I hope you don't quit gaming dude. There's a lot of cool stuff coming out for consoles and PC. Though I'm not really sure what you're looking for in a game. Is it a genre? Type of gameplay? Challenge? Story?
Combination of multiple factors and quite likely too high standards. At least it saves money.
A fantasy RPG would be nice. One with superbly crafted world and deep lore and overall relatively interesting gameplay (unlike Dragon Age Inquisition). Unfortunately not a single one seems to be beating the Elder Scrolls series, especially when it comes worldbuilding and lore (heck, there ain't no fantasy books that do that). So, i'm waiting for TESVI, if such will ever be made (i make no assumption it will be, a lot can happen or it could end up being a bad game). I am not looking for originality really but quality and depth. Most certainly not interested in anything i see as inferior to the Elder Scrolls, or uninteresting for some reason (DnD settings), Warcraft used to be good...
A (semi-)hard science fiction space combat/exploration game would be nice. One where you command a ship, not one where you are a mere fighter-pilot. One where relative velocity in combat is measured in kilometers per seconds... not some slow-ass aircraft dogfighting-in-space. No comment on some practical issues this would cause.
A Mass Effect-like game (without being Mass Effect, still not over ME3, probably never will be) would be nice, if it had a good ending this time.
A Battlemech simulator would be nice. Not what Mechwarrior Online is but a proper simulator. I mean, if a Farming Simulator sells enough to get a new iteration year after year, why can't someone make and sell a proper 'Mech sim? (EDIT BTW, this is really limited to Battletech. Seriously. Not interested at all in other mecha franchises, and i usually detest the whole concept elsewhere. Fuck the Mantis in Halo by the way.)
Probably others. I just have a rotten luck and no one makes anything even close to these, or if it is close, it is killed by other things (like Eliteangerous, which is online-only and way too demanding, hardware-wise).