Gnome Scat
Is anyone else worried by the "Arena" specification?
Is anyone else worried by the "Arena" specification?
Is anyone else worried by the "Arena" specification?
What? Why?
We already know we will get competetive Arena 4vs4 gameplay and on the other side a "larger MP experience". The Beta will only include the Arena part (with 7 maps / 3 modes).
Why is "Arena" bad now?
What? Why?
We already know we will get competetive Arena 4vs4 gameplay and on the other side a "larger MP experience". The Beta will only include the Arena part (with 7 maps / 3 modes).
Why is "Arena" bad now?
Hopefully Battlefield-Esque greatness. Might as well go all out if you are doing another portion of multiplayer. Arena mode and Battlefield mod hell yesNo, I like Arena, but what worries me is what the other half of MP will look like.
No, I like Arena, but what worries me is what the other half of MP will look like.
No, I like Arena, but what worries me is what the other half of MP will look like.
I just hope regular BTB is still in there.We know it' a "larger MP experience" - with vehicles, more players etc. Kampfheld was teasing at larger fights etc., so something like Big Team Battles - just in very big. I think he referred to the book "Reach" and the huge battles that were described there. ntklnr also was talking about "huge maps".
That guy totally deserved to get insta-killed by that GP. If he had been paying attention, he'd have easily won than encounter.
I think the new Bigger Team Battle mode is going to be positioned to really sell the capabilities of the Azure platform. Only Forza and Titanfall have used Azure so far and since Halo is their flagship, I'm expecting some groundbreaking things.Hopefully Battlefield-Esque greatness. Might as well go all out if you are doing another portion of multiplayer. Arena mode and Battlefield mod hell yes
lol why does that worry you? If you like arena only play arena, if you like whatever this hopefully battlefield-esque mode will be then play it too, why are you worried about something you'll never play if you don't want to? It's like someone who's a CTF junkie saying, "Oh man, it's that Slayer shit. Keep that outta my Halo." It's not meant to be catered to one specific audience, it's supposed to appeal to many.
Arena Halo and Infinity Halo is my guess. Play tight quarters 4v4/5v5 or less Halo with on map weapons, equal starts, etc. And Infinity style from 5v5 probably upto 12v12 or 16v16 on massive maps that Ntkrnl probably was talking about, could probably call down weapons, maybe even vehicles this time etc.
Oh god, I hope not. Infinity slayer or whatever in Halo 4 ruined BTB. As well as every other playlist it was in. AWFUL. Unless you're talking like when you capture spots on maps you get vehicles and weapon drops (such as it was in Domination), then that's cool.
But they need to do away with kill streaks altogether. They're not needed in Halo.
Yo Frankie, PM me a beta code.
Cool thanks dudeIntentional
Sounds awesome dude.Boss Fight thoughts on a Sunday Afternoon
Regret was an interesting boss fight but it felt kind of weak. As a regular mid boss though it's fine.Make it not feel like a boss fight, like the Scarab battles in Halo 3. And out of the three 'boss fights' in H2 I think Regret's is handled the best.
I'm just gonna hope the Bulletin footage was from an update for the beta that just hasn't gone out yet.Halo 5 looks wonderful. So beautiful. I don't like the discrepancies between the Bulletin footage and this footage however, some of the things I was excited about being gone are back in, such as audible hitmarkers and the GP reticle.
I'm hoping we see those other 3 maps then since gameplay of that outside Midship was shown. Come'on random Xbone owners who are lucky enough to have access to the beta right now.
I think these 3 are the only ones unlocked right now. The other 4 will be unlocked within the three weeks of the beta. That's how I understand it from the last Bulletin.
I really liked when Invasion was rolled out in the Reach Beta. Fun mode, hope they have an equally fun surprise to rollout. Small scale arena is neat and all but it isn't all people play and neither is it the only thing to balance.
I'm convinced they are gonna hold another beta for larger modes or are going to have a surprise playlist. I hope it's the former though because I might not get to participate in this betaI really liked when Invasion was rolled out in the Reach Beta. Fun mode, hope they have an equally fun surprise to rollout. Small scale arena is neat and all but it isn't all people play and neither is it the only thing to balance.
I downloaded the vid so I'll upload if you can't see itMan. Missed the outside covy map
Now it won't load
mybodyisready.gifImagine you boot up Halo 5 beta for the last day, to get in the last fill. You notice that "Play Arena Multiplayer" isn't there anymore... instead you see "Play Infinity Battleground." Instantly your hands begin to shake and you get goosebumps all over your body. You click the a button and begin searching for players.
"31 Players found!"
Don't do it breh. Don't fall for it.
Ohoh. I should close my explorer very soon or I will do very stupid things.
I'm convinced they are gonna hold another beta for larger modes or are going to have a surprise playlist. I hope it's the former though because I might not get to participate in this beta![]()
I think at this point they're reveling in the cheese. It's totally on purpose.Everything I see in these gameplay snippets needs to be on a toggle so people can turn it off.
Let's start a list.
1. Armor Abilities
2. ADS
3. Sprint
4. Spartan Chatter
I didn't realize how annoying the Spartan Chatter was until this latest round of clips. Everything is narrated. Friendly in blue court, enemy at sniper, I have rockets... it is endless, mind numbing, annoying chatter. Please put that on a toggle. I can't hear what's going on in the game because the game won't shut up.
Also the delivery of Snipeultaneous was cringeworthy/hilarious. It had to be intentional right?
Here's hoping dude. I love betas. There's something about them you don't get with full releases. Maybe it's the glitches... good times are had with beta glitches...I can totally see a 2nd beta. Maybe after E3 when they unveil the changes they made to the game based on the feedback they got. Will announce "#beta2" which is new BTB experience and FIREFIGHT 3.0!
I can totally see a 2nd beta. Maybe after E3 when they unveil the changes they made to the game based on the feedback they got. Will announce "#beta2" which is new BTB experience and FIREFIGHT 3.0!
Ohoh. I should close my explorer very soon or I will do very stupid things.
Ohoh. I should close my explorer very soon or I will do very stupid things.
Bam. So this. Rip.It's not illegal, but..
Microsoft knows who they gave the code to, it'll just end up with both you and the other person banned.
Also, you have NO protection that this isn't a fake on eBay. eBay doesn't allow you to sell digital items and will NOT refund you if a digital auction completes and you don't get anything.
Well given that they were created for the sole purpose of continuing the Halo series... yeah they basically are.Are 343 contractually obligated to do a set number of games? Or is it per game basis?
Id really like to see someone else have a crack after Halo 5
Looks like xboxdvr is down
edit: back up but the outside midship vid is gone![]()
Are 343 contractually obligated to do a set number of games? Or is it per game basis?
Id really like to see someone else have a crack after Halo 5
343 is Microsoft, and are basically their Halo Games Business Unit.
All they will ever make is Halo.
Anyone who applied to a place called "343 Industries" expecting the company to shift franchises over time has only one person to blame.Seems like it'd get boring after a while.
The Bungie dilemmaSeems like it'd get boring after a while.
lmaoAnyone who applied to a place called "343 Industries" expecting the company to shift franchises over time has only one person to blame.
And more toggles. If they gave us the option for some of these things like ADS vs traditional scope and disabling sprint for Custom Games, etc., Halo 5 will be much better for it.-toggles-
What's this, where did it come from?HALO 5 BETA CHANGE LIST