Prinz Eugn
Yeah never thought I would think that way, but after playing a lot on 60 fps I think Hitscan is too easy. Or drop the aim assist. Halo 5 felt pretty good.
Definitely drop the aim assist. Skill gap, not ping gap.
Yeah never thought I would think that way, but after playing a lot on 60 fps I think Hitscan is too easy. Or drop the aim assist. Halo 5 felt pretty good.
I liked in the Halo 5 Beta that there was no Friendly Fire. Feels good not getting betrayed for a Power Weapon etc.
Halo 3 and CE are my favorites. No Hitscan feels so much better and satisfying.
No friendly fire was probably the worst thing about the beta.
No friendly fire was probably the worst thing about the beta.
I dont see a reason for it anymore. Maybe in Hardcore Playlists but in the normal ones? Im fine with no
And what Ice said.
Nah, man. Need to keep the "regular" and "competitive" playlists as close as possible. Either everybody gets FF or nobody does.
Not sure which I'd prefer, honestly.
Nah with the amount of nade spam happening I was really glad there was no friendly fire.
CoD does it that way^^
Normal Playlists dont have any FF and the HardCore/Competitive ones have FF. And i dont see any complaining about that.
You realize a lot of that was probably due to no penalty to your friendlies, right? Same with rockets, being able to shoot them into a crowd and only hurting enemies is lame and has no place in an arena shooter.
You realize a lot of that was probably due to no penalty to your friendlies, right? Same with rockets, being able to shoot them into a crowd and only hurting enemies is lame and has no place in an arena shooter.
Yes, because what 343 really needs to be doing is looking to COD for more inspiration
And Ramierez raises a good point regarding how FF alters behavior.
Yeah - tanks / vehicles with no FF is a mess. Same goes for rockets.
Game needs to have FF turned on and it needs to be across all playlists.
How else can I get MY sniper when some bk teammate grabs itHalo needs friendly fire so I can grief people.
Things like friendly fire should never be playlist specific in Halo (except for maybe party gametypes). Also ff needs to come back.
I wonder what factors contributed to nade spam becoming such a problem...
That's my biggest concern with Ram. I don't mind him having the sniper, but I'd rather I have it because I know I can land headshots imo.
scrub bitch
Removing FF is a real catering to the casual move, surprised most of you don't cry foul over that like you do with ADS and the like. ADS is a visual change, no FF actually changes the dynamic of the game.
scrub bitch
Removing FF is a real catering to the casual move, surprised most of you don't cry foul over that like you do with ADS and the like. ADS is a visual change, no FF actually changes the dynamic of the game.
You actually expect the haters to make sense 'round here?
So now people who don't like ADS are haters who don't make sense? I hate that friendly fire was removed, especially in Halo 4. But then I also remember we're in the era of the shit player and griefers. I was never betrayed or griefed more in Reach or the early launch periods of Halo 4. I have no doubt that people would do the same in halo 5. This is just a change that is a sign of the times. Maybe they can have FF off for ranked matches when the game launches.
.ADS is a sign of the times too!
So now people who don't like ADS are haters who don't make sense? I hate that friendly fire was removed, especially in Halo 4. But then I also remember we're in the era of the shit player and griefers. I was never betrayed or griefed more in Reach or the early launch periods of Halo 4. I have no doubt that people would do the same in halo 5. This is just a change that is a sign of the times. Maybe they can have FF off for ranked matches when the game launches.
So can someone explain how people get weapon skins for Halo 4 MP?
Meant to ask earlier but, what made you have to back out of the raid so quickly on Saturday bud? We actually knocked it out in like 90 minutes![]()
So can someone explain how people get weapon skins for Halo 4 MP?
The joke went completely over your head... See below.
@Madness, not saying you don't have a right to be upset, but consistency is nice. Can't have your cake and eat it too.
ADS is a sign of the times too!
Family wanted to watch the NCAA tourney games.
Ah. I needed to completely reset my modem AND Xbox after I dropped. But I'd be happy to run another one sometime again soon if the (Halo) GAF peeps would be interested.![]()
I actually like the smart scope on the new weapons, minus automatics. When the fix the DMR and sluggish sniper it'll be pretty tight. Can't say I agree with you Madness. It's a nice visual evolution when done properly (which it mostly was in the Beta).
As for FF? I don't know man. Don't play with shitters? Get a good team and you won't have to worry about it.
FF should always be in competitive settings for Halo. Wouldn't be an arena shooter w/o it.
It's not an evolution of anything, but a visual regression, because you've lost screen real estate in your field of view to have the gun model displayed in the middle. It's not superior either, regardless of whether it's 'well done'.
It's not an evolution of anything, but a visual regression, because you've lost screen real estate in your field of view to have the gun model displayed in the middle. It's not superior either, regardless of whether it's 'well done'.
Family wanted to watch the NCAA tourney games.
Except the two are not comparable. Friendly fire was turned off directly due to how the Halo community was becoming. Whereas ADS is added solely to try and get more CoD fans or that very small but vocal minority who need the gun sights visible in the middle of the screen. I honestly feel like you secretly always wanted ADS in Halo with how much you're defending it Ram. Same with sprint.
You see regression I see something different. Agree to disagree, but I just didn't feel any difference in the new scope when I played. Never did I once think it was holding me back from getting a kill.
But friendly fire was turned off nearly 2+ years ago for most of us. Why would we still be talking about it nearly as much as ADS which is a newer change?Plus it was turned off directly due to how many people were actually starting to grief and betray people, destroy their vehicles, steal their weapons.Whereas ADS is solely to appease a vocal minority who need it in their FPS games and to cater to CoD fans. There was no need for it, it hasn't improved anything for the game play. The question becomes, does the need not to be griefed or betrayed outweigh the cost of removing the skillful play inherent with friendly fire on, where you have to be mindful of grenades or rockets? Remember, a lot of people also complained they were booted because of errant betrayals.
That's quite a reach there brother, considering CoD has always had FF turned off to my knowledge. People were being betrayed in Halo long before 4 came around.
That's quite a reach there brother, considering CoD has always had FF turned off to my knowledge. People were being betrayed in Halo long before 4 came around.
Since the night H2 went live in 2004, there have been weapon betrayers and griefers.
I hated ADS on autos. Janky as shit and doesn't make sense (not in a lore perspective, but in gameplay, doesn't feel right at all). Hoping they get rid of it.
I hated ADS on autos. Janky as shit and doesn't make sense (not in a lore perspective, but in gameplay, doesn't feel right at all). Hoping they get rid of it.
XBConnect was even earlier.I like Friendly Fire turned off. :3
Too many god damn accidental betrayals ending in booting. Stop running in front of my puma god dammit. And I dont ever want to be killed for the sniper or my vehicle again.
You mean since September 20th, 2003 when Halo 1 PC was released. Halo had online multiplayer more than a year before Halo 2 was released.
XBConnect was even earlier.
You mean since September 20th, 2003 when Halo 1 PC was released. Halo had online multiplayer more than a year before Halo 2 was released.
Hi guys, I'm new, just got activated the other day, anyway