One of the most appropriate gif responses I've ever seen. Bravo.
Yeah, because Obama and 343 lie all the time.
It's perfect.
One of the most appropriate gif responses I've ever seen. Bravo.
This news is encouraging.To be fair they took it out because it played unacceptably. Now that it plays pretty great they're going to add the playlist very soon (as confirmed by Ghostayame on Twitter). I'd expect it in the next week.
I'm honestly starting to think people are making shit up in the MCC thread just to shit on the game. I can't believe that there are such vastly different experiences going on between some of the posters in there.
/short rant
SWAT is amazing right now aside from the Banshee still spawning in Ascension for H2C swatIt's possible, but the game isn't perfect by any means.
SWAT works great though.
There are some in this thread who are shitting on it and don't even own the game.
There are some in this thread who are shitting on it and don't even own the game.
I complained about Destiny's DLC practices, having not purchased the DLC, is that bad?
Do you really have to own a game to make fun of it for being fundamentally broken?
Some don't even own the console.
I'm honestly starting to think people are making shit up in the MCC thread just to shit on the game. I can't believe that there are such vastly different experiences going on between some of the posters in there.
/short rant
Can't say I really blame them.
Can't say I really blame them.
I can't really see why anyone would want to tune in and support a tournament for a game that barely works a month after release. Shouldn't promote a product that isn't close to 100%, IMO.
I'm amazed they even bother with the bulletin. They're still making their weekly 10 minute fluff piece when they're flagship 2014 game isn't even working properly.
I'm amazed they even bother with the bulletin. They're still making their weekly 10 minute fluff piece when they're flagship 2014 game isn't even working properly.
Pretty sure the community guys that make the bulletin have nearly nothing to do with the game.
I think damned if they do and damned if they don't, especially when their patches have largely been band-aid fixes.
The complaints would then be: wtf, 343 is so silent, they don't say anything and what happened to the bulletin? etc
Better than complete and total silence. Can't blame them for trying at least. Been averaging a major patch a week (despite them not really doing TOO much).
Probably want to deflect as much attention from the launch in the lead up to Halo 5 beta as much as possible. Watch how the PR kicks into high gear and most sites still praise what they tried to achieve with MCC and how sorry 343 is, and how they're working around the clock fixing it and how it'll be better for next time.
There were one or two slurpers who kind of jumped on me when I said that it was feeling like they over promised and under delivered in the lead up to MCC launch, especially when I heard no CE playlist. It definitely feels like that now. We're almost 1 month and 1 week from launch.
Halo 3 has probably been the most intense matches for me so far. Even teams, no lag, things like BR's on Standoff, Team BR's orbital etc. Halo 2 classic has probably been the worst for me in this collection. Maybe I just need more time to get into it. Halo 4 is whatever. It's in so few playlists, I think I've had maybe two matches so far.
Orbital and Standoff? That sounds horrible.
I feel like I'm the only one who dislikes Halo 3's MP.
Everything just feels off.
The BR without hitscan can be really bad, sometimes I feel like I'm fighting the game more than the opponents in Halo 3.
Apparently people are still trying to play the MCC.
Halo isn't Goku everyone. You can't expect it to come back to life.
I had solid games all night.Apparently people are still trying to play the MCC.
Halo isn't Goku everyone. You can't expect it to come back to life.
So not only does Halo:CE play a hell of a lot better online they also fixed it for custom games. I think the Throdown this weekend will be BG CTF with this new hotness. I'm so pumped right now!
So not only does Halo:CE play a hell of a lot better online they also fixed it for custom games. I think the Throdown this weekend will be BG CTF with this new hotness. I'm so pumped right now!
Apparently people are still trying to play the MCC.
Halo isn't Goku everyone. You can't expect it to come back to life.
Made me laugh far too hard.Apparently people are still trying to play the MCC.
Halo isn't Goku everyone. You can't expect it to come back to life.
Halo isn't Goku everyone. You can't expect it to come back to life.
The power of loveNow I am thinking of it how the IA managed to survive all this time without being corrupted.
Yup, I need more Halo Legends in my life.
So not only does Halo:CE play a hell of a lot better online they also fixed it for custom games. I think the Throdown this weekend will be BG CTF with this new hotness. I'm so pumped right now!
No furries in our lobby pls.
The Multiplayer feature is blocked due to your Xbox LIVE settings. Please make sure you have the correct Xbox LIVE account and your Family Settings are turned off."
How does each update fuck something up.
Oh hello Mastrbiggy and YourExWife!