game every 7 minutes. Acceptable because we know more patches are on the way....

Matchmaking in Halo has always been perfect. You want to be faithful to the game you have to nail that one down.
Matchmaking in Halo has always been perfect.

are you serious right now

"bububu I was promised a perfect game"

no you weren't

you were promised a faithful game, not a perfect one

there's a difference between tempered expectation and outright pipe dreaming

We were also promised everything on one disc and everything how we remembered it. But we got hcepc, h2v, pre patch h3/4, messed up audio, pared down customization, broken online.

I don't need to go on because the horse is a gooey pulp.

Anfony O


Always used to find matches in under a minute (although setting the actual match up takes a little longer) and I had a pretty terrible Internet connection. Had a lot of friends whose experience parallels mine. Maybe it's a bit of a generalisation but this is how I personally remember it. You could actually contribute to the discussion instead of just pointing and laughing aimlessly.


My update won't install. Stuck on "Updating..." for a while and then gives me an error. I tried rebooting which didn't fix it. Don't tell me I need to reinstall the whole game because if that's the case I'm not even going to bother.

edit: after three tries it magically worked. amazing
Always used to find matches in under a minute (although setting the actual match up takes a little longer) and I had a pretty terrible Internet connection. Had a lot of friends whose experience parallels mine. Maybe it's a bit of a generalisation but this is how I personally remember it. You could actually contribute to the discussion instead of just pointing and laughing aimlessly.

Come on. Use your brain. Getting into a match quickly isn't the only requirement for "perfect".

And I wasn't pointing and laughing aimlessly. I was pointing and laughing while aiming at your baseless and easily disputed statement.


I need a patch for the patch.

Likewise. It doesn't even begin downloading for me. Can't play campaigns or anything solo either because it's a forced update whenever you start

Can't be bothered fiddling around with it tonight but I've done a hard reset once and nothing.

Anfony O

Come on. Use your brain. Getting into a match quickly isn't the only requirement for "perfect".

And I wasn't pointing and laughing aimlessly. I was pointing and laughing while aiming at your baseless and easily disputed statement.

Definitely agree with you. But some of the issues I would imagine stemmed from the lack of dedicated servers, which is why Halo MCC seemed to be a godsend.

Let me just clarify that I was just worried that the claim acceptable might indicate a lack of confidence that all the issues could be resolved, specifically issues which involved finding a match quickly. All the games I've been pushed into till now seem to run extremely smoothly (when the player count is right)


Perfect seems a stretch. Don't think it will ever be perfect now. For me, acceptable will just be even teams, somewhat quick matchmaking times, easy party matchmaking, jump in and out etc. And all of matchmaking on dedicated servers like we were promised.

Playlist management will need to be given extra consideration now with the diminished playerbase. I'd also like them to patch in some form of playlist counter again so that we can at least see what playlist has greater numbers.
Definitely agree with you. But some of the issues I would imagine stemmed from the lack of dedicated servers, which is why Halo MCC seemed to be a godsend.

Let me just clarify that I was just worried that the claim acceptable might indicate a lack of confidence that all the issues could be resolved, specifically issues which involved finding a match quickly. All the games I've been pushed into till now seem to run extremely smoothly (when the player count is right)

ALL matchmaking uses dedicated servers. Host selection is not part of matchmaking. That shit happens in customs too. Matchmaking involves the general failure of Trueskill, even when populations were high, matching people in different countries/continents even when you select "best connection", avoid/prefer features are basically meaningless, gametypes for matchmaking/voting always take like 2 years every single release to get rid of most of the stupid shit (SMG starts Coag anyone?), preemptive quitting/"backing out" only got easier as time went on, etc, etc, etc.

I could go on.

Xcell Miguel

Gold Member
We are not going to stop making improvements until it's acceptable. Today was significant but we will be doing more significant improvements.

Now that it seems better, will the launch playlists come back soon ?

I miss the Swat one.

And what about Forge maps in H2A ?



Tried a game of Halo 2 Classic. Crashed loading the map. Lol. I'm so tired of enduring this nonsense I just shut if off immediately.

Wake me, when Halo works again.


Did they increase the speed in Halo 3? Played some MM games split screen with my buddy the other night so idk maybe it was split screen throwing me off but it felt faster


Did they increase the speed in Halo 3? Played some MM games split screen with my buddy the other night so idk maybe it was split screen throwing me off but it felt faster

Noticed it today myself. In the patch notes, they said they fixed some dead-zone stick issue, but the game movement definitely felt a bit faster.


Is Clamber going to completely kill off what was left of Grenade Jumps?
Why would it?

There will still be jumps you can't reach with clamber, it's not like some kind of wall climb ability. There will still be a maximum height you can jump and clamber, therefore grenade jumps can still have an application. The real issue is whether or not the maps are designed in such a way that grenade jumping is viable.
Go to start MCC and get the update after work..."there is a problem with the update" message. Frustrating as all other games, services like movie streaming and apps or content in the store works perfectly fine with my open NAT. Ugh and I had arranged to play with some mates tonight too.


Neo Member
I got a few 8v8 BTB games. The game is finally starting to kinda work for me. Hopefully the next patch doesn't break the game again. Either way, I'm probably still going to stick with mostly campaign for right now. I'm half way through my CE Legendary run.
Just saw someone with the clan tag [3v4 Industries]. Made me chuckle.
Also the first time I've seen a level 44 in this game.

Regarding the patch. I got kicked out of my first game.
Second matchmaking game turned into a Custom and put all players in a party. Shortly after that I got the message "You have left your game session".
Third game 3v4.
----Game 4, 5v5. This one gets a pass.
Game 5: stuck in voting screen. Kicked back to lobby eventually.
Game 5.2: 5v4.
Game 6: End up in a main menu lobby again with some other players. I back out and the game crashes to the dashboard.

Close, but no cigar 343.
What I've noticed from my own experience is that Halo 3 usually only gets picked as a tie between halo 3 and the halo CE map. Seeing as how there is already a halo 3 and halo 2 playlist, but not a CE specific playlist, shouldn't they put the CE map option to the far left?


Attempt to play Halo: round 2.

Game of Halo 3. Spawn killed multiple times but that's not really what we're upset about right now, so we'll give it a pass. (Seriously, people were spawning right next to me as I was battling their team mates)

Tried to play H2 classic again, failed to load map. That's the 2nd time since patch. 0/2 games played of H2!

Back to Smash Bros.


What I've noticed from my own experience is that Halo 3 usually only gets picked as a tie between halo 3 and the halo CE map. Seeing as how there is already a halo 3 and halo 2 playlist, but not a CE specific playlist, shouldn't they put the CE map option to the far left?


For whatever reason, the order goes H2/H2A. Halo 3. Halo CE. It should be CE. 2/2A. 3

It's like 343 doesn't want me to play CE.

Sofa King

Came in to see if things are fixed yet...guess not.

I stopped trying weeks ago. Hopefully the Halo 5 beta doesn't get screwed up by this.

Have they come out and said how they are going to make this right? I remember Frank or Bonnie said something in one of their apology letters about making things right for the fans.


What I've noticed from my own experience is that Halo 3 usually only gets picked as a tie between halo 3 and the halo CE map. Seeing as how there is already a halo 3 and halo 2 playlist, but not a CE specific playlist, shouldn't they put the CE map option to the far left?
How about they just make it so the game picks one of the two at random.
Had some really weird games this morning before work. Probably the first time since it came out where i ran into several bugs. Fell through the map on chillout and died. played a game on prisoner where i think the host's connection was so bad nobody could move. Everyone quit out but me and the host. He had 4 kills and no deaths, so I'm pretty sure it was on his end. Finally quit out after that lol. My other games weren't so bad other than getting stuck with really bad teammates or quitters. I was playing like doo doo this morning. Oh and I hate ascension. that map is a nightmare if you are down a couple of teammates. Freaking sniper/rocket killing fest for the other team.
How about they just make it so the game picks one of the two at random.
That's the ideal fix, which I support. Though I'm thinking it might be an easier change to just switch the order of the map selection. Hopefully, once all of the problems get resolved with matchmaking (cue 343 hate and jokes about how it will never happen), they'll release a halo ce playlist. I think a lot of people under-estimated how popular it would be. Gets voted for quite a bit, which makes me happy.


We are not going to stop making improvements until it's acceptable. Today was significant but we will be doing more significant improvements.

I'm glad the game is starting to work, at least for me. I'm 34 and work 40+ hours a week, I'm also married, so I barely have time to play video games. The time that I do get, it's precious to me and when I have to sit and wait for MCC to work at finding matches in matchmaking, it becomes very frustrating. I love Halo, it's my all-time most favorite console FPS, it brings that Quake-style gameplay onto consoles with its own uniqueness to it.

This weekend I had conversations with several friends and they all told me they traded MCC back in, whether it was at Bestbuy or Gamestop, they're getting at least $45 back in their pockets. They basically gave the game a month, which I don't blame them for doing. It's just sad because when MCC does work, it's freaking amazing. I tried to explain to them that with each patch, the game is getting better, at least for me it is, and it's at a point for me where as long as I'm finding a match within 30 seconds, I'm happy.

For them though, it goes beyond just the lengthy matchmaking times, it's the overall game itself. From the non-updated multiplayer maps, to the splitting of parties, to the game crashing for no reason, it's a countless list that you already know of the issues, but for them, their patience ran out. It's unfortunate too because like I said earlier, when MCC works, it's pure Halo bliss.

I'm had my own fair share of letdowns with video game releases in the past few years, whether it was Diablo 3 or Battlefield 4, every game seems to be launching with piss poor quality assurance. As the frustrations build up, the joy of a particular video game goes way down.

This weekend I was able to finally play MCC matchmaking consistently. I played H2A ranked, team slayer, Rumble annv and Halo 2 classic. Of all these playlists, I was surprisingly able to find matches within 30-40 seconds. I was shocked but I was also happy as hell. I even told my wife, HALO IS FIXED!!! FINALLY!!!! Fixed for me at least.

My main concern is time, and the time it takes to actually get into a multiplayer match. All the other issues with the game, I couldn't care less about, except for all these non-BR starting gametypes...I really wish those would just go away forever.

I hope one day my friends will go back to MCC, but I think at this point, they're done unfortunately. :(

Looking forward to the continued post-launch support, and I can't wait for the day where the consistency is there with quick matchmaking.



Had some really weird games this morning before work. Probably the first time since it came out where i ran into several bugs. Fell through the map on chillout and died. played a game on prisoner where i think the host's connection was so bad nobody could move. Everyone quit out but me and the host. He had 4 kills and no deaths, so I'm pretty sure it was on his end. Finally quit out after that lol. My other games weren't so bad other than getting stuck with really bad teammates or quitters. I was playing like doo doo this morning. Oh and I hate ascension. that map is a nightmare if you are down a couple of teammates. Freaking sniper/rocket killing fest for the other team.

That's the ideal fix, which I support. Though I'm thinking it might be an easier change to just switch the order of the map selection. Hopefully, once all of the problems get resolved with matchmaking (cue 343 hate and jokes about how it will never happen), they'll release a halo ce playlist. I think a lot of people under-estimated how popular it would be. Gets voted for quite a bit, which makes me happy.

I rarely got to play HCE 4v4s back in 2001-2004, it was always just 2v2s or 4 player FFAs.

Halo CE on Xbox Live is a godsend. Out of all the Halo games, it is indeed the fastest shooter. The kill times are fast. The action is fast. You literally have to be paying attention everytime you respawn. Your inital reaction determines your lifespan basically.

I can't believe they ever strayed away from that formula.


I bought an Xbone for this shit. Worst $400+ I've ever spent.
You're not alone. Easily the worst club I've ever been a part of.

Tried a game of Halo 2 Classic. Crashed loading the map. Lol. I'm so tired of enduring this nonsense I just shut if off immediately.

Wake me, when Halo works again.
Enjoy your coma.

Also the first time I've seen a level 44 in this game.
The ranking system is broken and easily exploitable again - little to no chance that was legit. I've seen a 50 already.

How about they just make it so the game picks one of the two at random.
Whoa, easy there with that crazy talk.
I rarely got to play HCE 4v4s back in 2001-2004, it was always just 2v2s or 4 player FFAs.

Halo CE on Xbox Live is a godsend. Out of all the Halo games, it is indeed the fastest shooter. The kill times are fast. The action is fast. You literally have to be paying attention everytime you respawn. Your inital reaction determines your lifespan basically.

I can't believe they ever strayed away from that formula.
Games fly by that's for sure. I enjoy it a lot. Even when I'm playing poorly, the action is so fast paced that i don't get as upset about it. And i'm never worried about uneven teams. On the contrary, I like being on the team with less players.


Games fly by that's for sure. I enjoy it a lot. Even when I'm playing poorly, the action is so fast paced that i don't get as upset about it. And i'm never worried about uneven teams. On the contrary, I like being on the team with less players.

It's the one game in the entire Halo series that you as a individual can defend yourself off spawn and kill people very quick with raw skill alone. The other teams force more team shooting and less power for the individual player.


Halo CE was godly. We LAN'd the Xbox version at a high school event one time and it was awesome. We also LAN'd Halo PC fairly often in classes. That was great.
It's the one game in the entire Halo series that you as a individual can defend yourself off spawn and kill people very quick with raw skill alone. The other teams force more team shooting and less power for the individual player.
pretty much. i don't mind halo 2, and 3 is tolerable on the better maps. But as soon as you start losing players, 2 and 3 become one-sided pretty fast, especially 3. Halo 3 is the worst halo to be down a man. Ugh.


pretty much. i don't mind halo 2 and 3 - the decent maps at least - when it's even teams. But as soon as you start losing players, 2 and 3 become one-sided immediately, especially 3. Halo 3 is the worst halo to be down a man. Ugh.

Yesterday I cringed when I was playing Team Slayer and people were voting for Halo 3 TS (non-BR start) over H2 BRs and HCE classic.


Yesterday I cringed when I was playing Team Slayer and people were voting for Halo 3 TS (non-BR start) over H2 BRs and HCE classic.
What, you don't like the "hold trigger, rush, exchange melees for a kill trade" style of gameplay that AR spawns encourage? Nonsense!
Yesterday I cringed when I was playing Team Slayer and people were voting for Halo 3 TS (non-BR start) over H2 BRs and HCE classic.
That happens a lot surprisingly. 343 needs to go edit those game types to exclude things like smg starts. Running around on midship with the plasma rifle is so pointless lol.
The gametype configuration for the H3 playlist is very troubling, to the point where I'm wondering if the weighting and voting options are glitched themselves. About 1 in 2 voting screens look like this in my experience:

AR Start Slayer I AR Start Slayer I AR Start Objective Gametype

Not even the option for a BR? In all honesty, nobody should be forced to play a map they don't like just because they dislike AR starts even more. For there to be no option of a vote for BR's at all is a betrayal of this collections potential. The whole point of having 100 + maps without DLC population splitting is the ability to really refine and pare down map/gametype combo's to the highest distillation of excellence across the four games. Sounds like they're pulling 18 hour days to get the MCC 100% functional; once that is achieved there is another mountain of playlist work to do.


If BxB was in Halo 3, I might have a change of mind. ;)

Or momentum-based melees. I'll never understand why they dumbed melees down after Halo 2. I loved having to jump and run to get full impact on my first melee, then sneaking in a nice ducking BXB to finish someone off. Halo 2 close quarters combat was soooo good.

Well, as long as you ignore the massive and inconsistent lunges and lag throwing off melee registration. But still, best CQC in the series.
The gametype configuration for the H3 playlist is very troubling, to the point where I'm wondering if the weighting and voting options are glitched themselves. About 1 in 2 voting screens look like this in my experience:

AR Start Slayer I AR Start Slayer I AR Start Objective Gametype

Not even the option for a BR? In all honesty, nobody should be forced to play a map they don't like just because they dislike AR starts even more. For there to be no option of a vote for BR's at all is a betrayal of this collections potential. The whole point of having 100 + maps without DLC population splitting is the ability to really refine and pare down map/gametype combo's to the highest distillation of excellence across the four games. Sounds like they're pulling 18 hour days to get the MCC 100% functional; once that is achieved there is another mountain of playlist work to do.
I've done BR starts on at least a few H3 maps - Epitaph, Cold Storage, and Snowbound off the top of my head. But yeah, most are have not been.
Or momentum-based melees. I'll never understand why they dumbed melees down after Halo 2. I loved having to jump and run to get full impact on my first melee, then sneaking in a nice ducking BXB to finish someone off. Halo 2 close quarters combat was soooo good.

Well, as long as you ignore the massive and inconsistent lunges and lag throwing off melee registration. But still, best CQC in the series.

CE is up there too. It has the same system minus the inconsistent lunges.


Or momentum-based melees. I'll never understand why they dumbed melees down after Halo 2. I loved having to jump and run to get full impact on my first melee, then sneaking in a nice ducking BXB to finish someone off. Halo 2 close quarters combat was soooo good.

Well, as long as you ignore the massive and inconsistent lunges and lag throwing off melee registration. But still, best CQC in the series.

One thing that bothers me in H2A is the shotty, for some reason it feels like it's slow as molassas to shoot.
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