I keep seeing the same three charts/infographics, yet they are far from actual concrete numbers.
it happens all the fucking time with hundreds of franchises... people lose interest, better games come out.
I GUARANTEE you, if Halo 5 was like 2/3, it still wouldn't be as popular as anything today and Halos in the past. We'd be in the same situation with less bitching.
Thinking back to 2007 and the years that followed, so many games took my time away from Halo...
Mirrors Edge
Mass Effect
BF Bad Company
Call of Duty
Killzone 2
The Orange Box
Gears of War
Dead Space
Left 4 Dead
Thats just a few off the top of my head. My point is that the gaming landscape became relentlessly competitive at the time of Halo 3 (not saying it wasn't before Halo 3, but damn just look at the incredible games last gen brought to the table). I barely touched other games besides Halo when I was younger, but it felt like after 2007 there was an incredible boom of games to take me away. Halo 3 stood its ground by looking at the charts, but to say Halo is less popular simply because of the changes is not taking into account the fact that other games have been stealing and will continue to steal Halo's population.
That's the thing though, in the Halo 2/3 era, Gears was really the only other legitimate multiplayer shooter on the Xbox ecosystem. Modern Warfare changed that forever.
Halo 3 is a bad game.
You feel slow as balls.
Aiming feels like there is a anchor tied around the crosshair.
Equipment is terrible.
Shot registration and bullet travel.
Halo 3 battled against CoD 4, WaW, and MW2 before falling out of the top 3 of XBL, and that was thanks to Reach coming out
CoD changed nothing. Halo changed.
Halo 3 battled against CoD 4, WaW, and MW2 before falling out of the top 3 of XBL, and that was thanks to Reach coming out
CoD changed nothing. Halo changed.
I meant CoD didn't really do anything for "Halo" to change. It was already competitive with 3 CoD titles back to back.CoD changed nothing? Felt like MW2 was a pretty different game from CoD 4... But hey, anything to support your argument.
This isn't reality?I mean it's fine to live in dreamland, but as for us in reality, the gaming landscape has changed significantly on consoles since the Halo 2/3 glory days.
They could give MCC away for free when it gets fixed, and it probably still wouldn't compete with the next CoD.
Halo 3 didn't drop out of the top 3 until Halo Reach came out, not when a Call of Duty came out.
Obviously MCC wouldn't do ultra well, rereleases never hit as hard as the originals just on account of not being a new product.I mean it's fine to live in dreamland, but as for us in reality, the gaming landscape has changed significantly on consoles since the Halo 2/3 glory days.
They could give MCC away for free when it gets fixed, and it probably still wouldn't compete with the next CoD.
I meant CoD didn't really do anything for "Halo" to change. It was already competitive with 3 CoD titles back to back.
This isn't reality?
Halo 3 didn't drop out of the top 3 until Halo Reach came out, not when a Call of Duty came out.
0 to 100 real quick.
It didn't happen over night, no, but it definitely started Halo's downward spiral.
Halo Reach & 4 were absolute shit games, but 343 could release a H2 like game and it still would probably struggle to maintain a population that could compete with CoD & BF. That's the reality of the situation.
I do not disagree with any of this.
I don't think Halo is top dog or anything like that, and would be below CoD (BF is debatable), but this "necessity" to change Halo to fit in with the "modern" crowd of shooters is unnecessary IMO.
It just leaves a sour impression with me when Halo 3 held top spots back in 2007-2010 and then "evolved" Halo experiences start dropping places faster and faster.
Because basic consideration of sales figures and locations of various titles suggests that the differences aren't that negligible, and because relative population numbers we do have show positions on the chart corresponding to some not-crazy degree with UU ranking positions. i.e. it's not completely random nonsense.Why are so many people hung up on the ranking of the game? We have no idea how close 8th place was to 9th, and so on. There are ZERO hard numbers to compare, so why is that chart still the go to tool to argue with?
I mean there was a time when regenerating health was foreign to most franchises, and then when Halo 2 introduced it, it became a industry standard in almost every shooter. Similar to the 2 weapon limit, prior to Halo, you carried a ton of guns in games, lol. I see stuff like sprint & ADS in the same light for *most* people. These things are what most people expect in a FPS today.
Okay. But you don't see these games completely changing features after the game has already been established do you??????????? This idea that "well newer trends suggest this should be so sprint should be added" is backwards thinking. What other game besides Halo has had an identity crisis because of adding stupid features.
Does CSGO have sprint because modern games have sprint? No
Does Gears of War have dual wielding and thruster packs because Titanfall did it???? No
In the new Battlefield game, can I hop around because Advanced Warfare did it????? No
Halo is LITERALLY the only well established FPS franchise that copies the features of other shooters because the develeopers have no idea how to grow the game without copying.
The argument isn't even that sprint itself is bad. It's that sprint with Halo gameplay is bad.
Please, find me a well established franchise that changed core fundamental features nearly a decade in.
I meant CoD didn't really do anything for "Halo" to change. It was already competitive with 3 CoD titles back to back.
This isn't reality?
Halo 3 didn't drop out of the top 3 until Halo Reach came out, not when a Call of Duty came out.
Lol at thinking they'll take out motion tracker any time soon. Something that's been there since CE, and they've added to make it more dominant every game to the point now it accurately tells elevation, exact vehicles etc.
Neveredit, doe.
Short version. No.
Also curious is the ~2 shots/hour figure.
Well he did say they were looking at ways to change it for high level play. Like I told Funknown, I'm betting they saw A LOT of games at the higher levels not reach the score limit.
Well he did say they were looking at ways to change it for high level play. Like I told Funknown, I'm betting they saw A LOT of games at the higher levels not reach the score limit.
modifications to the motion tracker to encourage more movement at higher levels of play.
Halo needs some Easter egg reload animations like BF Hardline. They're genius.
The other factors are other games and the halo player base aging.There's this really fun principal in statistics, called correlation does not equate causation.
So just because the population in Halo games started to drop around the time Halo Reach and Halo 4 came out, does not mean those games actually caused the drop. You'd have to account for other factors.
The other factors are other games and the halo player base aging.
Is it possible that MP games in general drop faster in population than they used to now that there are so many more things to play online nowadays?
I would imagine that #1 games get bumped with every major new release. I haven't studied XBL charts though, so what do I know.
Do you mean roughly ~2600 shots/hour?
This is a really bad graph. All it tells us is the relative position of the title. We aren't told what titles are above and below it, how high the numbers are for each spot etc. Comparing the games this way really isn't very good.
Xbox One sold 10 million by its first year. By the time Halo 3 came out, there were only 9.3 million Xbox 360's sold.
More surprised how big gaming has got in the last 5-10 years.
You mean shipped. 10 million consoles were not in gamers' hands at the end of 2014.
Has the sole Killpocalypse been posted here yet?
The MCC sold about 2 million. That's what seems to be going around at least.Its around 10-11 million. They sold well this holiday. However, the larger issue is that MCC didn't sell very well, probably not much better than Crackdown did on 360. The 1 million player count therefore seems dubious to me.
Saw this on Beyond
I meant CoD didn't really do anything for "Halo" to change. It was already competitive with 3 CoD titles back to back.
This isn't reality?
Halo 3 didn't drop out of the top 3 until Halo Reach came out, not when a Call of Duty came out.
My biggest issue is when people argue about why Halo is falling off, they never blame the game itself.
It's always about another game taking it's spot, and that makes it seem like Halo has been great all this time.