It is slow. Feels slower than Halo 4 and Halo 2 Anniversary. I wouldn't feel the urge to sprint as much if could move at a good pace.
Agreed. I feel like I'm walking in mud.
It is slow. Feels slower than Halo 4 and Halo 2 Anniversary. I wouldn't feel the urge to sprint as much if could move at a good pace.
Cross posting from the Halo 5 Beta thread. Frankie plz
I honestly think sprint and the quicker TTK slow the game down and make it less exciting than earlier games. Lots more camping and people not being visible and forced behind cover as a result. Before you had more freedoms to put yourself a little in the open and move from point to point if you were willing to put some crossfire out to descope people. Now there's a ton of hiding and the map seems quiet a lot of the time.
Gold 3. The comment applies more to Midship than anything though. Making that map so huge totally ruins its feel.What rank? I'm onyx and playing semi pros and doesn't feel like that at all.
Stop playing with scrubsWHAT THE FUCK
I fucking lost and I get a -12 decrease against Pros?! Clearly I have a gambling problem. I just want to play and nobody accepts invites so I solo que and get fucking spanked because my teammates are shooting butterflies out of the sky.
Man got a beautiful extermination on truth. I literarily cried. How do I get this mother on video and upload it here?
I'd rather have the video of you crying, TBH.
Because all three of my teammates went negative. Not my fault if I'm matched with awful players. Why I should I be punished because the matchmaking kinda sucks atm.
I really don't understand why they thought making whether of not you win be the only factor which determines if you rank up or down. There's only so much a single player can do in TS. Ranking is a reflection of a player's skill, not of how lucky they are with the matchmaking.
Cross posting from the Halo 5 Beta thread. Frankie plz
Classic Halo control scheme proposal for Halo 5
A - Jump/Clamber
B - Melee Attack/Spartan Charge
Y - Switch Weapons
X - Action/Reload
LB - Thruster Pack
RB - Sprint
LT - Throw Grenade
RT - Fire Weapon
Left Stick - Crouch/Ground Pound
Right Stick - Smart-Link & Zoom
D-Pad - Cycle Grenade
Gold 3. The comment applies more to Midship than anything though. Making that map so huge totally ruins its feel.
Just got into a three on four game. 3v4 Industries is alive and well, baby!
Because it's team slayer. The whole point is to win for your team.
Let's propose a hypothetical player with superhuman reflexes, aim, and awareness. They go 25-0, every game. But, on the other hand, they don't help control the map.
At all.
As such, the entire rest of their team is consistently slaughtered. All together, they pick up 12 kills between them, and go hugely negative. This super player loses all of his games... as they should. Because playing with the team is even more important as playing well individually.
It simplifies ranking greatly, however. Gametype agnosticism is quite valuable. Players being able to understand the system is also very valuable.
Something more complex than "Did your team win?" would have to be substantially more complex. And honestly, I don't want to be matched with better players if I'm losing match after match, even if I'm doing "well."
Right now the game doesn't feel at all like traditional Halo, such as HCE and H2. It just feels like spawn, and start shooting at people and find them. I don't get the feeling that I need to seek out weapons, powerweapons or powerups. kinda feels like a generic COD deathmatch game because there's not enough emphasis on gaining powerweapons and powerups and having to time them in your head.
Instead of an announcer announcing when things are dropping, make the players have to keep track of it, it makes it fun in my opinion.
What are you currently ranked at Tashi?
I did. now to figure out how to place it on xboxclips or something. Thanks
The problem I'm getting is that I'm consistently placing in the top couple of players in the match but I'm slowly ranking downwards. Mainly because you rank down far quicker than you rank up.
Why would you want to rank up when you lose, though? Rankings serve two purposes, one is for your e-peen and the other is for matchmaking, the latter being the most important. If you're losing match after match, why would you want to continue to play against better players?
I suppose the argument is that you'd just like to play alongside better players... Somewhere in my mind this system is infinitely less complex than it could be and accomplishes largely the same goals. The conceit being that players who play with groups are ranked higher simply because they're fighting the randomness of matchmaking... But if matchmaking is accounting for group-rank, then it all sort of comes out in the wash.
Going off how terrible modern Halo players are (betrayals all over in MCC) I'm happy it's goneI haven't read a single comment on the lack of friendly fire lol. What are your thoughts that you can't betray teammates now?
best thing about Halo 5 is the sound frag grenades make as they connect with the ground
.Going off how terrible modern Halo players are (betrays all over in MCC) I'm happy it's gone
Not a good play or anything, but a good example of why I personally love the medal-feed. It's very addicting to get kills. Reminds me of the orange text when you get kills in BF4.
100% agree. Best grenade indicator ever.
I was disappointed when I realised I couldn't betray my shitty teammates while losing 15-40. I want it back in ranked.I haven't read a single comment on the lack of friendly fire lol. What are your thoughts that you can't betray teammates now?
best thing about Halo 5 is the sound frag grenades make as they connect with the ground
What are you currently ranked at Tashi?
Headshot sound is what gets me going
What are you currently ranked at Tashi?
How can people be this bad. It hurts my soul.
I have only played like 2 games on my account.
I tried inviting you after my game crashed. Lost ya after that :/
Onyx Rank 1 Looking for some teammates! Send me a message ob live - xCliQuEx
Yeah it started a game without you. Sorry man