Hi Josh! <3
Hey Tashi!
Hi Josh! <3
AR has a role to play. It's overpowered when it goes beyond close to mid range for gunplay and starts bleeding onto mid range and longer. Coupled with the fact with ADS it's spread is tighter, more accurate, and that flinch is there, it's absolutely taking away from BR and DMR even.
The AR is not a skilled weapon to use, it's far too easy to get kills with and I too think it's overpowered how it currently is. It's not about making it shit, but making sure it doesn't detract from the longer range rifles. Also, saying that BR all the time, how pros use it is boring is ridiculous. It takes far more skill to use than the AR with its spray and pray shooting. Pros use BR because they're not casual players who just want to aim in a general direction and hold down trigger and mop up kills. I can accept someone shredding you with an AR up close. What I cant accept is being 60 feet away being peppered by ADS assault rifle shots while your screen is shaking or you're being descoped trying to get them back.
Can't go into details, but at the high level, it's about who you beat or lose to. Ideally, the matchmaking will set you up with an even match so the +/- will be consistent. But if you own a bunch of noobs, you won't go up much. On the other hand, beat a good team and go up more.
AR has a role to play. It's overpowered when it goes beyond close to mid range for gunplay and starts bleeding onto mid range and longer. Coupled with the fact with ADS it's spread is tighter, more accurate, and that flinch is there, it's absolutely taking away from BR and DMR even.
The AR is not a skilled weapon to use, it's far too easy to get kills with and I too think it's overpowered how it currently is. It's not about making it shit, but making sure it doesn't detract from the longer range rifles. Also, saying that BR all the time, how pros use it is boring is ridiculous. It takes far more skill to use than the AR with its spray and pray shooting. Pros use BR because they're not casual players who just want to aim in a general direction and hold down trigger and mop up kills. I can accept someone shredding you with an AR up close. What I cant accept is being 60 feet away being peppered by ADS assault rifle shots while your screen is shaking or you're being descoped trying to get them back.
Double post, but glad you could share your thoughts Josh. How much weight do the initial 10 matches have? I won't lie and say I didn't spend a lot of the early matches learning the guns, the maps and whatnot. But now I'm stuck in a rank where I have so much better stats than the rest KDA wise, I'm routinely being top player each match, and yet I'll go up 14 points in a win, then we'll lose because of some randos and go down 9, then another match we'll win and I'll go up 7, lose another and go down 11 etc.
Is the only option for me to pair up with some friends that are of much higher ranks, and be backpacked to a higher tier or rank and then see if I go up or drop?
Quick question: Is there a way to turn off stabilizers? If I jump and scope it automatically keeps me up in the air like a sitting duck.
Yup. Check the settings, turn off "auto stabilize" (exact wording may vary).
Sprint buttonThen how do you use them?
The AR makes encounters a "who sees who first" scenario with how strong it is.
Make it a medium power weapon, like the DMR.
Disagree. I can still outmaneuver my opponent with an AR, even if they do get the drop on me.
Sure there may be some exceptions, but for the most part it's true.
I consider the SMG a power weapon.
Here's my ideal (read: won't happen) solution to the AR problem.
Remove it from the game entirely and leave the SMG as is. Start with magnums or battle rifles. Or remove the SMG and give the AR its exact properties if you feel that the game needs to have an assault rifle in it.
no and no.
I just think the BR and the SMG are way too similar as is and I don't really think there's a need to have two high-ROF spray-tastic automatics.
I know most here prob don't care much about achievements, but I managed to wrap up Halo 2 LASO and get LASO Master today.
So I'm at 449/450 achievements, 4495/4500gs now for Halo: MCC. Just waiting for Feb 11th to unlock the 3-month achievement for the completion. Huzzah! All Halo games complete again (although I only did one version of Spartan Assault.... can't stomach stacking that garbage after I lost my save/all my progress shortly after finishing the XB1 version).
The sniper rifles on Empire should be replaced with shotguns. The map isn't very saavy for sniping since it's mostly just linear corridors to shoot from and there are no real open areas snipers can truly dominate from. And plus with the slow scoping time of the sniper rifle it makes quickly zooming in on a target almost impossible. The map feels more geared for CQC power weapons like shotguns.
I honestly think Ground Pound could be stripped from the game entirely. The risk vs reward isn't worth it and it just isn't a viable option most of the time.
You're not playing the same Empire I'm playing. A good sniper can lock shit down. The sightlines are narrow but LONG.
I love sniping on the map. But ONE of the snipers needs to be replaced with something else.
You're not playing the same Empire I'm playing. A good sniper can lock shit down. The sightlines are narrow but LONG.
I love sniping on the map. But ONE of the snipers needs to be replaced with something else.
You're not playing the same Empire I'm playing. A good sniper can lock shit down. The sightlines are narrow but LONG.
I love sniping on the map. But ONE of the snipers needs to be replaced with something else.
First weird glitch I found in the beta. It was actually pretty cool to see all the details on the Spartan model.
As someone who's not a moron (nor on Waypoint or Reddit), I think they've got a point. Watching competitive Halo 2 matches (including H2A), basically all that gets used is the BR and the power weapons (excepting Ninja). And honestly? That's kind of boring.
The AR is finally, for the first time since CE*, viable. It can work at mid range, and is strong at short range. That's not overpowered, that's just finally having a place in the sandbox. The SMG is strong, yes, but it's also limited to an on-map pickup, and only works at short range unless scoped. They could stand to reduce the number of them on the map, but other than that, I don't think they should change a thing.
*And even then, it was more of a boost to the cloak than a weapon in its own right.
Honestly I feel the weapon balance is really good aside from nerfing the AR's range when scoped in and the flinch stuff. Basically if you have a BR/DMR, it's best to keep your distance because automatics actually fulfill their purpose in the sandbox now. People view it as OP because of what they're use to, but I like the change.
I'm not trying to be a grumpy old man who's against change but I really don't like the ADS in Halo 5. It really feels like visual clutter that simply gets in the way. The old style aiming was better.
The thing is I would rather have an AR.