Have we seen the remix of Empire yet? I hope they reveal the last 2 maps soon.
The remix of Empire is Eden. It's the nighttime themes city map and can briefly seen in this trailer around the 0:26 markHave we seen the remix of Empire yet? I hope they reveal the last 2 maps soon.
So, when Josh says they may do more episodes of the Sprint leading up through the development of Halo 5, do you think he means there definitely will be? I know he says maybe, but I feel like him saying it only to lead to nothing would be kinda messed up. They can't say that kinda thing and not make it happen, right?
The remix of Empire is Eden. It's the nighttime themes city map and can briefly seen in this trailer around the 0:26 mark
That campaign tease tho.
There's a campaign tease???That campaign tease tho.
It feels good seeing so many people (old halo fans and new) genuinely excited or at least interested in Halo again. I can't wait to see what 343 has cooking.I really miss Halo sometimes. It's enough to make me want to get an X1 -just- for Halo, which I know is crazy talk. But Halo really is the best FPS of all-time for me.
Ya gotta embrace the dudebroI know people gave it a lot of shit, but I love this trailer. I don't know why, it's kinda dumb but I love it.
I knnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
I'm genuiny curious how many Halo fans actually wanted ADS (Visually; I've never talked to a single person who wanted anymore than the look). Maybe some gun nuts? I had a buddy a while back who was a major Halo fan but wished it felt more... "real". Customization of weapons like in the books and for zooming to actually look like a scope. I thought he was crazy to want ADS.I was kind of hoping they'd have recorded some footage of what it must've been like when the ADS gif first broke, and all their secrecy and development and testing prior to Halofest was somewhat in jeopardy due to the massive initial negative backlash.
It's crazy though that they already had ADS up and running in game as early as December 2013. Seems like they really wanted it in Halo for a while.
I was kind of hoping they'd have recorded some footage of what it must've been like when the ADS gif first broke, and all their secrecy and development and testing prior to Halofest was somewhat in jeopardy due to the massive initial negative backlash.
It's crazy though that they already had ADS up and running in game as early as December 2013. Seems like they really wanted it in Halo for a while.
Me too. Seems like a lot of cheevos that didn't unlock for me before are now unlocking.I'm just sitting at the Xbox dashboard and I've gotten at least 11 achievements from the MCC.
I haven't even played it since before the Halo 5 beta IIRC
I'm genuiny curious how many Halo fans actually wanted ADS (Visually; I've never talked to a single person who wanted anymore than the look). Maybe some gun nuts? I had a buddy a while back who was a major Halo fan but wished it felt more... "real". Customization of weapons like in the books and for zooming to actually look like a scope. I thought he was crazy to want ADS.
I almost wonder if it was something they had explored early in Halo 4 development but decided against it because of them not wanting to make that drastic of a change as a new company. Idk, interesting to think about.
There's a campaign tease???
I need to watch this last Sprint...
Yeah a modder managed to find a very basic version of ADS in H4 a month or so ago.Didn't someone find an early version of ADS in Halo 4?
I say this with no hyperbole; the push for realism in games was one of the most damaging thing to happen to the industry. It created a stupid homogenizing goal across multiple genres regardless of whether or not it actually fit, and encouraged the gritty gun metal grey color palette that I think gaming (shooters in particular) is finally starting to recover from. It's like what happened to comic books after Watchmen was released in the 80's.Yeah me neither. It's the one thing more Halo fans were unanimously against even more than sprint. You'd always have the one or two outliers in the community who said they wanted it. But it was something the fanbase at large didn't want. But contrast this with the fact it's something non-Halo fans wanted. Reviewers who would play and leave the game, CoD kids who might play a few matches etc. I can accept that people want realism. But Halo isn't realistic. It's a futuristic shooter where super soldiers fight various aliens with neon weapons and the game was full of intense colors. It's not just exclusive to FPS, as good as Sunset was, my younger cousins said it wasn't as cool as GTA or something. Didn't we get someone a few pages back who wanted like black and gray armors only, gritty urban maps with rain, something real?
Even in cases like sprint where I think it works in Halo, I still say it's important to speak your mind about it whether you like it or not. Just becoming content with things is no good imo. Yeah it's important to understand when something isn't going to change. That doesn't mean you should just shut up and be happy.The one thing I'd say, we have a year before game is launched, and yet people are saying why complain. But if we don't complain, it seems like tacit acceptance. If you don't like smart scope or ADS speak up. If you don't, they'll hear "hmm, seems like only a handful really care, let's just keep it in, this way we get the other CoD/Battlefield/Destiny fanbase too".
Yeah a modder managed to find a very basic version of ADS in H4 a month or so ago.
I say this with no hyperbole; the push for realism in games was one of the most damaging thing to happen to the industry. It created a stupid homogenizing goal across multiple genres regardless of whether or not it actually fit, and encouraged the gritty gun metal grey color palette that I think gaming (shooters in particular) is finally starting to recover from. It's like what happened to comic books after Watchmen was released in the 80's.
And the problem isn't with realism itself or even grittiness. It was just all the dipshits aping things they thought were popular while completely missing the point of the source material.
Halo is one of the few shooters I feel has an actual creative spark to it and isn't afraid to show colors in its universe (and a sticky to the face). It's one of the reasons I was so pissed about the covenant all becoming space dinos in H4. I still remember Frankies post about the Grunts being a different sub species that were just an example of expanding the universe (so I damn well expect to see the original grunts at some point).
Your younger cousins are deprived of the spice of life. They just need to be shown that ignoring realism can actually make things more fun.
Yeah there was a dude saying they wished Halo looked more "realistic" and that there should be lights on the suits to show team with the armor being more gritty or whatever.
Even in cases like sprint where I think it works in Halo, I still say it's important to speak your mind about it whether you like it or not. Just becoming content with things is no good imo. Yeah it's important to understand when something isn't going to change. That doesn't mean you should just shut up and be happy.
Even if they (not specifically 343) don't listen, at least you tried. Just don't go crazy with it.
So, when Josh says they may do more episodes of the Sprint leading up through the development of Halo 5, do you think he means there definitely will be? I know he says maybe, but I feel like him saying it only to lead to nothing would be kinda messed up. They can't say that kinda thing and not make it happen, right?
Proper BJ support?I saw the latest MCC update included controller layout fixes. Does this mean I can still hope for proper Bumper Jumper support in Halo 2?
sooo good
I read that as a completely different thing...Proper BJ support?
Can I get the blank version of that controller layout?
Proper BJ support?
Yeah, halo 1, 2, and 3 need that.You know, A changing grenades instead of doing nothing.And Cortana giving me a little sumthin whenever I score a Killtac'
I'm genuiny curious how many Halo fans actually wanted ADS (Visually; I've never talked to a single person who wanted anymore than the look). Maybe some gun nuts? I had a buddy a while back who was a major Halo fan but wished it felt more... "real". Customization of weapons like in the books and for zooming to actually look like a scope. I thought he was crazy to want ADS.
Yeah me neither. It's the one thing more Halo fans were unanimously against even more than sprint. You'd always have the one or two outliers in the community who said they wanted it. But it was something the fanbase at large didn't want. But contrast this with the fact it's something non-Halo fans wanted. Reviewers who would play and leave the game, CoD kids who might play a few matches etc. I can accept that people want realism. But Halo isn't realistic. It's a futuristic shooter where super soldiers fight various aliens with neon weapons and the game was full of intense colors. It's not just exclusive to FPS, as good as Sunset was, my younger cousins said it wasn't as cool as GTA or something. Didn't we get someone a few pages back who wanted like black and gray armors only, gritty urban maps with rain, something real?
It was something you knew they probably looked at. I think they finally decided to go full steam ahead with their vision (give the fundamentalists MCC and H2A to placate them), and decided to make the game they wanted..
Happy holidays duuuudePerhaps a little early (or late, depending on your perspective), but Happy Holidays HaloGAF.
Yeah it can. That's just why you've gotta know when and where to draw the line (as in give it a rest for a bit) so you don't just become white noise. That's when you've got an even bigger problem. It's easy for people to forget that you "bitch" so much because you care. If you didn't then you wouldn't be wasting your breath (or key strokes).Yeah, like coherently complaining and speaking out against things is all you can really do. Though I'm sure it gets tiring for a lot of people to read.
I agree on the realism homogeneity in games. So many games are avoided or missed because they don't look cool. We need blood, sweat, tears and swearing, and not goofy looking plants and clouds with big eyes etc. Even look at Chief. People love the new look, but you have to take into account he was changed solely so he looks more realistic. People always said he looked like some action figure toy. Changed his armor to a dark green, almost black armor, fighter jet/tank
Can I get the blank version of that controller layout?
Don't have a link but it's on my hard drive. I'll put up a link to it later. Wahrer made the templates a while ago so he might actually have a link.Yeah, same.
The problem is just that most of the people who want it and claim it's more "realistic" are only thinking about it on the surface level if that makes any sense. They aren't thinking about what, where, or when the universe of this game is taking place. They are probably only thinking about it from their own perspective and what they can currently do in life.#teamclassicscope Bring back Halo please.
Does it come with a free xbox one?Cor blimey, MCC going for £30 on if anyone still needs a copy.
Does it come with a free xbox one?
Huh? Do you have links?I've been listening to every single piece of the Halo 5 Guardians soundtrack that I can get a hold of.
I've got to say, Marty finally has a worthy successor.
With everything that I have heard, I can truly say that Kazuma Jinnouchi has took the Halo soundtrack and made it his own, with a refined effort on the use of roaring trumpets and the Godly Choirs (which were mostly absent from Halo 4). Although, with the new musical elements such as new recurring rhythms, Kazuma has managed to keep it sounding "Halo" at it's core. Every piece I have heard has given me goosebumps, the only Halo soundtrack to do so in recent years is "117", which is composed by Kazuma funnily enough.
Halo 5: Guardians Soundtrack is shaping up to be the best soundtrack of 2015.
Huh? Do you have links?
I've been listening to every single piece of the Halo 5 Guardians soundtrack that I can get a hold of.
I've got to say, Marty finally has a worthy successor.
With everything that I have heard, I can truly say that Kazuma Jinnouchi has took the Halo soundtrack and made it his own, with a refined effort on the use of roaring trumpets and the Godly Choirs (which were mostly absent from Halo 4). Although, with the new musical elements such as new recurring rhythms, Kazuma has managed to keep it sounding "Halo" at it's core. Every piece I have heard has given me goosebumps, the only Halo soundtrack to do so in recent years is "117", which is composed by Kazuma funnily enough.
Halo 5: Guardians Soundtrack is shaping up to be the best soundtrack of 2015.
For those of you asking about the control scheme template with the XBO controller, I just updated / streamlined it a bit for public use:
If you go to, you can download the raw image or a fully-fledged Photoshop file where you can manually edit the text, change the background if you want, etc. It's all properly labeled and aligned in the .PSD file, but the fonts used are Conduit ITC and Kenyan Coffee so you may have to set them to something different.
- During my next game, I recieve this:
Pic is too small to read; now i'm left in suspense D:
Somebody get me a microscope.
Right click and view image in new tab. lol