Thing is, the 11% is of how many people surveyed?
I understand that a scale of 1 to 5 is usually bad for getting a straight black and white answer on something.
Here's a tweet yesterday from Holmes:
Josh Holmes @JoshingtonState
@Jawshe_XBL I thought it was pretty simple. In Halo I like to sprint; agree/disagree on 5 point scale. 11% includes both disagree picks.
I remember the question too when I took the survey. There were five options...first two were for sprint, middle was don't care, and last two were against sprint. So I understand where he's getting "includes both disagree picks", but we still don't know how many people were surveyed.
We all know it's not 19,000 people was far less than that.
If it was say...1000 people surveyed, then 11% would equal 110 people who voted for one of the two disagree picks.
If 19,000 people were surveyed (which they weren't) then 11% would equal 2090 people voting for one of the two disagree picks.
All things aside though...their sample size in my opinion isn't large enough to be making these types of interpretations.
I posted over in beyond's forums...and I'll say it here...sprint is the least of everyone's worries when it comes to HCS. There is this fear that if HCS doesn't include sprint and default playlists obviously do...that it will somehow change the entire scope of the game and create a split in the community...I cannot believe that at all.
Things like starting weapons, weapons on map, player damage, player gravity, power weapon placement, powerup placement, etc....if all of that is drastically different from vanilla...then that's what will create the split. You're not going to have players going into HCS saying..."screw this im not playing without sprint."