You know what would be a good Present? Halo 5 Beta on Xmas.
Pls, Tashi.
It would be our very own Christmas miracle.
Screw the H5 beta, let's focus on the alpha we all paid for. That's what I want fixed.
Played four Halo CE games today, not a single one went without people quitting or lagging out. Match doesn't end when the entire team quits. Always 2v2 despite six player maximum.
Lots of kids are going to open their Christmas gifts tomorrow, play some Halo, see what a mess it is, and never bother with it again. Having the game work as originally promised in time for Christmas was likely the last hope for restoring the population, but it's not gonna happen.
Screw the H5 beta, let's focus on the alpha we all paid for. That's what I want fixed.
Played four Halo CE games today, not a single one went without people quitting or lagging out. Match doesn't end when the entire team quits. Always 2v2 despite six player maximum.
Lots of kids are going to open their Christmas gifts tomorrow, play some Halo, see what a mess it is, and never bother with it again. Having the game work as originally promised in time for Christmas was likely the last hope for restoring the population, but it's not gonna happen.
Anyone who tries to play with a party or play ranked games without quitters is gonna have a bad time. As will anyone who plays Halo 2 Classic and sees how butchered the netcode is. There's still a ton of stuff that's fundamentally broken and affects everyone, no matter how lucky you are.That's gonna depend heavily on the person. If they get the experience I'm currently having, they'll run into few bugs and have a smooth matchmaking experience with the occasional uneven team match-up.
If they have the experience some other people are having, it could be completely bonked.
(Not sure how people still have many big issues at this point. I have craptacular Time Warner Cable internet and I'm fine).
Yep, and it's one of the reasons I don't buy their "oh, we had no idea about the bugs, they all happened after launch!" BS. For god's sake, it's the title that's supposedly being paid tribute to and the shot netcode is so bad that even a massive H2 fan like myself can't even stomach playing it.Yeah halo 2 classic is unplayable.
Merry Christmas HaloGAF. May your matchmaking times be short, your teams even and your donging plentiful.
Merry Christmas HaloGAF. May your matchmaking times be short, your teams even and your donging plentiful.
Anyone experienced with modding ODST and has a capture card, send me a PM
outraged tbhWahrer got tagged. Dammit.
outraged tbh
I've been on here for eight years!
It got lost in the mail and I got a refund, which is probably for the best because I still don't care about video games right now. All I care about is getting a tag. Eight fuckin years smh.How's dragon age? Lol
I returned it...
outraged tbh
I've been on here for eight years!
It got lost in the mail and I got a refund, which is probably for the best because I still don't care about video games right now. All I care about is getting a tag. Eight fuckin years smh.
It got lost in the mail and I got a refund, which is probably for the best because I still don't care about video games right now. All I care about is getting a tag. Eight fuckin years smh.
Screw the H5 beta, let's focus on the alpha we all paid for. That's what I want fixed.
Played four Halo CE games today, not a single one went without people quitting or lagging out. Match doesn't end when the entire team quits. Always 2v2 despite six player maximum.
Lots of kids are going to open their Christmas gifts tomorrow, play some Halo, see what a mess it is, and never bother with it again. Having the game work as originally promised in time for Christmas was likely the last hope for restoring the population, but it's not gonna happen.
Wahrer got tagged. Dammit.
It got lost in the mail and I got a refund, which is probably for the best because I still don't care about video games right now. All I care about is getting a tag. Eight fuckin years smh.
You have to chage your name to something catchy so the mods remember you.
kittens wearing mittens
How many people are still playing?
Send certain body parts in picture form in a PM to Bish and you'll have one in no time!Tell us your tag-earning secrets!
Send certain body parts in picture form in a PM to Bish and you'll have one in no time!
So, like, my elbow, right?
Happy Halodays HaloGaf.
Sure Bish wants some straight up epidermis bro.
Merry Christmas guys. Have a good one.
If I had to sum up my Halo 5: Guardians Beta experience in one gif it'd have to be this one:
Not really, just powered my way through Nightfall and wanted a reason to post that gif
If I had to sum up my Halo 5: Guardians Beta experience in one gif it'd have to be this one:
Not really, just powered my way through Nightfall and wanted a reason to post that gif
I did, probably will do a write up after the next one to see what they've changed. Was pretty fun! Still couldn't figure out that KDA formula, though, and my KDA dropped pretty rapidly.thought you liked it ghazatron.
Gotdamn Nightfall was abysmal. I think FuD was more interesting to watch and that's not saying a whole lot.
At this point I don't have high hopes for anything live action Halo and hope that a talented studio like Blur can produce something instead.
I did, probably will do a write up after the next one to see what they've changed. Was pretty fun! Still couldn't figure out that KDA formula, though, and my KDA dropped pretty rapidly.
Yeah... it was really pointless. Both projects pretty much amounted to nothing.
If I had to sum up my Halo 5: Guardians Beta experience in one gif it'd have to be this one:
Not really, just powered my way through Nightfall and wanted a reason to post that gif
Same, I love it and I'm excited to see what's different.
KDA formula needs to be explained before I end up bald.
It was pretty boring! I don't know who's idea was to make the whole series about. Also the ending was cliché as you can get.worms lol