This is a completely false and erroneous assumption. The entire creative process is 343s alone. Now whether you agree with it is another matter, but there are zero suits touching the game. Period.
I want to play Halo 5.
Flip dat switch, toshi
Destiny has 4 massive planets and 5 multiplayer maps but that game still suffers from a lack of content.. It doesn't matter if you have a bunch of maps if there's not much to do on them. Halo 3 shipped with only like what, 12 maps? That game had fuck tons of stuff you could do though and a solid campaign to boot. Titanfall cost the same price with significantly less variety. It's like comparing a really delicious dessert with an equally delicious 7 course meal that both cost the same price.Titanfall had 15 MP maps at release. That's more than most online shooters.
The thing is, is that Titanfall launched with 15 solid maps, and H3 only launched with a few.Destiny has 4 massive planets and 5 multiplayer maps but that game still suffers from a lack of content.. It doesn't matter if you have a bunch of maps if there's not much to do on them. Halo 3 shipped with only like what, 12 maps? That game had fuck tons of stuff you could do though and a solid campaign to boot. Titanfall cost the same price with significantly less variety. It's like comparing a really delicious dessert with an equally delicious 7 course meal that both cost the same price.
It's good to concentrate on those problems now because after playing for 300 hours even those small problems become big.I liked it, it's super well thought out and organized, but I still say play it. A lot of your concerns aren't as prominent in the minute to minute gameplay as you may think they are. I feel like you're only seeing an emphasis on that stuff because either A. it's new, or B. you're looking for it.
If I tried to organize a Throwdown this weekend would anyone show up? I know it's the holidays but I was just checking.
It's good to concentrate on those problems now because after playing for 300 hours even those small problems become big.
As someone who played over 10 hours over the weekend, I disagree.but as someone who spent like 15 hours playing it over the weekend I can firmly say that these issues aren't as problematic as they seem once the controller is in your hand.
I want to play Halo 5.
Flip dat switch, toshi
I actually really enjoyed the AR and pistol starts in the preview beta...- PRECISION RIFLE STARTS AT LAUNCH
As someone who played over 10 hours over the weekend, I disagree.
game is good, needs some tweaks before it can be great.
game is good, needs some bloom before it can be great.
I actually really enjoyed the AR and pistol starts in the preview beta...
The fact that the AR is finally a viable weapon means it was actually really fun.
Obviously there should be gametypes with precision starts, however I'm no longer going to complain when an AR starts gametype is voted in.
Movement in the beta is very limited. Clambering increases vertical gameplay nicely but at the same you can't move freely backwards/sideways. Result was that movement during gunfights felt very limited because I'd sacrifice my ability to shoot if I wanted to move. Out of gunfights movement speed was too slow and if you sprinted, you'd just die or have to run away when encountering enemies.Okay, I'm more than up for the conversation before working, what is it that you disliked? Personally, my biggest issue right now as far as gameplay is concerned is auto weapons being OP as hell. GP and the other spartan abilities aren't as game breaking in my opinion simply because I rarely saw them used, and at that, correctly.
Ah, well I actually really like the addition of zoom for automatics. I really didn't think oh would at first but playing the game completely turned me around on them. They do need to increase the spread when scoped though...My request for precision starts is more of a failsafe provided they actually got rid of Smart Scope, e.g. AR and Pistol probably wouldn't be as viable at range.
Movement in the beta is very limited. Clambering increases vertical gameplay nicely but at the same you can't move freely backwards/sideways. Result was that movement during gunfights felt very limited because I'd sacrifice my ability to shoot if I wanted to move. Out of gunfights movement speed was too slow and if you sprinted, you'd just die or have to run away when encountering enemies.
I'm sorry, what? I don't understand what you mean in this statement. movement was limited in gunfights? More than in any other shooter ever? I had no problem jumping, strafing, or even backpedalling while firing my weapon in combat scenarios during the preview.
Automatics outshooting BRs at mid range was annoying as fuck, especially with the lowered aim assist. I like the new aim assist, but that +ADS on autos made AR and SMG stupid.
I agree with this 100%
The fact that Smart Scope increases aim assist massively. If you're gonna decrease it, decrease it while zoomed also.
Again, I disagree, I felt little to no change in aim assist when zooming in on my weapons.
Lock on when smart scoping. Especially on the Sniper.
Once more, never had this issue, in fact had the exact opposite of it. Had it assisted, I probably would've gotten all three headshots IMO
Smart scope animation being too slow.
I didn't feel like that while playing, but in retrospect I can see it.
Grenade spam being too powerful. It's like H2, CE or Reach again, except this time with hitmarkers.
I made a point about spawning with 2 frags when they're this powerful is ridiculous, maybe one... maybe.
That's about it. Many of those things weren't that noticeable until I went back to MCC but I also probably forgot a lot of stuff.
The movement part is about not being able to move and shoot 100% freely. I couldn't use clamber routes while engaging the opponent nor could I do sprint jumps when shooting at an opponent chasing me. Thruster definitely helped with this problem though.My responses are Italicised.
The movement part is about not being able to move and shoot 100% freely. I couldn't use clamber routes while engaging the opponent nor could I do sprint jumps when shooting at an opponent chasing me. Thruster definitely helped with this problem though.
And I'm 99% sure smart scoping locks on to enemies. Quickscoping was much easier than in any Halo game before.
It would improve the maps flow but I can't be sureI never noticed any quickscoping, for what it's worth.
And I do think that having some routes you have to clamber through is a good thing; can you imagine what Red and Blue Sneaky on Empire would do to the flow of combat around Turbine if you could freely jump through them?
Ohhhhhhh, okay I getchya now. Yeah, that's a bit frustrating.The movement part is about not being able to move and shoot 100% freely. I couldn't use clamber routes while engaging the opponent nor could I do sprint jumps when shooting at an opponent chasing me. Thruster definitely helped with this problem though.
And I'm 99% sure smart scoping locks on to enemies. Quickscoping was much easier than in any Halo game before.
It would improve the maps flow but I can't be sure
If there is one base theme from the beta it's that flinch is very unpopular with the community at the moment. People want to be able to shoot back when they are being shot.
Can we all agree on this? If so can we flood a few pages with a #noflinch so the devs can hear our voice?
Just add it to the bottom of your posts.
Thanks all
I hope Sprint makes it into Halo 5
i'm rooting for AT&T personally
+ For arguably the first time since CE, every weapon is viable. I think the SMG is ultimately going to end up being the new Combat Evolved Pistol of Halo 5 in that it's an innocuous-looking sidearm but ends up having a whole bunch of bite. Will probably be met with "they should have just made it look like an LMG" analyses in the long run.
lmfao- Music seems a little more standardized, but the multiplayer music does overstay its welcome a little bit. Especially the "Who Wants To Be a Killionaire?" killcam music.
Great feedback overall, but I especially wanted to highlight these points because they resonate strongly with me as well. We need more alien weaponry, but it also matters that they distinguish them enough from UNSC weaponry to make the sandbox more interesting. Hopefully this is why we've yet to see many alien weapons, because they're making them feel truly unique this time around.- I'm mixed on Clamber. It's a step in the right direction, for sure, but I don't like that it takes away your ability to use your weapons or grenades, similarly to Sprint. I think for now it's essentially a poor man's double jump that can only be used on surfaces. I absolutely think it'll revolutionize map movement, but I'd really rather them either go all the way and give us a double jump or let us retain weapon / melee / grenade / action options and have the Clamber animation be players using their retro-rockets to propel themselves in an arc onto the Clambered surface or something.
- Art direction so far is extremely noisy and hazy. It's a more refined version of what Halo 4 was going for, and while the refinements are a notable improvement, everything's so visually busy now. I understand the weird haze / fog of war effect reducing clarity throughout maps is likely going to be toned down before release, but I just don't gel with the art style at all. I'd love to see these out-of-game renders be evident of what the actual game looked like. I know Halo's never been completely minimalist, but something along the lines of Halo 2 Anniversary's level of detail with more polys and reflective mapping thrown in would be perfect, imo. I really wish Combat Evolved's weirder, more alien style of bright pearlescent hues and reflective metals all over transferred more faithfully to the sequels. This isn't an issue that was started by 343, per se, but it has been more than a little exacerbated by them. On a positive note, I do like the aesthetic of the Breakout maps and apparently Forge is going to be more of a minimalist / reductive sort of aesthetic, at least.
- The UNSC weapons are starting to get wayyyy too populous. I like all of the weird alien weaponry in Halo even if they don't exactly have completely alien functions. So what if the Plasma Rifle is basically "machine gun but also good at tearing apart shields" or the Fuel Rod is "rocket launcher but alien." We need more alien representation! The thing that gets me the most, though, is the implementation of the Hydra - the new Rocket Launcher. It's a multi-shot RPG that fires homing explosives. Wait, it's a...
. . .
You mean they brought the Plasma Launcher back?
wait a minute what
AutoTurret&Tradingmeleekills?i'm rooting for AT&T personally
Same, I keep firing up games and just finding myself disappointed at how much less fun I'm having compared to 5.
Yeah I felt a similar sentiment the other day but that principally comes down to the fact that the pre-beta beta was more polished and functional than the £45 full game that was hyped from E3 onwards as the resurrection of Halo. Because the most gigantic and glaring of bugs still exist in the MCC, the smaller ticket items are completely neglected and, over time, it's become increasingly trying to maintain any enthusiasm for the game and the lottery of experiences you might have should you boot it up. The matchmaking is literally Bungie base variants from each games respective launch period, bundled up and tossed thoughtlessly onto a voting screen. The MM variants and combinations speak to a lack of refinement, insight and, ultimately, a lack of care. What I played of Halo 5 genuinely reignited a sense of excitement for the franchise going forward which I can't really say I felt during the run up to Reach and H4 but it really does show of late that H5 was/is the true buzz and propulsion at 343 and MCC seems more and more like an inconvenience, a contractual obligation. I'm happy H5 is good but Halo embittered by the continuing farce that is the MCC.
"Screen-space reflections don't really work in games with a free camera, and looking around causes horrible visual artifacts."
"A typical solution is to use other stuff instead of screen-space reflections."
Meanwhile, planar reflections continue their eternal march through "we don't really use this" territory, and actually keeping track of how light is propagating about in world-space is still too expensive for most developers to want to do in real time (and/or too low-frequency to get sharp reflections out of).
Planar reflections would be weird. I did do something like it in forge manually once: (Bungie pro video) (youtube mirror)
I hope they redesign the flood model if that comes back to multiplayer. That looked nothing like flood and more like a weird crab monster.Infection in Halo 5 should be interesting.
I wonder if 343 will redesign prometheans?
Rare was crazy like that though. They manually drew shadows for all their games, supposedly kept that habit all the way up to one of their Xbox projects.
Infection in Halo 5 should be interesting.
I wonder if 343 will redesign prometheans?