Welp, this piques my interest! Funny too because I was recently discussing UE4 with a friend and possibly learning it lol. How's your experience with it?
I have, I always put up with Halo since I liked it so much. Now that most of the games I like on console are 60, the very few I have to put up with are really irritating.
What if I told you...
This is not CE2, I'm just trying to recreate the feel of Halo in UE4 for educational purposes.
Stupid trial webm program watermark.
Aren't they like 500 people now?https://careers.microsoft.com/search.aspx
343 is now hiring more people to work on Halo, mostly software and network engineers.
Also, "A good understanding of optimizing and finishing games."
343 is now hiring more people to work on Halo, mostly software and network engineers.
Also, "A good understanding of optimizing and finishing games."
It's true about the wrong game types showing up in SWAT. Just saw Midship CTF pop up
It's true about the wrong game types showing up in SWAT. Just saw Midship CTF pop up
It's true about the wrong game types showing up in SWAT. Just saw Midship CTF pop up
Maybe it's SWAT CTF?
That's a positive, SWAT is awful.
I have, I always put up with Halo since I liked it so much. Now that most of the games I like on console are 60, the very few I have to put up with are really irritating.
What if I told you...
This is not CE2, I'm just trying to recreate the feel of Halo in UE4 for educational purposes.
Stupid trial webm program watermark.
Welp, this piques my interest! Funny too because I was recently discussing UE4 with a friend and possibly learning it lol. How's your experience with it?
Too floaty with the jumping. Increase the fall rate a bit.
Overall though it's beautiful.
UE4 is awesome and fairly easy to get the hang of. Epic has had a huuuuge push towards accessibility this time around. They have put out a tons of videos and resources to help beginners get accustomed to the engine. The new Blueprint system allows for near code-less builds if you are not comfortable with writing C++ (or C# if Mono is your thing)
If you're a student you can get a year sub for free through the GitHub student pack. Or you can pay one month's sub and get the editor forever (just no updates). They have also open sourced the development of the next UT, so you can help out there too if that's your thing.
Oh and it has native Oculus DK2 support. Oculus Halo gogogo
Once I'm finished building out a basic map layout I'll upload a build for interested HaloGAF peeps to try out. I'll be looking for that kind of feedback. I don't want to mimic any specific Halo game, I just want to nail the Feel and expand from there.
I'm going to be staying with my family for the next three weeks, so I'll put down my first target build at a month from now.
Grizz, if you decide to keep going with this in the future and want a level designer / lighting artist, I'd be down.
Once I'm finished building out a basic map layout I'll upload a build for interested HaloGAF peeps to try out. I'll be looking for that kind of feedback. I don't want to mimic any specific Halo game, I just want to nail the Feel and expand from there.
I'm going to be staying with my family for the next three weeks, so I'll put down my first target build at a month from now.
Grizz, if you decide to keep going with this in the future and want a level designer / lighting artist, I'd be down.
This is pricelesshttps://careers.microsoft.com/search.aspx
343 is now hiring more people to work on Halo, mostly software and network engineers.
Also, "A good understanding of optimizing and finishing games."
one minute you're starting a project, the next minute you're chest deep in perforce wondering where everything went wrong
one minute you're starting a project, the next minute you're chest deep in perforce wondering where everything went wrong
I'm gonna keep repeating this in my head:
just for fun. no real deadlines. just for fun. no real deadlines.
so I'll put down my first target build at a month from now
too late
too late
Future 343 Industries lead dev in the making.
This is going to be great, or an utter clusterfuck of an explosion. Either way it's going to be exciting.
Man, this game is going to be so much fun when it's released.
too late
Mixmastershill with that new OT.
With the state of this game, that OT deserved nothing more than a kylej OT.
Looking at those NPD numbers you gotta wonder if word of mouth about Halo being borked had any influence.
well look at who posted it.choo chooooooo
they knew they were releasing a baed gaemDoes it bother anyone that @Halo and the big figure heads over at 343 went dead quiet post launch or is that just me?
like learn a skill5. Turn of Xbox One & do something constructive.
they've admitted to hiring people that disliked Halo. some people are there because they have released AAA games, and not because they like halo.Fuckin classic henery spitting out the truthbombs
While I wouldn't go so far as to say 343 deserves to get destroyed and stuff, I think something on a DEVELOPMENT level needs to change. Whether its MS influence, the higher ups, work allocation, or maybe on an employee level.
I get MCC is an ambitious project and apparantley came in hot but some of these oversights are annoying and it doesn't help that game development is mostly shrouded in mystery. No one will admit to fucking up during dev. No one will say "well actually the reason for no br starts/un updated maps/this bug that bug/ is because of this" Sometimes they think it makes them look bad. Sometimes they assume its too complicated and the public won't get it, but I'd much prefer them posting it and having the smarter people, such as fyrewulff maybe, explain the complex stuff in more laymans terms. Not just "oh there was something we didnt see until game went live"
I want the game to work, so I don't wish for 343 to just close down and RIP Halo. But something needs to change. Halo 4 dev seemed like a mess, but they were building a team.
MCC dev is a mess. No excuse this time. Unless its something like "We had a small team working on this ambitious project and just outsourced the rest to companies that (outside of certain affinity) have no halo experience."
It's super frustrating. I'm gonna try MCC this weekend, haven't played in a while. Hope it works well.
Yep"They were focused on Xbox One when they made Halo 4, cut them some slack"
"They were focused on Halo 5 when they made the MCC, cut them some slack"
"They were focused on MCC when they made Halo 5, cut them some slack"
Big enough to release a non-broken game?Aren't they like 500 people now?
I wonder how big they're gonna get...
Holy quote train Kangaman
Been away for a while , could have edited down the posts but fuck it, ill get my top men on it and it'll get 9 patches in a month.
Been away for a while , could have edited down the posts but fuck it, ill get my top men on it and it'll get 9 patches in a month.
Make it 12
Wagers!!!! Lets do it
Been away for a while , could have edited down the posts but fuck it, ill get my top men on it and it'll get 9 patches in a month.
Man, NPD thread is going bonkers.
haha yea, CBOAT threw some nonsense out there, Xbone looks like it ended up winning by nearly half a million consoles.
Too bad only a fraction of those new owners will stick around long enough to play a functioning MCC.
Man, NPD thread is going bonkers.