I think when he explained sprint as an offensive and defensive ability, I got it, I really did, and like my previous post, I was sold on that.
As I kept reading, he got to the part where he said, "it's what players expect"...well fuck them. Seriously.
As a designer, you cannot design for what's expected, you have to design for what you passionately feel is good design.
I work in oil and gas for a very large firm that designs offshore rigs. If our designers sat at their desks designing cookie-cutter oil rigs...how would that make us good? Instead, we have designers/engineers that think outside the cookie-cutter design and think, how can we design a unique product for our client to meet their needs? How do we present them a valued product that we feel passionately about?
To me, 343 is just reading some instructions from MSFT corporate, and they're designing accordingly.
If sprint ends up being truly balanced, then yay, I might actually enjoy it, but my fucking god...when a designer sits on a forum and writes, "it's what players expect these days"....why?????? Why are you giving in? Where's the innovation? Where's the originality?
It's like 343 started Halo 5 by saying, "okay guys, so we've been instructed by MSFT to study Call of Duty Advanced Warfare and start from there. How can we incorporate the latest greatest COD elements into Halo 5?" "After we do that, let's open up discussion for new ideas...they may or may not make it into the final build..."