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Halo |OT 21| Battle is the Great Redeemer | LIVE. DIE. RESPAWN.

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I hope you don't quit gaming dude. There's a lot of cool stuff coming out for consoles and PC. Though I'm not really sure what you're looking for in a game. Is it a genre? Type of gameplay? Challenge? Story?

Combination of multiple factors and quite likely too high standards. At least it saves money.

A fantasy RPG would be nice. One with superbly crafted world and deep lore and overall relatively interesting gameplay (unlike Dragon Age Inquisition). Unfortunately not a single one seems to be beating the Elder Scrolls series, especially when it comes worldbuilding and lore (heck, there ain't no fantasy books that do that). So, i'm waiting for TESVI, if such will ever be made (i make no assumption it will be, a lot can happen or it could end up being a bad game). I am not looking for originality really but quality and depth. Most certainly not interested in anything i see as inferior to the Elder Scrolls, or uninteresting for some reason (DnD settings), Warcraft used to be good...

A (semi-)hard science fiction space combat/exploration game would be nice. One where you command a ship, not one where you are a mere fighter-pilot. One where relative velocity in combat is measured in kilometers per seconds... not some slow-ass aircraft dogfighting-in-space. No comment on some practical issues this would cause.

A Mass Effect-like game (without being Mass Effect, still not over ME3, probably never will be) would be nice, if it had a good ending this time.

A Battlemech simulator would be nice. Not what Mechwarrior Online is but a proper simulator. I mean, if a Farming Simulator sells enough to get a new iteration year after year, why can't someone make and sell a proper 'Mech sim? (EDIT BTW, this is really limited to Battletech. Seriously. Not interested at all in other mecha franchises, and i usually detest the whole concept elsewhere. Fuck the Mantis in Halo by the way.)

Probably others. I just have a rotten luck and no one makes anything even close to these, or if it is close, it is killed by other things (like Elite:Dangerous, which is online-only and way too demanding, hardware-wise).


Combination of multiple factors and quite likely too high standards. At least it saves money.
A fantasy RPG would be nice. One with superbly crafted world and deep lore and overall relatively interesting gameplay (unlike Dragon Age Inquisition). Unfortunately not a single one seems to be beating the Elder Scrolls series, especially when it comes worldbuilding and lore (heck, there ain't no fantasy books that do that). So, i'm waiting for TESVI, if such will ever be made (i make no assumption it will be, a lot can happen or it could end up being a bad game). I am not looking for originality but quality and depth.
A (semi-)hard science fiction space combat/exploration game would be nice. One where you command a ship, not one where you are a mere fighter-pilot. One where relative velocity in combat is measured in kilometers per seconds... not some slow-ass aircraft dogfighting-in-space. No comment on some practical issues this would cause.
A Mass Effect-like game (without being Mass Effect, still not over ME3, probably never will be) would be nice, if it had a good ending this time.
A Battlemech simulator would be nice. Not what Mechwarrior Online is but a proper simulator. I mean, if a Farming Simulator sells enough to get a new iteration year after year, why can't someone make a proper 'Mech sim?
Probably others. I just have a rotten luck and no one makes anything even close to these, or if it is close, it is killed by other things (like Elite:Dangerous, which is online-only and way too demanding, hardware-wise).
Witcher 3 and Pillars of Eternity have potential for next year.

Try getting into Star Citizen.

M.A.V. is Early Access on Steam.

go digging, games are out there, just harder to find and pretty much all of them are on PC.


Witcher 3 and Pillars of Eternity have potential for next year.

Try getting into Star Citizen.

M.A.V. is Early Access on Steam.

go digging, games are out there, just harder to find and pretty much all of them are on PC.

Star Citizen does not exist yet. It is a mere collection of ideas at the moment.
Plus i don't like its aesthetics, when i say (semi-)hard science fiction, the aesthetics are especially important. A spaceship should look more like the Discovery from 2001 or like the starship from Avatar, not a flying naval battleship.
OK, this aesthetic thing is a minor compared to the fact the game is not ready yet. And the fact my laptop would probably blow up trying to run it. And the fact it seems to be aimed as a multiplayer/social game more so than a single player game. For multiplayer, i want something that is arena-like, equal starts and abilities and all.

MAV is not Battletech, you missed my edit where i specify Battletech. Do not ask why Battletech only, i can't figure it out myself either. Why do i like one thing but not another? I cannot explain it.

As for digging for PC games... i do that. And i despair. I have high standards but even so... i find nothing. 2d-indie games do nothing for me, and 3d-ones are most often terrible otherwise.

I did say i have high standards. Too high probably. I don't give most things a chance. But getting burned so many times does that, as i described in an earlier post.

EDIT Pillars of Eternity is on my watch-list. Not because i believe it will beat the Elder Scrolls but because it is Obsidian, who do write good games. Now if they could also make sure they will work without a hitch... And because i believe my laptop actually has enough power to run it.

EDIT I'm probably insane by the way, with my standards. Anyway, when i can't afford games often, i have to pick carefully. I really prefer games like Skyrim, games i can play 500 hours without getting bored. Good entertainment-to-investment ratio.


Will watch when possible

Combination of multiple factors and quite likely too high standards. At least it saves money.

A fantasy RPG would be nice.

I'd recommend Bloodborne.
The souls games had a rather deep lore that you had to really search for and piece together. Flavor text for basically everything. Since the game is being done by the guy who did the first Dark Souls I'd imagine this won't be much different. The combat looks tight as well and is challenging while also very focused on offensive tactics as opposed to the Souls series which was very methodical.

A (semi-)hard science fiction space combat/exploration game would be nice. One where you command a ship, not one where you are a mere fighter-pilot.

I was going to mention No Mans Sky but that doesn't seen to fit your criteria. Hello Games seems to be really trying make the universe feel real though. They're going so far as to create a periodic table for the game. Space Fights seem pretty Sfar Wars esque. The aesthetic is also very colorful so that might deter you.

The game is also very much focused on single player and does have an offline mode. Multiplayer is there but it is very much a side show for the game.

A Mass Effect-like game (without being Mass Effect, still not over ME3, probably never will be) would be nice, if it had a good ending this time.

I've got nothing on this one

A Battlemech simulator would be nice. Not what Mechwarrior Online is but a proper simulator.

By "proper" simulator how do you mean?

Probably others. I just have a rotten luck and no one makes anything even close to these, or if it is close, it is killed by other things (like Elite:Dangerous, which is online-only and way too demanding, hardware-wise).
Replies in bold

I wish you luck in finding the games that will truly satisfy you.


But Standoff is fun tho.

Get in the Warthog and have funnnnnnn

Doesn't that work like: The enemy team uses the Warthog, your team doesn't for some reason, your 'Hog blows up, and you have to fight a losing battle equipped with ARs while the enemy team's 'Hog circles your base and the rest spawn trap you with the Laser and BRs.

That was my Halo 3 AR starts Standoff experience in a nutshell, and the worst was when some generals-only team with a Bungie employee got matched against me and 4 other randoms. I fought till the purely because there was a Bungie employee in the game, 2 or 3 from my team just gave up.

Replies in bold

I wish you luck in finding the games that will truly satisfy you.
I tried Dark Souls. Didn't care for it. Immersion factor is important in a fantasy game, so i very, very much prefer first person view, as is a living world, perhaps more so than combat and gameplay themselves. Perhaps i'm looking more for a fantasy simulator than a fantasy RPG or action game? In any case, i still play Morrowind and Oblivion and Skyrim so i don't really need a new one anytime soon...
I doubt i care for Bloodborne. OTOH, i do like NInja Gaiden (Black), its skill requirement and speed. I did get an impression Bloodborne might offer something similar... but, eh, i'll see. It is more likely to be a rare action game like Ninja Gaiden i might like, rather than like it as a fantasy game.

There's little in No Man's Sky that appeals to me... it is too... open. I want more focus, or an option for focus, like one has in the Elder Scrolls games for example (just explore or do quests, follow the story). I was originally interested when it was announced but afterwards it looks too shallow to me (ironic given how shallow Skyrim is really, but then i don't play that game for its gameplay as much as i play it for my love of Elder Scrolls world.) It is one of those "maybe" games.

I will give it to BioWare they have ambition that is rare in other developers. Bungie did seem to try with Destiny... and fell so very short. A Mass Effect-like space opera saga is a tremendous undertaking, no wonder no one makes a game like it.

A proper simulator... Think some realistic flight sim. Think what kind of controls one has, the level of detail. Apply the concepts to a Battletech mech game. Very niche, very difficult, steep learning curve. To be honest, not a single Mechwarrior game is close really, they're all simplified, some more so than others. MWO isn't certainly the most complex one. Probably too niche and expensive to be ever made. But i can dream.

As i say, i likely have insanely high standards for most things. I can find a lot of nitpicking even in games i do like after all...


It was already linked, but there are some neat little tidbits in the bulletin this week pertaining to Halo 5. The sounds have been improved and something looks better, like the colors aren't as washed out or something.

audible hitmarkers are gone


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
It was already linked, but there are some neat little tidbits in the bulletin this week pertaining to Halo 5. The sounds have been improved and something looks better, like the colors aren't as washed out or something.

Felt that way too. The sounds...sound pretty damn good.


Dead in the water? Hardly anyone playing? Source?

I said somewhat dead in the water. There is truth to it no?

Idiom: Be dead in the water.

"If something is dead in the water, it has failed and/or it seems unlikely/impossible that it will be successful in the future"

Hardly anyone playing is anecdotal based on what I'm observing. Just like Halo 4, I'm once again the only guy on my friends list of people playing Halo. Going by other observations, more are playing Destiny: Dark Below and Dota and other games like GTA V or Far Cry 4 than MCC. People are starting to see the same guys playing, or even having GAF encounters. This almost certainly due to the low player population.


It was already linked, but there are some neat little tidbits in the bulletin this week pertaining to Halo 5. The sounds have been improved and something looks better, like the colors aren't as washed out or something.

audible hitmarkers are gone

+ the ground pound reticule is gone. Def. an improvement all throughout that video.
Doesn't that work like: The enemy team uses the Warthog, your team doesn't for some reason, your 'Hog blows up, and you have to fight a losing battle equipped with ARs while the enemy team's 'Hog circles your base and the rest spawn trap you with the Laser and BRs.

That was my Halo 3 AR starts Standoff experience in a nutshell, and the worst was when some generals-only team with a Bungie employee got matched against me and 4 other randoms. I fought till the purely because there was a Bungie employee in the game, 2 or 3 from my team just gave up.


Do it to the other team. Take your hog and blow up their hog, then run train on the entire team.


Might jump on MCC in a bit if anybody is on.



Do it to the other team. Take your hog and blow up their hog, then run train on the entire team.


Might jump on MCC in a bit if anybody is on.

It is funny how simply giving everyone BRs makes the game on Standoff so much more fun, so much closer. The weapon gives a good fighting chance, especially since i'm pretty sure it could push the 'Hog a bit... essentially ruining a turn or jump, giving you a chance to finish off the 'Hog and even the playing field.

What about Divinity: Orginal Sin? Great surprise game for me.
*shrug* Kind of interesting. Waiting for a good sale perhaps (50% off or so, i think it is only a matter of time). Also need to convince some friend to get it as well so that it can be played cooperatively.
Not very keen on fantasy games because nothing seems to beat the Elder Scrolls in feeling... kind of discouraging. Perhaps i don't give them a good enough chance.


It is funny how simply giving everyone BRs makes the game on Standoff so much more fun, so much closer. The weapon gives a good fighting chance, especially since i'm pretty sure it could push the 'Hog a bit... essentially ruining a turn or jump, giving you a chance to finish off the 'Hog and even the playing field.

*shrug* Kind of interesting. Waiting for a good sale perhaps (50% off or so, i think it is only a matter of time). Also need to convince some friend to get it as well so that it can be played cooperatively.
Not very keen on fantasy games because nothing seems to beat the Elder Scrolls in feeling... kind of discouraging. Perhaps i don't give them a good enough chance.

There are def. jems out there :p

Jade Empire, is IMO, Biowares 2nd best game.

Kingdom's of Amular is super cheap on Steam I believe. Fulfills that fantasy/RPG well for me.


I tried Dark Souls. Didn't care for it. Immersion factor is important in a fantasy game, so i very, very much prefer first person view, as is a living world, perhaps more so than combat and gameplay themselves. Perhaps i'm looking more for a fantasy simulator than a fantasy RPG or action game? In any case, i still play Morrowind and Oblivion and Skyrim so i don't really need a new one anytime soon...
I doubt i care for Bloodborne. OTOH, i do like NInja Gaiden (Black), its skill requirement and speed. I did get an impression Bloodborne might offer something similar... but, eh, i'll see. It is more likely to be a rare action game like Ninja Gaiden i might like, rather than like it as a fantasy game.

I'd recommend checking out the recently released gameplay for Bloodborne if you haven't already. Should give a bit more insight on it. Funnily enough I'd almost consider No Man's Sky a Sci Fi Fantasy. Main reason I'm interested is because I want to go on an adventure.

There's little in No Man's Sky that appeals to me... it is too... open. I want more focus, or an option for focus, like one has in the Elder Scrolls games for example (just explore or do quests, follow the story). I was originally interested when it was announced but afterwards it looks too shallow to me (ironic given how shallow Skyrim is really, but then i don't play that game for its gameplay as much as i play it for my love of Elder Scrolls world.) It is one of those "maybe" games.

They've definitely gotta reveal some info about what you can do in the game. I know there have been countless threads with people bickering over what you can DO biut the problem for me is that I want to know to what degree I can interact with my enviornment. Apparently they're going to try for some sort of lore. It's not gonna be anywhere near what you're looking for.

I will give it to BioWare they have ambition that is rare in other developers. Bungie did seem to try with Destiny... and fell so very short. A Mass Effect-like space opera saga is a tremendous undertaking, no wonder no one makes a game like it.

What Bungie was originally going for was ambitous, brilliant, and beautiful. Something went wrong along the way though. I wish I knew what but either way the game is a shallow imitation of the original idea. Maybe Destiny 2 will be what Destiny was supposed to be.I look forward to seeing whatt else Bioware can fidomkj

A proper simulator... Think some realistic flight sim. Think what kind of controls one has, the level of detail. Apply the concepts to a Battletech mech game. Very niche, very difficult, steep learning curve. To be honest, not a single Mechwarrior game is close really, they're all simplified, some more so than others. MWO isn't certainly the most complex one. Probably too niche and expensive to be ever made. But i can dream.

Have you tried Steel Batallion?

As i say, i likely have insanely high standards for most things. I can find a lot of nitpicking even in games i do like after all...
Nothing wrong with having high standards.
It makes the ones that do shine all the brighter.

Replies in bold

Wow seems I forgot to actually submit the comment before passing out. Nice.


Holy shit I think they got rid of the audio cue for a hit. The only beep I heard was for the one that landed a kill shot.

The beta go live the 29th but when will we hear more details and get another trailer?
Nobody is really sure as they haven't said anything regarding it. I anticipate it will happen soon though. They haven't really said anything since the reveal.
How do you guys feel about Halo 2 style Ammo Packs? Are they a detriment to gameplay, because they force the team that didn't secure the power weapon to defend an Ammo Pack that they themselves cannot currently pick up, or are Ammo Packs beneficial to Halo gameplay because they can encourage players who already secured a power weapon to keep moving around the map?


Indifferent. A lot of them I never saw randoms even pick up, like the rocket ammo pack on Headlong. Turf also had that weird "ammo corner" that had a bunch of different ammo in it as well.


How do you guys feel about Halo 2 style Ammo Packs? Are they a detriment to gameplay, because they force the team that didn't secure the power weapon to defend an Ammo Pack that they themselves cannot currently pick up, or are Ammo Packs beneficial to Halo gameplay because they can encourage players who already secured a power weapon to keep moving around the map?

When done right, I agree with the latter.

Coag and Zanzibar rocket ammo, for example.

I enjoy having the option for them in Forge.
How do you guys feel about Halo 2 style Ammo Packs? Are they a detriment to gameplay, because they force the team that didn't secure the power weapon to defend an Ammo Pack that they themselves cannot currently pick up, or are Ammo Packs beneficial to Halo gameplay because they can encourage players who already secured a power weapon to keep moving around the map?

Indifferent. A lot of them I never saw randoms even pick up, like the rocket ammo pack on Headlong. Turf also had that weird "ammo corner" that had a bunch of different ammo in it as well.

I think they're good if they still encourage the "best weapon to use is in the worst place to use it" philosophy. Like, even if you still get rockets / shotty from a hard-to-obtain point on the map, keeping ammo drops at your base just encourages turtling with it. They should still be in fairly open positions where players are required to keep moving to obtain them. Another big part of it is making sure the ammo packs make themselves known - like Fyre said, I don't remember a ton of people going for ammo packs on maps, like the rocket ammo below the bridge on Headlong. Indicators would be nice.

I think it's cool that H2AMP has them available in Forge, and I could definitely see them getting some use in fringe gametypes like Infection. If they do make a comeback, though, I hope they also show up for powerful Covenant / Promethean weapons as well (Needle chunks, Fuel Rods, hardlight batteries, etc).
How do you guys feel about Halo 2 style Ammo Packs? Are they a detriment to gameplay, because they force the team that didn't secure the power weapon to defend an Ammo Pack that they themselves cannot currently pick up, or are Ammo Packs beneficial to Halo gameplay because they can encourage players who already secured a power weapon to keep moving around the map?
I'm not really in favor of ammo packs. They may encourage movement, but they also provide a player with near-limitless power weapon ammo, which I'm against. I like power weapons having a short span on a map, so that they don't dictate the entire game, but can provide a nice little burst of kills.


Not really a fan of ammo packs in multiplayer, as they should be in contestable areas, in which case they should be the weapon anyhow.

For campaign I wish they would make a return. CE and to a much lesser degree Halo 2 and 3 rewarded you for schlepping a weapon along, making there an extra element of risk vs. reward in the two-weapon system.
when you try to line up a jump out of the map in Halo 2 Anniversary but the remastered geometry doesn't line up with the collision meshes



The amount of quitters in this game is ridiculous. I don't blame them, though. Match on Halo 3 had me reloading the rocket 5 times.
Wow, I forgot the bulletin is in video form now. I'm already out of touch with Halo, lol. Are all the Nightfall episodes out yet? I still need to start that.

Nightfall is over. Means all 5 episodes are out and the show is done.

Edit: People voting for Team Slayer on Citadel instead for Assembly BR's... -.-


Funknown, even if we may disagree with Halo from time to time, you're permanently good people for spitting the truth that Smash 64 is the best


I'm watching the iron gaming stream right now. They're letting us listen to the team chat.

I almost think the teams talk TOO much. It's to the point where the chatter is almost incomprehensible
Imho 64 had better physics, responsiveness, and all of the moves have more oomph to them. 64 is more punishing.
That is exactly the way i feel about smash 64. The physics felt more meaty as well as connecting hits against players felt more substantial. I also think it did a better job of balancing large slow characters against smaller quick characters. The game played a bit slower, but benefited from the pacing as well. In subsequent games, it seems like speed trumps everything else, at least in my opinion.

DJ Gunner

Somebody yesterday brought up the theory that LAN doesn't actually exist in MCC- there may be some truth to this, as I have Naded on my friends list and I can see him in my MCC roster right now playing his tournament game. I can see all the players in the game through the game session info, etc.
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