I'm still conflicted on BR starts, to be honest. For larger maps I think its absolutely essential. On smaller maps though, I still kind of like the idea of the BR being a "power weapon" that people have to pick up and thus fight for. And yes, on small and even some mid sized maps the BR is a power weapon - at that point it's a weapon that can quickly kill across the entire map. But the downside to this is that if one team gets multiple BRs on a smaller map, the game becomes a land slide because the Halo 2 SMG and the Halo 3 AR just aren't good enough to fight back usually.
I'd kind of like to experiment with Halo 2 Anniversary a little. With a smaller map like Lockdown or Warlord, reduce the number of BRs that appear on the map to something like 1 or 2 at most and then give everyone AR starts. The H2A AR I actually think is decent enough that it could be viable in a small map scenario like that.
because the unskilled players don't want the skilled players to have a BR every single game.
Surprised they're still not revealing any new beta info yet.
uhhhhh guys, what did I just watch?
I think the H2A AR is pretty good as a map pick up, I always dump my SMG for it.
On Warlock at least spawning with an AR makes you viable. On Lockout... not so much. Once a team locks down one of the towers with a BR yo can't do SHIT. I've been on both ends of a donging party on lockout during SMG starts. Its laughable how easy it is to lock shit down once you get control of the map. Especially if Radar is on also.
But besides the purely gameplay design reasons why BR starts are the best for Halo... I think it's just a more fun weapon to fight with.
AR's you just aim at anywhere, hold trigger down, and get in closer for the kill. Strafing won't do much in an AR fight between two people who are competent at aiming. It's just such a boring fight.
At least with BR's you can engage in multiple distances, get headshots, make a player miss a shot easier... etc.
uhhhhh guys, what did I just watch?
Greenskull complains about whining in the community.
Also apparently he likes the Halo Bulletin and that Halo mobile game.
"Welcome to Shill 101"Greenskull complains about whining in the community.
Also apparently he likes the Halo Bulletin and that Halo mobile game.
Greenskull complains about whining in the community.
Also apparently he likes the Halo Bulletin and that Halo mobile game.
Thanks for all the comments on this video. You've all given me so much hope for the future.
Take a stand. The most vocal are usually the rudest. I'd love to see you intelligent people having more of a voice in the community.
BR isn't the best weapon. It's just a utility weapon. Jack of all trades, master of none.
The issue is the rest of the weapons suck.
Sniper, Shotgun, Rockets, Rail gun, sword, all those weapons are power weapons. They are insanely powerful when used right. These are the weapons to fight over, using your BR.
But if 343 wants to add forerunner/covenant versions of existing weapons they need to be made DIFFERENT.
There's no reason I should pick up a plasma rifle if I have a BR. Or AR for that matter.
But if the made it stun...
"Welcome to Shill 101"
Holy shit
Scarab babies being made
Agreed. I also feel this way about the Silenced SMG. Both are blatantly better than the standard SMG.I think the H2A AR is pretty good as a map pick up, I always dump my SMG for it.
Again I'm still happy this shit head isn't allowed have a gaf account.Greenskull complains about whining in the community.
Also apparently he likes the Halo Bulletin and that Halo mobile game.
Greenskull complains about whining in the community.
Also apparently he likes the Halo Bulletin and that Halo mobile game.
Some of his points are somewhat reasonable. Quite a lot of the community is complaining pretty heavily without having even played the game. Which is made worse by the fact that those who have played it aren't anywhere near as negative.
That's not to say that people shouldn't complain at all, however some are outright dismissing it already. Which I think is a bit silly.
Greenskull complains about whining in the community.
Also apparently he likes the Halo Bulletin and that Halo mobile game.
Greenskull complains about whining in the community.
Also apparently he likes the Halo Bulletin and that Halo mobile game.
That's like almost every other halo game besides CE lolSome of his points are somewhat reasonable. Quite a lot of the community is complaining pretty heavily without having even played the game. Which is made worse by the fact that those who have played it aren't anywhere near as negative.
That's not to say that people shouldn't complain at all, however some are outright dismissing it already. Which I think is a bit silly.
I'm still conflicted on BR starts, to be honest. For larger maps I think its absolutely essential. On smaller maps though, I still kind of like the idea of the BR being a "power weapon" that people have to pick up and thus fight for. And yes, on small and even some mid sized maps the BR is a power weapon - at that point it's a weapon that can quickly kill across the entire map. But the downside to this is that if one team gets multiple BRs on a smaller map, the game becomes a land slide because the Halo 2 SMG and the Halo 3 AR just aren't good enough to fight back usually.
I'd kind of like to experiment with Halo 2 Anniversary a little. With a smaller map like Lockdown or Warlord, reduce the number of BRs that appear on the map to something like 1 or 2 at most and then give everyone AR starts. The H2A AR I actually think is decent enough that it could be viable in a small map scenario like that.
I'm still conflicted on BR starts, to be honest. For larger maps I think its absolutely essential. On smaller maps though, I still kind of like the idea of the BR being a "power weapon" that people have to pick up and thus fight for. And yes, on small and even some mid sized maps the BR is a power weapon - at that point it's a weapon that can quickly kill across the entire map. But the downside to this is that if one team gets multiple BRs on a smaller map, the game becomes a land slide because the Halo 2 SMG and the Halo 3 AR just aren't good enough to fight back usually.
I'd kind of like to experiment with Halo 2 Anniversary a little. With a smaller map like Lockdown or Warlord, reduce the number of BRs that appear on the map to something like 1 or 2 at most and then give everyone AR starts. The H2A AR I actually think is decent enough that it could be viable in a small map scenario like that.
Why would anyone want to spawn with a weapon that they can't defend the!selves with? Halo has a Utility Weapon for a reason.
^I like SWAT...but for casual play, not serious play.
H2A...BR/Silenced Scoped SMG start or BR/AR starts! both are good enough for people who wanna spray and pray (plus Silenced Scoped SMG is a fantastic low-mid range weapon as well) and you get your BR.
...Personally I have always been a Covie Carbine guy myself
I DO get the arguement for AR/SMG starts that you should utilize the entire weapon suite, but it leads to one guy who grabs the BR/Carbine/Snipers to dominate over the rest. This is due to poor balance, I maintain Halo 1 is by far the best balanced Halo.
Hey Greenskull, maybe more people would be willing to give 343 the benefit of the doubt if they didn't put their entire community on the loyalty treadmill constantly. I know how the Xbox MVP program works. Poor form to attack the community in your video.
In Reach, DMR bloom was actually a pretty cool mechanic in SWAT gametypes. You would have some kid miss his first shot and keep spamming so you turn around and put one perfectly accurate shot into his face. Makes you feel like Sam Jackson when that kid pops out of the bathroom with the gun in Pulp Fiction.
We're talking ~10 years of tried experiments with SMG/AR starts and they simply don't work in Halo 2's and Halo 3's sandbox. AR/Magnum starts in Halo 5 seem like they have potential because they kill fast and have decent range, meaning you can defend yourself when you spawn. Couple that with the advanced movement options and that's how you better execute on spawning in Halo.I'm still conflicted on BR starts, to be honest. For larger maps I think its absolutely essential. On smaller maps though, I still kind of like the idea of the BR being a "power weapon" that people have to pick up and thus fight for. And yes, on small and even some mid sized maps the BR is a power weapon - at that point it's a weapon that can quickly kill across the entire map. But the downside to this is that if one team gets multiple BRs on a smaller map, the game becomes a land slide because the Halo 2 SMG and the Halo 3 AR just aren't good enough to fight back usually.
I'd kind of like to experiment with Halo 2 Anniversary a little. With a smaller map like Lockdown or Warlord, reduce the number of BRs that appear on the map to something like 1 or 2 at most and then give everyone AR starts. The H2A AR I actually think is decent enough that it could be viable in a small map scenario like that.
It's almost as if 343 knows this and wants to confuse people, forcing us to play what they want us to.. Either that or they're lazy and just don't give a damn about updating these playlists. And I'm sorry, but I won't believe any reasons like "Didn't have time, had to fix MM" because it should have been this way since launch, and especially since you updated Halo 4.. So choose your poison folks.And once they loaded it in they apologized because they didn't know Team Slayer didn't have BR's. I feel like there are some people who just want to play slayer and Team BR's sounds like something different.
Vapor, I agree with your entire post defending the BR along with the importance/balance of the pistol/AR combo as starting weapons for CE.
Just didn't want to quote the whole text lol
AHHHH, I cringe when I read this logic. No offense dude.
At least you admit that when a team gets the BRs in a non-BR start game, that team usually wipes the floor of the other team.
When you lookat Halo CE, and hopefully people will start to see this as MCC becomes more stable and eventually there will be an HCE playlist, HCE's weapon set is practically flawless.
You spawn with a CQC weapon that's relatively easy to use, it's full auto, and then you have the scoped pistol, not as easy to use (aka earning that 3sk), but becomes a utility weapon that protects you as soon as you spawn from any range. That's the ticker. Being able to full defend yourself from all ranges off spawn.
That's what people do not get. The AR/SMG-start crowd will pillage to their last breath that they hate BR-start games because they're awful with the weapon in the first place. It's not so much the BR itself, it's the concept of spawning with a weapon that can deal damage at medium to long range off spawn. To a player who can't aim very well, this won't be "fun" for them. Instead, they prefer the AR/SMG-start games because everyone is running around with a full-auto weapon that's essentially spray n pray/melee combat, and there are very few rifles on the map. Likewise, if said player happens to get a sniper rifle, hell, it's easy pickings on the folks spawning with AR/SMGs.
When you have BR start games, you have some balance to start with.
At the end of the day, AR/SMG players want those as starting weapons because their simply weak Halo players who can't aim very well on a two-analog stick controller. That's something they won't admit though. Meanwhile, us folks who want to play a balanced Halo game have to suffer because the little people can't seem to hack it with the big kids.
If I'm being rude and offensive to the AR/SMG casual crowd, I apologize, but I'm tired of them always getting their way with Halo and screwing up the balance and competitiveness of the game.
I agree with some of the posters on this topic, just remove all AR/SMG start game modes across all Halo titles that have them. Make the BR the default starting weapon and slap the SMG or AR as the secondary. This way, when the casual kiddos wanna go spray n pray happy, they can immediately switch over to that weapon and do so. Then us big kids can still enjoy ourselves by competiting with some damn balance.
We have been through 2 games so far that have been below average in in gameplay. Many people saw what Halo 4 was going to be like and fucking called it. Halo 5 looks to be an evolution of the Halo 4 gameplay, which turned off many Halo players.
Also, his comments about the beta and saying he will send feedback to 343. They won't do a god damn thing with this beta except for weapon and SA balance. That's it. They could release this beta in July next year and any changes that this beta brings would be the exact same changes a later beta would change.
343 are trying to bring good will by saying they're listening to feedback and this beta will do just that. "Hey look! Almost a year from launch and we're holding a beta! We're listening!"