It was I need to try this
I've got it saved on my 360 so I'll have to try and get a clip of it. I've been wanting to get some recording equipment for a while anyway (though I still need to get a One amongst other things
like bills
It was I need to try this
What? Everyone loves that map!Zenith is such a godawful map. Why remake this piece of shit?
Just got all my Done...Unlocking achievements pop. Maybe they're fixing them? They were pretty random Halo 3 coop playlists ones. Also a reminder to get a match of Halo 2 Classic in today for the 9th of the month, Back At It achievement. It didn't pop playing H2A like the description said, but it popped during a match of Ivory Tower Team BR's.
See? Im not crazy there really is a good game in there. I just wish they could make all legendary slayer gametypes have thruster. Keep it all the same just include thruster for everyone.
I also noticed last night the glare from the sun on wreckage, never saw it before but that is really annoying. But besides that it was good fun.
Whose idea was it to have AR starts on Bloodline in BTB Slayer?
One good thing about 4's loadout system was that you were never stuck with fucking AR starts.
Legendary slayer was the only time the game was even ok.
Yeah, no. There was never anything good about Loadouts in Halo.
They confirmed loadouts weren't in Halo 5 right?Here is a bright idea: how about no loadouts and still start with weapons that are useful? Gasp. Top men say this is too much to ask.
Did I do it right?
Edit: beaten with exactly my sarcastic point.
No loadouts in the beta. That's all we know.They confirmed loadouts weren't in Halo 5 right?
Or are "weapon sets" still going to be a thing?
looks like something out of Halo 4. Too shiny.
I don't know, Zenith is shiny and I think it looks awesome.
Except that they meant I never had to play a single AR starts game. So in that aspect they were pretty good...Legendary slayer was the only time the game was even ok.
Yeah, no. There was never anything good about Loadouts in Halo.
I will contribute $100for 343 to hire FyreWulff for a couple hours TO FIX THESE STUPID FUCKING SETTINGS.,000
Seriously, SMG/AR starts in 2014 is nothing but bullshit.. What's the reason for it? Is it a design choice or a glitch? Have they commented on this? Is this just a big "F--- YOU" to all the fans? What's it going to take to get some answers/fixes? They throw in the Turbo update and fix other things, but they leave this BS despite years of complaints?
I'm considering a visit to a hypnotist to rid myself of this franchise from my damn memory..
Holding the trigger down in MP drastically reduces consistent shot placement due to increased bullet spread when doing that. There is literally no advantage to holding down the trigger in MP. Only negatives.
If only there wasn't a ceiling. Would've loved to see you go into orbit.
Reminds me of the glitch with one of the Scarabs on "The Covenant". If you kill it while it's still in its "roar" animation you get launched out of the map so fast it literally broke my game. Which is actually how I discovered it.
lol I need to try this
FyreWulff is the High Priest of AR starts, he'd implement them across the board.
Spartan junkNightfall is disappointing; and I really liked Forward Unto Dawn.
Forget the usual complaints; the fact that 343iare killing off Spartan IIs every now and then is a worrying trend. At this point the only remaining Spartans of significance are Blue and Grey Teams, since Red and Black are missing/dead as of Escalation. And Blue team will probably be in Halo 5.
Their deaths aren't meaningful anymore. This is a shame since another 343i work, Halo Evolutions I believe, had Headhunter, probably one of the best written pieces of Halo fiction. And even though we barely knew the Spartans III in it, their deaths were actually meaningful and not completely predictable, unlike Randall.
Well now I know what I'm going to do later today. Thank you.Another fun one: during that same One Final Effort segment, I think you actually need all your co-op players down by the Hornets to actually trigger the Scarabs spawning. If players stay a ways back before the loading zone, it won't actually warp you up, meaning the Scarabs won't spawn unless you actually fly in a beeline towards their battlefield. As a result, a stupid / fun thing to do is to have 1+ player(s) stay back, have one person get in the Hornet, and then fly to where they come down (indicated by the two big dark patches of ice) and then that will trigger them spawning. A Scarab bodyslamming a hornet usually fucks with the physics on more than one level.
You can also cheese it in single player, provided you have good enough aim Mongoose launching. Nabbing Invincibility helps. So do Tough Luck (strengthens vehicles) and Cowbell.
Craggle Rock starts. "When I first joined the corp, we had two sticks and a rock to the whole platoon, and we had to share the rock!"
That's lag. 100%Played some matches last night in H2A and found out that the needler is also affected by the bullet refunding issue. I was laying into someone with the needler and they would simply not die, as I watched the ammo counter and the ammo image string, the ammo would delete with each shot fired but then it would hesitate and actually go BACKWARDS as if refilling my weapon...ugh![]()
So, conclusion of the needler is, you will visually see needles coming out and attaching to players and exploding, but there's high chances they're phantom needles...just crazy.
This just makes H2A un-fun to play. The carbine also has bullet refunding. Seems like it's basically any projectile weapon whether it's convenant or human.
Why?? This makes BR fights pretty much pot luck, as well as any other projectile weapon, unless you're the host of the match. I've yet to encounter a dedicated server, so I can't tell if it happens on dedicated servers. I'd like to believe it's just a peer to peer thing.
I guess I should just stick to the Halo 2 classic playlist. In essence, all I really want to play is Halo 2 classic team slayer and Halo CE team slayer.
This just bums the hell outta me, because I really do enjoy H2A, but now everytime I play, I can't stop thinking about the bullet refunding issue.
Though even Spartan Ops has more storyDoes anyone else find it ironical that Destiny and Spartan Ops level / mission design are basically the same game?
Does anyone else find it ironical that Destiny and Spartan Ops level / mission design are basically the same game?
Beat me to itThough even Spartan Ops has more story
Funny enough, the first half of the season of SpOps also did the reverse level thing too. The second half solved that problem by letting the levels open up areas during the course of the week, which was a neat and novel idea. Add more content like that, bring in more combat variety, do more world building like Destinys Black Garden and add the Destinys economy systems and you could have something cool.Does anyone else find it ironical that Destiny and Spartan Ops level / mission design are basically the same game?
That's lag. 100%
I get this all the time with almost all the guns and grenades. You will shoot and then your bullets/grenades will come back and they won't have done any damage. It's definitely a P2P issue, not an intentional design decision.
I don't think it's an intentional design, but I do think it's because the guns are not hitscan. Halo 2 didn't do this. It started with Halo 3. I just can't believe it's in Halo 2 Annv.
I will contribute $100for 343 to hire FyreWulff for a couple hours TO FIX THESE STUPID FUCKING SETTINGS.,000
Seriously, SMG/AR starts in 2014 is nothing but bullshit.. What's the reason for it? Is it a design choice or a glitch? Have they commented on this? Is this just a big "F--- YOU" to all the fans? What's it going to take to get some answers/fixes? They throw in the Turbo update and fix other things, but they leave this BS despite years of complaints?
I'm considering a visit to a hypnotist to rid myself of this franchise from my damn memory..
Refunding happens because the host never saw the bullet fired, so you see bullets return to the clip when the host informs the client of your actual ammo count. The client assumes the entire bullet group has been shot and does the ammo depletion animation clientside, and most of the time it'll line up.
The only way to 'fix' it is to trust the client on everything and trusting the client with anything you don't have to trust the client with is a bad idea networking wise for anticheat/manipulation purposes.
It's also why you won't see bullet refunding in campaign co-op.
This makes BR fights pretty much pot luck
unfortunately the BR start people are the minority in the grand scheme. Mainly Halo players want to just run around with their machine guns and beat people down.
1. Crouch-Thrusting
unfortunately the BR start people are the minority in the grand scheme. Mainly Halo players want to just run around with their machine guns and beat people down.
A lot of people seemed to have bitched for Halo 2 and 3 to go from SMG/AR starts to BR starts.
One solution is just have BR/AR starts. No separate gametypes that clog up voting. Everyone wins!
I've always wondered why this isn't the default. I guess it makes the pistol kind of obsolete?
Pistol isn't even a secondary in BR starts anyway. Always a pickup.
A lot of people seemed to have bitched for Halo 2 and 3 to go from SMG/AR starts to BR starts.
One solution is just have BR/AR starts. No separate gametypes that clog up voting. Everyone wins!
because the unskilled players don't want the skilled players to have a BR every single game.
I'm still conflicted on BR starts, to be honest. For larger maps I think its absolutely essential. On smaller maps though, I still kind of like the idea of the BR being a "power weapon" that people have to pick up and thus fight for. And yes, on small and even some mid sized maps the BR is a power weapon - at that point it's a weapon that can quickly kill across the entire map. But the downside to this is that if one team gets multiple BRs on a smaller map, the game becomes a land slide because the Halo 2 SMG and the Halo 3 AR just aren't good enough to fight back usually.
I'd kind of like to experiment with Halo 2 Anniversary a little. With a smaller map like Lockdown or Warlord, reduce the number of BRs that appear on the map to something like 1 or 2 at most and then give everyone AR starts. The H2A AR I actually think is decent enough that it could be viable in a small map scenario like that.
Midship might be my favorite map in the entire series, but Plasma Rifle spawns make it unplayable.NO IDIOTS VOTE FOR BR's, I KNOW GEMANI SUCKS AND MIDSHIP IS THE GOAT BUT FUCK PR/SMG STARTS!