Actually, I was thinking about it a little differently. The problem with tanks in Halo has been that, traditionally, they either suck and are unsatisfying to use or they straight up break the game (speaking about multi, of course). This is because frankly, 16 people isn't enough to justify the presence of 1 tank, let alone 2. You either nerf it to the point it no longer feels like a tank, or make it feel like a tank, thus making it OP. Neither makes for good gameplay.
However, with the possibility of BTB+ or Invasion 2.0, there are new opportunities for larger-scale battles on the horizon. The tank could finally have a viable place in the sandbox. And if you're going to go big, might as well do it seriously.
^Case in point, people just hate vehicles.
To say the Tank is only fair in games with like 32 players is to say the Rocket is only fair for 8v8. I disagree with that notion because you terribly underestimate the importance of the weapon sandbox with the dynamics of vehicle combat, let alone movement and situational awareness.
Anyone who thinks that 343i is going to remove sprint, ADS, or Spartan abilities is crazy. I doubt they're gonna add a classic scope option, either, because it's not a classic scope. It's not just a cosmetic thing, it's a new key gameplay mechanic.
It's not new; it already exists in H2A. You scope in with the Carbine and the reticle decreases in size, which is exactly what people are asking for as an alternative to ADS. The H2A SMG already reduces spread too.
If 343 allows for traditional scopes without ADS, that would go a long way towards their image and having the community respect them. Halo fans (some of the most hardcore fans of any franchise who put insane amounts of hours into these games and equally as important, its commnities) have to beg and beg and beg and beg and make fools of themselves for years before any slight changes are seen, and that's not entitlement because let's not forget the context of which we're talking about here. No one's suggesting they add completely new features or something that would take years of development time, we're talking about just a circle on the screen like we've always had, perhaps even just removing the weapon from the screen if they don't want to design anything too different.
I think it's important to note that 343 has the chance to change the dynamic between Halo devs and the Halo community, and they've been doing a great job so far with The Sprint series, so hopefully they keep that up. If they decide against classic zoom, people will forever hold that grudge because of how "simple" it seems to implement over a year away from launch.
This may be entitlement, to ask for an explanation, but can you really blame them? It's a alternative that doesn't detract whatsoever from the ADS, LT aim crowd they're aiming to attract.