All I see when looking at 343's new Covenant design theme..
Eh. I like it, on average.
Though I'm less fond of the freaking glare.
All I see when looking at 343's new Covenant design theme..
So February 28th?
I hope the population comes back soon.
H5 teams and MCC teams are not sharing bandwidth or resources. Or tech for that matter.
MCC big fix is making good progress. More news soon.
Anyone see this yet? Some of the Escalation covers are really cool.
So they're basically redesigning the multiplayer matchmaking from the ground up? I mean that's why it's taking so long right guys?
Here is to hoping for:
= better net code
= instant response UI
= hearing your teamates in-game
= on-screen display of who is speaking during the game
= after-match lobbies
= join in progress for custom game & Forge sessions
= at least an in-game file browzer.
What we will get:
= none of the above
= netcode that throws everyone from matchmaking into a Forge session
= kill cams in Halo CE (They will claim it was a "mistake")
FTFYI hope this patch removes all the games and launches us into a match of Towerfall.
So, which will come first; MCC patch (TBA) or the Heists (Mar.10th - so they say)
So, which will come first; MCC patch (TBA) or the Heists (Mar.10th - so they say)
You know it's bad when the announcement that the patch has been delayed, has been delayed.
It's weird because I'm roughly 40% through each game's campaign but haven't finished any yet. Need to get on thatBeat CEA/H2A over the past week, onto Halo 3 with minimal issues. So that's kinda cool I guess.
So the Friday Bulletin came out 3 hours ago and they did not mention the MCC at all. Just don't talk about it and maybe it will go away strategy at work.
Seriously unreal. "Unprecedented level of communication."So the Friday Bulletin came out 3 hours ago and they did not mention the MCC at all. Just don't talk about it and maybe it will go away strategy at work.
If it makes you feel better, they're taking a financial hit by working on the game this far after launch. It's not like they're going to sell a enough copies once the game fixed to make back the money they've spent on MCC in the past 3 months.Seriously unreal. "Unprecedented level of communication."
I hope someone files a class action over all of this. I want my sixty bucks back. It's not that I really need the cash, I just don't want 343 to have it.
So the Friday Bulletin came out 3 hours ago and they did not mention the MCC at all. Just don't talk about it and maybe it will go away strategy at work.
Implying they've got more than two part time employees and a college intern working on this thing. Given the amount of progress they've made over nearly four months, my estimate might be generous.If it makes you feel better, they're taking a financial hit by working on the game this far after launch. It's not like they're going to sell a enough copies once the game fixed to make back the money they've spent on MCC in the past 3 months.
Reused assets.
OH GOD *intensifies*http://aka.ms/feb27update
"We’re pleased to announce that our upcoming content update, which will improve stability, matchmaking, the party and invite system, and more, is now complete and has been submitted to the certification process. Within the next few days, we’ll provide details on timing and content."
UPDATES on Updates!!!!
Holy shit, I figured it out. Halo 2 back on Original Xbox was a shitty game until April of 2005. The 1.1 update that finally made the game great, came out April 18, 2005. So, expect MCC to be fixed, with Ranks and playlists working properly by April 18, 2015.
343 are so dedicated to the Anniversary experience for Halo 2, that they are recreating the update/patching cycle, "Exactly as you remembered it."
Holy shit, I figured it out. Halo 2 back on Original Xbox was a shitty game until April of 2005. The 1.1 update that finally made the game great, came out April 18, 2005. So, expect MCC to be fixed, with Ranks and playlists working properly by April 18, 2015.
343 are so dedicated to the Anniversary experience for Halo 2, that they are recreating the update/patching cycle, "Exactly as you remembered it."
Holy shit, they failed to provide a date, again.
Good i like this, hopwd forma an era but its ok.
The covers are the best thing about Escalation.
Holy shit, I figured it out. Halo 2 back on Original Xbox was a shitty game until April of 2005. The 1.1 update that finally made the game great, came out April 18, 2005. So, expect MCC to be fixed, with Ranks and playlists working properly by April 18, 2015.
343 are so dedicated to the Anniversary experience for Halo 2, that they are recreating the update/patching cycle, "Exactly as you remembered it."
Holy shit, I figured it out. Halo 2 back on Original Xbox was a shitty game until April of 2005. The 1.1 update that finally made the game great, came out April 18, 2005. So, expect MCC to be fixed, with Ranks and playlists working properly by April 18, 2015.
343 are so dedicated to the Anniversary experience for Halo 2, that they are recreating the update/patching cycle, "Exactly as you remembered it."
The difference is that back in 2004 there weren't many other games for players to turn to. Nowadays broken shit gets tossed aside because there are several other games doing it better.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Crimson Skies, Splinter Cellandora Tomorrow, Counter-Strike, Soldier of Fortune 2, Mech Assault, Unreal Championship, plenty of Sports games, etc, etc.