Big Team Battle on Bloodline -- Assault rifle starts, why?
I hat a perfection on my first game on the Pit with the MCC too, it was also boring, but that'ts the pit in a nut shell.This game is so weird sometimes. I was having a horrid stretch of games where either my team was bad, I was bad, the other team was just really good, or probably all of the above. Was getting killed left and right and felt embarrassed by my poor performances. Then I start another match. Everyone votes for H3 Pit... Good grief. It's a good map, but I really just wanted to play some more CE. I stay in the game to stick it out and the next thing I know I've got a perfection. WTH? Granted, it was probably one of the more easy and less impressive perfections you'll ever see, but who cares. I needed that lol. Not the most exciting, but I must share it on principle, because I don't get these very often. Only one before this and that was back during H3 on high ground.
my first tmcc perfection (roughly 6 minutes long)
I don't mind the map, but I wish they would take the health regens out. And poop. I forgot that clips can only be 5 minutes long. So I have no proof it happened! lolI hat a perfection on my first game on the Pit with the MCC too, it was also boring, but that'ts the pit in a nut shell.
Further proof that the DVR can't replace theater. Sorry it got cut short bro.This game is so weird sometimes. I was having a horrid stretch of games where either my team was bad, I was bad, the other team was just really good, or probably all of the above. Was getting killed left and right and felt embarrassed by my poor performances. Then I start another match. Everyone votes for H3 Pit... Good grief. It's a good map, but I really just wanted to play some more CE. I stay in the game to stick it out and the next thing I know I've got a perfection. WTH? Granted, it was probably one of the more easy and less impressive perfections you'll ever see, but who cares. I needed that lol. Not the most exciting, but I must share it on principle, because I don't get these very often. Only one before this and that was back during H3 on high ground.
my first tmcc perfection - cut short by 5 min dvr restriction![]()
I hat a perfection on my first game on the Pit with the MCC too, it was also boring, but that'ts the pit in a nut shell.
Halo randoms, just as fucking awful as ever.
Well the patch finally downloaded. Not sure what changed but I turned on my Xbox and it was already 75% done.
Regardless. I searched BTB for like 10 minutes and didn't get anything. Did this patch do anything? Honestly feel like I've wasted enough time waiting for this to work. Don't intend to try again until I hear it's working like it should for everyone.
Holy shit dude, I had two other really good people. Should have joined! We were rocking the HCS/Ranked playlist.
Sent you a couple invites.
Any idea on when this thing is supposed to ship? Why would they put it in their store without even a rough estimate?
I mean if you want people to pay $240 for it then maybe it would be nice to let them know when it might actually amount to something
haha it's no biggie. I probably still have the clip saved. if i really wanted I could go back and edit it down.Further proof that the DVR can't replace theater. Sorry it got cut short bro.
Sorry Funknown. I got your invite right before shutting down the xbox. I've got to be at work in less than an hour and it takes me 20 minutes to get there. But i'm not even close to being ready for work lol.lmfao.. A 7v3 ranked match. It's been working well for most of tonight though, but still several issues.
Glad you've got the clip at least.haha it's no biggie. I probably still have the clip saved. if i really wanted I could go back and edit it down.
So far the latest update seems to have improved it a lot more than previous updates but it's still got problems. Uneven teams are still an issue.I'm back after a holiday; is Halo fixed yet?
I'm back after a holiday; is Halo fixed yet?
I can 4 shot people in Halo 3. There's no reason why you can't unless you don't have control over your BR. So H2 it should be no problem. Then again I played 4500 games of H3.
Holy shit I always noticed this in Halo 3 and wondered what was going on. I figured I must've melee'd mid shot or something. Guess not.Anyone can four shot people in Halo 3, that doesn't negate the fact that at times, you will be robbed of a four shot due to the br refunding. To put it in layman's terms, anytime you fire your BR, and the AR also, in Halo 3, you are essentially pulling a slot machine handle on every trigger pull. Sometimes all three bullets will exist, sometimes two and sometimes only one. For some reason, Halo 3 refunds you back the bullets that didn't exist in your shot, thus you'll see your ammo counter go from say...three to five.
In Halo 2 Annv, this same thing is happening. So, no, it's not a result of me meleeing anyone in the middle of a shot, it's simply the game. I started noticing it more recently last night as I was hammering into a person and clearly after four headshots they were not dying, it took five or six, I was not missing shots.
The thing that really brought it to my attention was the sound of the game. The BR has been sounding inconsistent. When you fire the BR in H2A, you'll hear the "bang, bang, bang." However, sometimes you'll only hear two bangs or one bang...then I started watching my ammo counter and the damn thing changes back to a number on its own.
So, the image of the one bullet left was me simply firing my BR over and over and on the last two bursts I had left, I fired them as quick as I could and I was refunded a bullet back.
I guess the average person won't even notice this or pay any attention to it, most people in Halo 3 didn't even know it existed, they just played. I have a eye for attention to detail and this bothers me.
Stinkles, maybe you can chime in on this? Is this a P2P thing or is it a dedicated server thing, or is this simply the way you guys designed the netcode for the BR?
I really thought that H2A was hitscan on the BR, but it seems not so, each individual bullet within a three-round burst counts as a separate projectile.
I tried partying with a couple dudes, went about as well as pre patch, aka garbage.
H2A's netcode is seriously awful. One game it's fine, the next rockets don't shoot out, and grenades come out 2 seconds after you throw them. This only happens in H2A, so I know it's not my internet.
Holy shit I always noticed this in Halo 3 and wondered what was going on. I figured I must've melee'd mid shot or something. Guess not.
That's terrible for gameplay though. Randomly firing less bullets will just leave you wondering if you lost because you missed or if it was because your gun screwed up.
That's so... weird. A bunch of little things can in fact affect the end result of something.I used to rage on the Bnet forums back in 2007 about the BR refunding, and the BR spread. I even used to go into theater mode and screen shot still frames of BR shots.
I though BR spread was bad enough, but the bullet refunding just makes it worse. How can any player be consistent if each shot of the BR is a slot machine? People can go on and on about how it doesn't affect the outcome of a game, etc...but in actuality, it can.
I think you'll know if you missed, if you're consistently aiming at someone and you know your aim is on them, if you're not getting consistent kills, it's the bullet refunding, aka, packet loss, or whatever technical term it is.
I think Bungie explained it once in a weekly update. Something about when you the client fire the BR, it sends a signal to the host that you fire a shot of BR, and within that single shot of BR there's three packets (three bullets), and then once it pings the host, it sends the data quickly back to you, the client, and displays the result. On its way back to you, sometimes it loses the packet...thus you don't get a full three-round shot.
I'm not sure how they designed it this way, but now it's in Halo 2 annv. It was not in Halo 4.
It also didn't happen in Halo 2 classic because the BR was hitscan. I believe the BR was also hitscan in Halo 4?
That's so... weird. A bunch of little things can in fact affect the end result of something.
The H4 BR was indeed hitscan.
Not sure what the deal with H2A is.
While this isn't anything to do with Halo, just thought I'd tell you another mind-blowing story involving Gears of War.
The shotgun in Gears of War was a complete slot machine, intentionally designed that way. I tested it with friends over and over, basically getting as close as you could with the shotgun on another player, fire it, and record the result. The weapon was suppose to 100% of the time deal an insta-kill, however, it actually had a slot machine of damage outputs. Layman's terms again, lets lable the dmg outputs 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% (meaning insta-kill). There may have been more dmg outputs, but for explanation purposes, these dmg outputs were a slot machine each time you pulled the trigger. (Epic Games admitted it was designed to be random after they had announced Gears of War 2, it was part of their PR campaign, to say that the shotty in Gears 2 was fixed)
Similar thing happens with the BR in Halo 3, though it's dependent upon the spread working in your favor, meaning all three bullets are hitting your target, and hoping the packet loss isn't causing a loss of bullets in the first place.
The corrected the shotgun in Gears of War 2 and then further refined it in Gears of War 3. Many people will argue that players are just bad at aiming or whatever...but how can one be bad at aiming if you're doing everything right with aiming, but you're at the mercy of the game giving you the correct dmg output?
Once the other playlists go ranked, I can't see myself enjoying H2A anymoreNow that I know the BR isn't putting out three rounds per shot 100% of the time.
This seems like something that would be fixed in a future update. At least I assume it would be fixed.
The MCC thread was just starting to turn for the positive so of course the "1 month later" thread has to pop up.
Anyone can four shot people in Halo 3, that doesn't negate the fact that at times, you will be robbed of a four shot due to the br refunding. To put it in layman's terms, anytime you fire your BR, and the AR also, in Halo 3, you are essentially pulling a slot machine handle on every trigger pull. Sometimes all three bullets will exist, sometimes two and sometimes only one. For some reason, Halo 3 refunds you back the bullets that didn't exist in your shot, thus you'll see your ammo counter go from say...three to five.
Halo 3 is slower. I believe that's part of it. I usually vote for the CE map and occasionally the Halo 2 maps in the slayer playlist, but when I get stuck playing a halo 3 game I feel like i play really well.We're agreeing.
Honestly I can kill people easier in H3 than in H2 or H2A. I think it's just from playing it for years and years.
I used to rage on the Bnet forums back in 2007 about the BR refunding, and the BR spread. I even used to go into theater mode and screen shot still frames of BR shots.
I though BR spread was bad enough, but the bullet refunding just makes it worse. How can any player be consistent if each shot of the BR is a slot machine? People can go on and on about how it doesn't affect the outcome of a game, etc...but in actuality, it can.
Halo 3 is slower. I believe that's part of it. I usually vote for the CE map and occasionally the Halo 2 maps in the slayer playlist, but when I get stuck playing a halo 3 game I feel like i play really well.
Yeah man. It's beyond frustrating. I sincerely can deal with the rest of the issues the game has, but I almost want to stop playing until the dedicated servers are online.I tried partying with a couple dudes, went about as well as pre patch, aka garbage.
H2A's netcode is seriously awful. One game it's fine, the next rockets don't shoot out, and grenades come out 2 seconds after you throw them. This only happens in H2A, so I know it's not my internet.
I'd appreciate the following:
Halo 2 Anniversary - A mix of Slayer and Objective in H2A. 4v4
Halo Classic - A mix of Slayer and Objective in HCE and H2. 4v4
New Age Hipster Bullshit - A mixture of bad games in Halo 3 and Halo 4. Whatever vs Whatever because who gives a fuck?
Team Objective - Objective based gametypes in H2, H2A and H3. 4v4.
Big Team Battle - Large scale conflicts featuring a mix of Slayer and Objective in HCE, H2, H2A, H3 and H4. 8v8.
Squad Battle - A mix of Slayer and Objective for days where you have too many for 4v4 but not enough for 8v8. 5v5.
And occasionally rotate in/out the following:
Rumble Pit
Control (Territories/King)
Sports (Grifball/Ricochet)
Silly Casual Bullshit (Infection)
Community Grab Bag (Nascar, Fat Kid, Duck Hunt, ect)
Just beat The Storm on Legendary and it didn't count.
4 body shots. The last shot you drag up to the head. Works pretty consistently for me for a bunch of years.
Today is the final episode of Halo: Nightfall, isn't it? Oh boy...
Whoever was talking about bullet refunding, it doesn't surprise me. It would happen in Halo 4 so I would expect it to still happen in H2A.
I don't remember it happening at all in Halo 4. It doesn't happen with hitscan weapons.
Did you resume your game from a checkpoint, because that causes a glitch were it would give you completion for co-op.
Your tale is a frustrating (but in the end happy) one.While this isn't anything to do with Halo, just thought I'd tell you another mind-blowing story involving Gears of War.
The shotgun in Gears of War was a complete slot machine, intentionally designed that way. I tested it with friends over and over, basically getting as close as you could with the shotgun on another player, fire it, and record the result. The weapon was suppose to 100% of the time deal an insta-kill, however, it actually had a slot machine of damage outputs. Layman's terms again, lets lable the dmg outputs 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% (meaning insta-kill). There may have been more dmg outputs, but for explanation purposes, these dmg outputs were a slot machine each time you pulled the trigger. (Epic Games admitted it was designed to be random after they had announced Gears of War 2, it was part of their PR campaign, to say that the shotty in Gears 2 was fixed)
Similar thing happens with the BR in Halo 3, though it's dependent upon the spread working in your favor, meaning all three bullets are hitting your target, and hoping the packet loss isn't causing a loss of bullets in the first place.
The corrected the shotgun in Gears of War 2 and then further refined it in Gears of War 3. Many people will argue that players are just bad at aiming or whatever...but how can one be bad at aiming if you're doing everything right with aiming, but you're at the mercy of the game giving you the correct dmg output?
Once the other playlists go ranked, I can't see myself enjoying H2A anymoreNow that I know the BR isn't putting out three rounds per shot 100% of the time.
I really hope we get some info on Halo 5 soon. Particularly BTB. Dying of thirst here. Of course they should keep all their development focus on fixing the MCC.