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Halo |OT 21| Battle is the Great Redeemer | LIVE. DIE. RESPAWN.

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If smart scope decreases spread then they have broken the Halo core gameplay and Halo 5 will be the first in the series I won't buy.


Not sure if discussed but, how would this work exactly with de-scoping when hit? Halo always differed from most other FPS games in that it had a click/toggle zoom/scope and de-scoping worked fine when paired with this.

If you're using the Left Trigger to scope (in default), does this mean it's still a toggle or do you have to hold it down? If the latter, how the hell would that work with de-scoping?

If we're using CoD metrics, then it should be RB.

I'm going to guess it's still a toggle as the RS click is still a option.

Going off the YouTube videos, I play using Bumper Jumper so it still uses the standard Halo controls.


That's what I'm afraid of...

I'm going to guess it's still a toggle as the RS click is still a option.

Going off the YouTube videos, I play using Bumper Jumper so it still uses the standard Halo controls.

I mean, I don't think there's anything to be "afraid" of if all the legacy control schemes are in the game.

Regarding a CoD-like control scheme: I won't be bothering to use it, but I think the gameplay would be very frustrating to those used to CoD or BF anyway considering descoping is a distinctly Halo-related mechanic.


Last night I played one game of Team Slayer.

Even teams, all H2A voting options. Kinda lame but whatever an even match is an even match.

Brs on lockout. Cool.

I go 15-5. Second place on my team goes 8-31.

What in the fuck. Give us a ranking system so I don't have to play with the shittiest of the shit that is a modern Halo player.

Fucking hell


I stopped playing MM for a while because all of my matched up teammates are always shit.

willow ve


I stopped playing MM for a while because all of my matched up teammates are always shit.

JIP killed the Halo player. No ranks, no penalty for quitting, no necessity to get better at the game. Just run and gun and who cares if you die? Hit X to instantly respawn and get back in the action immediately!


Don't think I had seen it in print yet. It's official now ADS modifies weapon performance. There is nothing about this that makes me want to play the game.

Honestly, as for all I've seen so far, there is nothing about Halo 5 that makes me preorder. Which is a shame. This will be the first Halo game since Halo 2 that I don't spend a large chunk of launch day playing (both campaign and multi). I appreciate that they're "giving" us a beta so far from the game being finished, but I can't imagine anything we've already complained about gets taken out. Sprint, ADS, Spartan Chatter, Spartan/Armor Abilities, Default Controls; seems like nearly everything about these changes simply moves Halo away from what Halo has traditionally been.

Kudos to 343 for trying new things and, quite honestly, not appearing to give a shit what long time fans of the series want. I really hope that it works out for them and that Halo continues to be a wildly profitable franchise (still waiting for that Neill Blomkamp movie). However, and this must be said, it appears Halo is catering more and more to a crowd and type of gamer that I simply am no longer a part of.

At least we'll always have HaloGAF and MCC to fall back on.
Whenever MCC actually works.
Oh and whenever they update the matchmaking maps and gametypes so we're not trapped playing vanilla day one broken games.
Or fix forge options.
Or allow parties to stay together after matches.
Exactly as you remember.™

If they just made all the stuff toggle for custom games and specific matchmaking playlists...I think it would be find, do you?


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
"Oh look, we've gotten some more feedback from the beta testers."
-343 Industries.



I'm still in shock when the 343 dev in beyondentertainment said, "because everyone expects it."

How can you design games that way?

This isn't something like regenerative health, this is a fundamental gameplay mechanic that does NOT need to be a standard in Halo. At least with health regen, we can go into custom games and toggle that to be what we want it to be. But with sprint, they're just conforming to conform. I don't get it.


I do like immersion in games but a game should never be made with "immersion-first" principle, i think. Immersion arises from good aesthetics, graphics, small things combined with good gameplay.
Halo CE is rather immersive, despite lacking ADS because its world makes this feeling. And Halo 3 is a good example where immersion is made better with a small thing: the HUD being curved and having some extra bits around to simulate the visor.
Heck, Halo 4 is even better in this... all without ADS, and the problems that fucking thing brings.

Un-fucking-believable. Seriously. Trust us, feels like Halo... FUCK!
The important thing is that "immersion" shouldn't mean "realism." A character doesn't need to realistically interact with the environment in order to feel tightly coupled to the player. If anything, I find that unrealistic "simpler" movement mechanics are actually better for this, because a gamepad doesn't offer very fine-grained control; complicated systems with context-specific components tend to be clunky and abstract control away from the player, which can make things feel less consistent. If I miss a jump in Halo 2, I missed a jump; if I miss a ledge-grab in a game with soft controls and context-specific shenanigans, I OMG GAME WHY DIDN'T YOU RESPOND CORRECTLY ARGH I AM FRUSTRATE.

I'm still in shock when the 343 dev in beyondentertainment said, "because everyone expects it."

How can you design games that way?
Yeah, it's bizarre.

This isn't something like regenerative health, this is a fundamental gameplay mechanic that does NOT need to be a standard in Halo.
For campaign gameplay, the choice of health scheme is tremendously impactful to the overall design and gameplay flow.


The amount of 343 arse kissing and pandering here is disgusting.


I'm pretty sure that the amount of salt towards 343i around here has increased tenfold or more compared to six weeks ago. Folks who didn't like them from the get-go are now frothing at the mouth and/or ranting (many good points to be made for sure) and folks who were more optimistic are now more guarded. Hell even Jem has expressed much dissatisfaction with the MCC, and he's been called out as a "slrpr" more times than anyone around here.

I'm a very glass-half-full guy myself, but the events of the last five to six weeks unfolding have me a whole lot more guarded than I was expecting to be.
Whoa, scoping with automatic weapons improves their spread and scoping with the sword lets you lunge from farther away? No thanks.
Haha the kids before defending ADS cosmetic didn't realize that it effects the spread in those vids but I'm glad a few of us here saw into that BS ahead of time.

You don't need ADS if the proper tweaks still do the same effects. Want AR to shoot with less spread? Than do it without smart scope.

Whose bright idea to make Prophets Bane even more effective by applying ADS with it is just bad and shouldn't work on halo mp.


I really hope the details of the new patch or the post with it explains something with the dedis. I think that's the biggest issue affecting me, personally. The lag is sometimes unbearable and I feel like a total dick for quitting games; but sometimes I'm more of a hindrance in them since I just get murked without even knowing it.
343 you fucking suck you had one job to do, stop hunting CoD faggots, you are all incompetent, stop posting your design philosophies I don't care, go work harder incapable and overpaid faggots #haloisdad #beingmadasfuckiscool #idontevenknowwhyimstillherethisfranchiseisdadanyway

/such quality posts. much value. wow.


What I don't understand is, what was the point of MCC? I mean, obviously there was a lot of work that went into creating the game, and majority of Halo fans love Halo 2's gameplay. The H2A is pretty fun and entertaining to play.

So what if I go into Halo 5 "expecting" where I left off with Halo 2 Annv, since that's technically the latest greatest Halo game?

The need to fundamentally alter the game from one sequel to the next makes no sense to me. Halo 2 was pretty good, though coming from HCE it was a big adjustment. Halo 2 to 3, not as big of an adjustment. H3 to Reach...full out over-haul of the game. Halo 4...well, that was a nightmare of epic proportions.

Now we have Halo 5, it's got "what everyone expects" in a console first person shooter today. I'm curious, who established this "what everyone expects?" Is it the Halo fans? I highly doubt it. So then who else do we have? The non-Halo fans. Why do we give a crap what a non-Halo fan wants? They have their precious COD, let them continue to be milked by Activision.

It's like the whole Nintendo Wii thing, the core audience was given the middle finger, and Nintendo started catering to Moms and Grandmas.


Now we have Halo 5, it's got "what everyone expects" in a console first person shooter today. I'm curious, who established this "what everyone expects?" Is it the Halo fans? I highly doubt it. So then who else do we have? The non-Halo fans. Why do we give a crap what a non-Halo fan wants? They have their precious COD, let them continue to be milked by Activision.

This is literally CoD influencing 343.


What I don't understand is, what was the point of MCC?
It seems that the primary purposes above all else were for it to be a marketing tool (get the Halo name back out there, sell some consoles, increase Halo 5 hype) and as a cash grab (outsource everything to the lowest bidder). I wouldn't have called it a cash grab before, but with how haphazardly everything in the collection seems to have been done and the lack of progress in fixing it, it sure as hell is looking that way.

I mean, we're a month and a week after launch and the game is still in a state that would be unacceptable for a beta.
RIP whoever runs that

also i think we should probably establish a rule that contextual dramatizations / putting shit in quotes doesn't really excuse throwing around homophobic slurs when there's no reason to
Is there a way I can say "knowing is half the battle" and not be an asshole?
Because that's how I mean it.
also i think we should probably establish a rule that contextual dramatizations / putting shit in quotes doesn't really excuse throwing around homophobic slurs when there's no reason to
Oh believe me, it doesn't. I'd "RIP" but that garbage doesn't deserve it.


It seems that the primary purposes above all else were for it to be a marketing tool (get the Halo name back out there, sell some consoles, increase Halo 5 hype) and as a cash grab (outsource everything to the lowest bidder). I wouldn't have called it a cash grab before, but with how haphazardly everything in the collection seems to have been done and the lack of progress in fixing it, it sure as hell is looking that way.

I mean, we're a month and a week after launch and the game is still in a state that would be unacceptable for a beta.

The messaging from 343 isn't exactly honest either, and this is for both MCC and Halo 5.

Josh said in a past tweet, no penalty for aiming from the hip. Well, then why are full auto weapons getting a positive for using ADS? Logically speaking, using the AR while not using the ADS is in fact a penalty. You're penalized with a larger spread of bullets.

Then a 343 guy goes on a forum and explains the essence and design philosophy behind sprint...but then you can basically throw all that explanation out the window once he says "it's expected by most players today".

I realize these guys want to make a multi-million dollar AAA Halo game, I get that, I really do. But to think they have to conform to COD-society in order to be successful is basically them giving up as designers. They can't come up with anything original anymore. On top of that, someone at MSFT has 343's hands tied, and I hate when a publisher puts their two cents into game design. A publisher needs to worry about the marketing and advertising of the game, let the designers do their job.

Earlier this morning before going to work, I was doing some Halo 5 youtube searching and watched a full team slayer match on the middy remake...I wasn't impressed at all. Graphically it's nice, but the gameplay, it was just boring as snails. It doesn't have the excitement at all of a Halo 2 league match. The AR starts were boring, spray n pray isn't fun to watch. When the rifles were picked up, the entertainment factor went up a tad, but how entertaining can it be to shoot at people carrying ARs?

Every spawn, sprint, sprint sprint, pick up a weapon, fire, die, respawn, sprint, sprint, sprint, thrust, melee, thrust, die, respawn, sprint, sprint, sprint, aim down the sights with AR, spray n pray.....it was boring to watch. I saw zero map control. I saw zero power weapon control.


Oh please tell me what you would do.

You want to make a point by showing how 343 is making similar mistakes with sprint and other mechanics? Great, that's your opinion and you have every right to do so.

But retweeting the most hyperbolic BS in the world was a joke and an embarrassment as a member of HaloGAF.

edit: I want to point out also that I've never had an issue with you or your posts, I just thought retweeting some childish comments was a bad move, imo.
343 you fucking suck you had one job to do, stop hunting CoD faggots, you are all incompetent, stop posting your design philosophies I don't care, go work harder incapable and overpaid dick-riding faggots you love the attention, Queens niggas run you niggas ask Russell Summons. Ha, R-O-C get gunned up and clapped quick. J.J. Evans get gunned up and clapped quick. Your whole damn record label gunned up and clapped quick. Shawn Carter to Jay-Z, damn you on Jaz dick. So little shorty's getting gunned up and clapped quick. How much of Biggie's rhymes is gonna come out your fat lips? Wanted to be on every last one of my classics You pop shit, apologize, nigga, just ask Kiss #haloisdad #beingmadasfuckiscool #idontevenknowwhyimstillherethisfranchiseisdadanyway


what a fucking post
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