2 brs and a dmr in each base, a dmr on each bubble. That should get them started.
Played 11 or 12 games total so far. Was initially placed in Gold 2 . I feel like some level of Onyx will be achievable which makes sense if Tawp, Ram, and ExWifeEugn etc. are Semi-pro tier.
I like the ranking system. I think people here are getting too caught up in old thinking re: ranks. Yeah, if you drop due to a 4v2 or crappy teammates that sucks, but just play a few games to dig yourself out. You're not going to get rank-locked with this system.
Playing on a far-away server has a very distinct feel, but that was an issue in less than a quarter of the games I played.
Disappointed to learn the magnum is 6-shot, but really like the reduced aim assist with all of the precision weapons. PLEASE DON'T INCREASE THE AIM ASSIST.
AR vs. AR combat is boring, but I have to admit I've had to actually think about my weapon pairings. Sometimes I want AR/DMR, sometimes BR/DMR, etc.
On grenades: 343 is in a tough spot with this. If everyone has thruster, a single beta grenade is kind of weak since the target can just thrust out of the way--so they boosted the damage. That now means that 2 beta grenades are an unnavigable nightmare. Not sure if I like that or not.
Grenades should be for flushing out enemies, enabling an escape, or limiting an opponent's movement options. On Truth and Empire they feel a little too much like finishers.
frankie charge for armor skins and voice packs. maps released for free. buy a summer house.
I think you're right. People think it needs to be a steady up progression and nothing else. You're gonna bounce around, especially if you roll solo. People need to get over it and play the game.
I hope one thing they improve for launch is to work on the visual "clarity" in the game itself.
frankie charge for armor skins and voice packs. maps released for free. buy a summer house.
Snoop DogWhat kind of voice packs would there be?
Like which characters are we thinking of?
What kind of voice packs would there be?
Like which characters are we thinking of?
Still waiting on The Christopher Walken personalization pack with chatter pack, and licensed skinsDepends on who they can get the rights for, but Chief / Cortana / Halsey / Spartan Ops dudes / new characters / Locke / ODST squad, or at least Fillion would all be solid contenders. You could also just give some more options like ethnicity (so getting spartans with british / aussie accents, make up ones like an "eridanian accent," hungarian-style for Jorge, etc.)
Still waiting on The Christopher Walken personalization pack with chatter pack, and licensed skins
If they want to support an eSports community, this is the only way to do it.frankie charge for armor skins and voice packs. maps released for free. buy a summer house.
Depends on who they can get the rights for, but Chief / Cortana / Halsey / Spartan Ops dudes / new characters / Locke / ODST squad, or at least Fillion would all be solid contenders. You could also just give some more options like ethnicity (so getting spartans with british / aussie accents, make up ones like an "eridanian accent," hungarian-style for Jorge, etc.)
Yup.Anyone on playing the beta?
It's not letting me back out of the search, I don't understand...Can I get an invite PFI DeeZy
It's not letting me back out of the search, I don't understand...
Depends on who they can get the rights for, but Chief / Cortana / Halsey / Spartan Ops dudes / new characters / Locke / ODST squad, or at least Fillion would all be solid contenders. You could also just give some more options like ethnicity (so getting spartans with british / aussie accents, make up ones like an "eridanian accent," hungarian-style for Jorge, etc.)
You know what I would like to see?
A medal and announcer slider.
- Low would give you the amount of medals and announcements Halo 3 had to offer
- Medium would give you the amount of medals and announcements Halo Reach had to offer
- High would give you the amount of medals and announcements Halo 5 actually has to offer
I really don't care about Perfect, Reversal, Distraction, Brawler etc. If I get a slider which can keep those medals and announcements to a minimum, that would be awesome.
Also, bring back the original Sniper Headshot medal! 343i please...
Some of the medal announcements could go, but "First Strike!" needs to come back.
Some of the medal announcements could go, but "First Strike!" needs to come back.
Some of the medal announcements could go, but "First Strike!" needs to come back.
The distraction medal is pretty stupid. Only damage I took was from a random nade, and I got a distraction medal. I didn't do anything.
Purrfect is literally the most satisfying thing in the entire game. It's so good.Woah, now. Steitzer going "purrfect" is probably one of (if not the) best things about the beta.
Seriously though, good thought. Maybe even allow you to toggle them individually?
Clamber has all but killed any semblance of jumping, crouch jumping, trick jumps, or "platforming". Don't think I've made a single jump I didn't also Clamber after.
I like it for the fact that it lets me know the guy that was shooting me is now dead.
I'm weird though, none of the shit that I see being complained about bothers me at all. Announcements, chatter, & the Spartan intros/post game...none of that bothers me, it's just there, whatever.
The distraction medal is pretty stupid. Only damage I took was from a random nade, and I got a distraction medal. I didn't do anything.
What is the reason for 10 placement matches versus Starcraft's 5 placement matches?
I like it for the fact that it lets me know the guy that was shooting me is now dead.
I'm weird though, none of the shit that I see being complained about bothers me at all. Announcements, chatter, & the Spartan intros/post game...none of that bothers me, it's just there, whatever. Same as crouch jumping, you could make any crouch jump in past games with clamber more than likely, now everyone can do it, and not just the nerds who know every possible map trick. Crouch jumps never made or broke a game in random matchmaking. I feel like clamber could even improve past maps, being able to climb out of the flag room on Pit, or climb up to green. I think thrusting/sprinting/clamber/stabilize will open up just as many different jump routes, the game is a few days old, give people time.
I think there's room for both crouch jumps and clamber. Clamber allows you to reach heights that older jumps just couldn't, creating more verticality and preventing especially quick routes from being used to escape (Red and Blue Sneaky on Empire come to mind). That said, inserting some crouch-jump height "steps" to some parts of the map isn't a terrible idea either. You could either go for the clamber, and sacrifice speed and shooting, or master the crouch jump for maximum mobility.
Like I said. Room for both, if they figure out the control scheme to get crouch jump back in.
This is the main reason I think it's dead. Plus the maps seem to both be designed for clamber jumps and nothing else, we'll see with the other maps I guess.
The maps are currently designed exclusively for clamber, yeah, but we're a year out from launch; plenty of time for that to change.
Not saying it's likely, but it's certainly not outside the realm of possibility.
frankie charge for armor skins and voice packs. maps released for free. buy a summer house.
I hope you're wrong. 343 should focus on adding new cool mechanics, not removing great classic ones. If clamber was a better more interesting mechanic than crouch jump, I would understand its removal, but it isn't. No crouch jump in the final game would be a deal breaker to me (same with classic zoom not being at least an option) Well, we'll see.I'm sure the Pro Team has already lamented the loss of crouch jumping, think it's time to embrace the clamber future, lol.
You honestly think they're gonna redesign entire maps for a niche skill like crouch jumping?
probably a bad idea (cue someones quote bolding previous statement) but what it they charged 65 MSRP (from 60) for the game and scheduled 3-4 map packs that would be free? yay/nay?
While i miss crouch jumping, the ground pound sure can be helpful, like this:
Sorry for the oppening was kind of playing around with upload studio
I don't think they'd have to redesign the entire map, though. Altering some of the existing jumps to be crouch jumps, by adding additional steps or tweaking the existing ones wouldn't require totally altering the map. They've said they want this thing to be esports-heavy, so niche skills are kind of necessary.
I use ground pound to hover for a split second in the air which just confused that dude!You didn't ground pound in that. You melee'd a dude, then flew over a cliff.
Which was pretty entertaining, admittedly.