image is like 4 pixels. sort it bro.
Doesn't change anything when the image is still 250 x 56 pixels
Right click and view image in new tab. lol
Was that a message intended for ants...ANTS?!
happy holidays you fucks
They need paddles, like scuff/steam controllers.
Doesn't change anything when the image is still 250 x 56 pixels
Somebody get him a microscope.
Right, my ideal controller scheme for H5. I like the standard they set with the Universal Default (Recon) they introduced in the MCC, keep Recon in H5 similar to that please.
When I did it it pulled up a big, full size readable image. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
Changed who I dump my images to now.
Hopefully it is better now.
Please Understand.
As a longtime default player, this is all I want for the buttons. Just a few tweaks 343 plz. As envisioned by others here I think button combos make more sense for ground pound and slide anyhow.
Just realized now that thrusting to the right would be a big pain, but meh... thought I'd post anyway. I had kind of a hard time finding a place for Spartan Charge and Slide, so the flick forwards were my last resort outside of a "modifier" button.
As a longtime default player, this is all I want for the buttons. Just a few tweaks 343 plz. As envisioned by others here I think button combos make more sense for ground pound and slide anyhow.
Changed who I dump my images to now.
Hopefully it is better now.
Please Understand.
Ha, Is still funny how CoD is still the default Halo insult.
That's exactly the same as the "Halo 4" setting (the one I used) in the Halo 5 Beta I believe.
I think the only difference is left and right on the d-pad change grenades.
I can kind of see where you were going with this, but I think if any utilities had to be mapped to the DPad they'd be Sprint or possibly Action. The main advantage with having thruster-based movement being dependent on the analog stick is that it offers you a substantially wider range of movement options, whereas in your setup you'd have to properly assess / reposition your Spartan so that thrusting in the preferred direction actually sent you the way you want to go.
I think it'd be cool if they experiemented with flicking LS for Thrust or even clicking in LS for thrust, but I can't see the DPad being a great place for it to go.
lol, why'd you blur the background more?
I can kind of see where you were going with this, but I think if any utilities had to be mapped to the DPad they'd be Sprint or possibly Action. The main advantage with having thruster-based movement being dependent on the analog stick is that it offers you a substantially wider range of movement options, whereas in your setup you'd have to properly assess / reposition your Spartan so that thrusting in the preferred direction actually sent you the way you want to go.
I think it'd be cool if they experiemented with flicking LS for Thrust or even clicking in LS for thrust, but I can't see the DPad being a great place for it to go.
lol, why'd you blur the background more?
Haha, if the issue is I didn't cycle through all the options, I'm a complete nut. Swear I didn't see it. Good to hear, then.
That is a really good point. I don't know... I just like the idea of still being able to thruster with a button as compared to thruster with a button press and analog point in the direction of where I want to thrust. Not sure if I explained that in a good way lol
Murder Miners has thrust on flicking of the analog stick in the desired direction, but I always found it a bit unreliable.
It was definitely a relief to see it there. The only problem is it makes ground pounding nearly impossible because you have to hold B and shift your left hand over to the right stick to aim.They should have made the left stick aim your ground pound on that setting.
I also fixed your godawful kerning and the forced small caps, but do you notice that? NooooOOOOooo
Anyone designing control schemes, you can't map a secondary hold function to a button whose primary function occurs on button press, as opposed to button release. It is why the Plasma Pistol fires its primary shots on trigger release, not trigger press.
I understand that, and while it would add a little extra latency to something like jumping, I think the fact that it's a universal change and not something "touchy" like backsmacks versus assassinations means players would acclimate accordingly. For the sake of demonstration / presentation, though, I just have them listed as "press and hold" rather than the more technically accurate "release and sustain."
If you are going to have four buttons solely used for to cycling through spartan abilities, why don't you just have each button perform its own dedicated spartan ability right when you press it?
Merge the ground pound button with the sprint button. Sprint doesn't do anything in the air.
Or is that stabilizers? If so, make them auto-only.
Merge the ground pound button with the sprint button. Sprint doesn't do anything in the air.
Or is that stabilizers? If so, make them auto-only.
I cannot believe that I just downloaded a 3 gig update which included Spartan ops but some how there's still no Halo 4 playlist. I'll be playing the Halo 5 beta before I get a playlist for 4. It's 343s only game on the collection and yet it's the last one to get fixed. I know my opinion isn't one that's popular around here but that's the game I purchased this collection for. And yet I'm condemned to BTB or swat if I even want to see a bit of 4.
That really has me disappointed. Hell I might be better off just plugging up the old 360 but man you'd think a month and a half out they would at least have the four games ready.
Stinkles do you have any idea when 4 will be back in its own playlist? I and the other ten people that loved 4 would really like it back.
As a longtime default player, this is all I want for the buttons. Just a few tweaks 343 plz. As envisioned by others here I think button combos make more sense for ground pound and slide anyhow.
That's exactly the same as the "Halo 4" setting (the one I used) in the Halo 5 Beta I believe.
I think the only difference is left and right on the d-pad change grenades.
Hydra was not part of the pre-access beta last weekend, and it looks like people will not get their hands on with until January, 5th.So, how are the impressions of the Halo 5 beta? Is the Hidra (the human new grenade launcher I think) a power weapon or a normal weapon ?
So, how are the impressions of the Halo 5 beta? Is the Hidra (the human new grenade launcher I think) a power weapon or a normal weapon ?
Perhaps the Hydra is a "legendary" weapon like the Prophet's Bane?
Perhaps the Hydra is a "legendary" weapon like the Prophet's Bane?
I'm thinking the Spartan Laser will make a return as the Legendary Rocket Launcher parallel. The Hydra, while powerful, doesn't look as immediately OP as something like the Prophet's Bane. I think it's going to be somewhere between the Concussion Rifle and Rocket Launcher in power.