5 has this as well though. The problem is that to see where your allies are you have to look up and around at your surroundings. Which is annoying because if an enemy come around the corner whilst you're looking the opposite direction to see where your teammates are you're screwed. Checking your radar requires a quick glance and gives you all the info you need.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I was suggesting. However we know it's never going to happen so I thought making enemies only visible when they shoot or sprint would be a good compromise. Especially because it gives another slight disadvantage to sprinting around everywhere, which everyone seems to be complaining about.
The difference is that the past halos had two ways of showing you where a teammate was. It had the service tag/emblem if they were in your line of sight and had arrows if they weren't in your line of sight.
Halo 5 has the service tag if they're on your line of sight, but doesn't have arrows if they are outside your line of sight. They do however have a white dot on the edge of your radar if they go outside your radars range. So if a teammate is behind you and outside your radars range, it will show up on the bottom of your radar, but on the edge indicating that he's behind you.
Notice the white dots on the edge of the radar showing teammates are to the left, but outside the radar's range. No arrows.
When the radar is taken away like in Breakout, it no longer has two ways of showing you where a teammate is meaning you can only know where teammates are if they are in your line of sight.
That's not the no radar mechanic's fault. It's 343s fault for making you rely on the radar for a teammates position more so than past Halos.