So what did people think of no friendly fire (again..) ? Didn't see many people complaining about it this time around.
There needs to be FF
So what did people think of no friendly fire (again..) ? Didn't see many people complaining about it this time around.
Agreed, I hated it in halo 4Yeah, flinch absolutely needs to go.
So what did people think of no friendly fire (again..) ? Didn't see many people complaining about it this time around.
FF still makes you flinch and descopes you.
There needs to be FF
So what did people think of no friendly fire (again..) ? Didn't see many people complaining about it this time around.
People should mind their own business, but rarely do. Which is why I don't understand if you had a problem with him asking for money, don't support/draw attention to it and leave it at that. Don't start a campaign against someone because you disagree with how they decide to solve their problems. Him receiving money from donors online doesn't have any effect on us.
I'm not a fan of the no friendly fire, but I guess I've gotten used to it because no MP game seems to have FF anymore. I understand it's to curb griefing, which is a shame that it has to be done because of that. Load up MCC and grab a sniper rifle with randoms and you can see the rationale behind it.
I don't get the love of the sniper. Or griefing to get it.
I didn't really notice FF being off, but then again I don't regularly shoot teammates.
FF becomes a much bigger deal with grenades, rockets, and vehicles in my opinion. But it needs to be a part of the game.
Since when can you play videos on
The whole "personal matters" thing goes out the window when you stop making it personal and take it public to try to exploit people's generosity. It's a pretty simple scenario - he mismanaged his $325,000+ and doesn't want to have to sell his new car to pay for his decision to not carry health insurance and punch a flood. He wants other people to pay for his mistakes rather than owning up to it himself. That's the textbook definition of childish, immature behavior.People should just mind their own business about people. People hide behind their damn computers and would never approach that same person and say the same things to their face.
No one has to explain themselves to anyone about their own personal matters.
Since when can you play videos on
The whole "personal matters" thing goes out the window when you stop making it personal and take it public to try to exploit people's generosity. It's a pretty simple scenario - he mismanaged his $325,000+ and doesn't want to have to sell his new car to pay for his decision to not carry health insurance and punch a flood. He wants other people to pay for his mistakes rather than owning up to it himself. That's the textbook definition of childish, immature behavior.
Cases like this give crowdfunding a worse name than it already has, which continues to make it more difficult for legitimate opportunities seeking investors. It does, in fact, affect other people.
Oh, and for the record, I'm not "hiding behind my computer." You're reducing this into some sort "internet tough guy" scenario, which is completely unfounded.
Empire has this crazy contrast with out bright the lighting is and how dark the dark parts are. It's not very easy on the eyes. I had this weird sensation where I felt like I had to squint and make my eyes adjust.
The whole "personal matters" thing goes out the window when you stop making it personal and take it public to try to exploit people's generosity. It's a pretty simple scenario - he mismanaged his $325,000+ and doesn't want to have to sell his new car to pay for his decision to not carry health insurance and punch a flood. He wants other people to pay for his mistakes rather than owning up to it himself. That's the textbook definition of childish, immature behavior.
Cases like this give crowdfunding a worse name than it already has, which continues to make it more difficult for legitimate opportunities seeking investors. It does, in fact, affect other people.
Oh, and for the record, I'm not "hiding behind my computer." You're reducing this into some sort "internet tough guy" scenario, which is completely unfounded.
I think part of that has to do with the crushed blacks, and may not necessarily reflect an intentional design decision on 343's part. The major change with "crushed" blacks is that the contrast, starting with a darker point on the lighting spectrum, is extremely reduced. As a result, darker areas become progressively more impossible to identify the darker they get, rather than providing the original color differentials in darkness as intended. This is visible in H2A, as well; the Halo 2 Classic BR looks almost completely black in standard lighting, while darker areas like the second-level alcoves in Sacred Icon and certain portions of High Charity (level) are almost impossible to navigate. Even the cutscene used as a basis for halogafcivilwar.gif is a victim to crushed blacks and the ships duking it out around High Charity are almost impossible to follow.
I don't have any crushed black issues, however my TV is pretty well calibrated, and a Pio Plasma.
Master race
here ya go funknown:
combat evovled medal in h5 via /r/ halo
here ya go funknown:
combat evovled medal in h5 via /r/ halo
here ya go funknown:
combat evovled medal in h5 via /r/ halo
BR sound sucks. Agreed, it sounds and look like one bullet. It may as well just be the DMR.
Pistol is super good. I'm not sure what issues you're having with it, but it destroys. It shoots as fast as you can pull the trigger.
Haze? No.
Kill cam sucks. A, it doesn't go back far enough. B, it actually seems to show them NOT hitting you, which just angers me. And C, if you hit X to cancel, it shows some random teammate for 3 seconds. Why? Just can it. Show your dead body like H3 did and let you change the view.
Kill cam is the most beta thing in the beta. Wouldn't sweat it.
Kill cam is the most beta thing in the beta. Wouldn't sweat it.
Kill cam is the most beta thing in the beta. Wouldn't sweat it.
Kill cam is the most beta thing in the beta. Wouldn't sweat it.
What changes can we expect from early beta to real beta
Kill cam is the most beta thing in the beta. Wouldn't sweat it.
Kill cam is the most beta thing in the beta. Wouldn't sweat it.
Kill cam is the most beta thing in the beta. Wouldn't sweat it.
After playing the CE playlist, I feel like for the sake of objective games, it should be a 4v4 list.
I get that there were some very vocal pushes for it to be 2v2, but I think a cross-game Team Doubles playlist would be more fitting. Let CE be Slayer + Objective 4v4.
BR sound sucks. Agreed, it sounds and look like one bullet. It may as well just be the DMR.
Pistol is super good. I'm not sure what issues you're having with it, but it destroys. It shoots as fast as you can pull the trigger.
Haze? No.
Kill cam sucks. A, it doesn't go back far enough. B, it actually seems to show them NOT hitting you, which just angers me. And C, if you hit X to cancel, it shows some random teammate for 3 seconds. Why? Just can it. Show your dead body like H3 did and let you change the view.
Okay I haven't hopped on MCC in several days now...
Did I miss a THREE GIG update?
3 gig update?
Everyone has problems. Losing your temper and punching something/someone does happen. I've been there. But to do it over a fucking game and smash your hand up then try raise money from it is bitchmade. I'd happily tell him to his face too. It was a stupid thing to do.
If your thinking about donation then donate. But there are far more deserving causes then "Hey I got mad a game and punched a stage and broke my finger."
Fuck outta here
here ya go funknown:
combat evovled medal in h5 via /r/ halo
Few months maybe?When did you become a member again?
Yup, new update. Patch notes up yet?
Just checked. Spartan Ops is here.Not that I saw, but I'm willing to bet a lot of that 3GB patch is Spartan Ops
Not that I saw, but I'm willing to bet a lot of that 3GB patch is Spartan Ops