Just some THOUGHTS
Motion tracker sucks the life out of me.
lol Thanks, although I don't think I receive a lot of crap for my views unless it goes on behind my back ;] Many times how I choose to play in a match depends on several factors. For example:For all the crap he gets, I have to say I do legitimately respect Funk's opinion because he's proven himself to be pretty good at Halo.CE anyway
- Are my teammates aware of their surroundings, especially with motion tracker?
No, many players are dependent on motion tracker because of the info it feeds them, taking away critical thought and trying to manipulate situations in their team's favor in a significant way other than just chasing a kill to finish off. It takes away from other systems in the game, whether part of the actual game design like Spartan call-outs or just understanding that you should be conscious of your teammates' positioning and not funneling your fire down the SAME. EXACT. SIGHTLINES. Players love setting themselves up for Double Kills, Triple Kills, etc. because THEY WANT THAT KILL and for that red dot to disappear!
- I consciously make pushes from angles to support where my teammates are shooting while at the same time making sure they're not being swiped from the side, so are they coordinating with me to control positions or sprinting around chasing red dots, leading themselves and teammates trying to cover them into traps?
Without motion tracker people might finally start thinking more about their decisions. Combining the appearance of DEATHS on the scoreboard (big improvement IMO to display that because it's a constant reminder to the player that they're giving up a lot of kills to the enemy team) without motion tracker could lead to players consciously trying to improve their play instead of going through the motions of just another multiplayer game to waste time in.
- What are the enemies doing, playing defensively the entire match or trying to hold multiple positions as they move around the map? I played against Walshy while watching his stream and I frequently saw people comment on why are they taking that match so seriously despite being ahead by 10 kills, why are they still making call-outs, etc.?
Answer is because they had to against us otherwise we would've outplayed them. Walshy rarely moved from DMR spawns on Truth while his teammates covered his angles. I think 343 underestimates how annoying this is as a good player trying to get in on a better team? It's almost impossible, and not fun at all.
This game has great mobility options and a more powerful sandbox to empower the individual player more effectively than we've seen with previous games. Take Lockdown TS in H2A for example at higher levels. We've seen pro matches become stalemates consistently on that map despite no motion tracker, but why? "Shouldn't they be able to push around the map UNKNOWN since they don't have motion tracker?" Well, yeah, but don't underestimate the significance of the weapon sandbox's role in this. Halo 5's sandbox has improved IMO, so if they just disabled motion tracker this game would be in MUCH better shape than its predecessors because it would be less BRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBR pop-shots all match.
- How many times do I chase people around corners because they can see my every move?
If more than once, make a bowl of cereal, re-evaluate my life and return to the game here and there until it's finished while Unstable goes like 24-16 and I'm like 8-4 because I just don't give a damn lol. Shout out to Unstable, he sprints around Halo 5 like a madman and gets tons of kills, but he also gets lots of deaths. I worry this is how most people will play Halo 5 if motion tracker and sprint are to remain as they are while I'm left wondering, "Why can't 343 just remove motion tracker or change it to sound-based radar because of what it does to gameplay? This isn't a situation where it's a few people who share some crazy belief on something that can't be analyzed or experimented with, so why 343, why can't you try this out??
Motion tracker sucks the life out of me.
Hell yuh, of course.We can run the CE playlist Funknown amirite?
Walshy's the man.I was watching Walshy last night on his Twitch channel and he seems to be liking Halo 5 so far. I highly value his opinion on Halo, I think he offers a lot of insight and feedback because he approaches the game in a completely different way than the avg Halo player.
So good.Omg, Combat Evolved medal in Halo 5. Have you guys seen this?