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Halo |OT 23| Thruster is Love, Thruster is Life


no it does not. It's not very wide, and people can crouch to get off of it. Plus it isn't telling you what direction they are going necessarily, between pulses. And they can see you too.

If you aren't playing with a team who calls out, then no motion tracker is just death. Unless you get lucky and see someone first.

np havoke

I like strategy, not who sees who first. And you can crouch to mess it up too.

no it does not. It's not very wide, and people can crouch to get off of it. Plus it isn't telling you what direction they are going necessarily, between pulses. And they can see you too.

If you aren't playing with a team who calls out, then no motion tracker is just death. Unless you get lucky and see someone first.
Thank you for starting this discussion, hopefully you can converse with me on the subject and not disappear once I enter the fray like anyone else who drops the "I like motion tracker because it takes more skill" bomb on us.
What's important to note in these clips is how I am constantly looking around my surroundings and making predictions based on combat awareness. If I see teammates in a certain area not fighting while I'm moving/looking towards another, I can make a safe assumption that the enemies might be in the last couple of areas due to process of elimination. It's really nothing elaborate, you just have to be active in caring about your performance and improving as a player.

People just don't know what they haven't experienced. It's really as simple as that. Those who want motion tracker just think they do, but they don't realize how it negatively impacts their skill progression. I imagine this is similar to Josh Holmes and The Great Sprint Debate because he thinks he knows what's best for the general demographic of the Halo franchise, and he may be right in the end, but I just hope one day 343 holds the same beliefs I do regarding The Great Motion Tracker Debate.

And one more for Tashi. The third kill in this clip shows why it's important to throw grenades, many grenades, in CE because they are great for covering/blocking an area, providing you with enough time to get situated whether it's to buy a few seconds to regenerate or position yourself properly for an attack.
Notice one thing from my clips, how I'm constantly looking around my environments and making educated guesses as to where I need to be, especially with where I throw my grenades to predict enemy movement.

Motion tracker is killing you. It's killing your importance as an individual player because it drastically limits your creativity in approaching the enemy. Please, let's have this discussion because I play alone a lot and motion tracker is the bane of my existence.

Here are a couple more clips:
BONUS checking teleporter to be safe no one is coming from behind and quickly grenading the Rocket towards me as I pick up OS.

Another reason I don't like motion tracker is because not only does it slow gameplay down and make it less interesting, but because it's too easy for good players to dominate lesser skilled ones. Look how I just turn around and instantly stick this guy because I saw a red dot on my motion tracker.

Yet another clip why motion tracker sucks, because people just RUN RUN RUN RUN RUNNNNN AWAY from fights.

Motion tracker is worse than Armor Luck, Bubble Shield and the Regen.



no it does not. It's not very wide, and people can crouch to get off of it. Plus it isn't telling you what direction they are going necessarily, between pulses. And they can see you too.

If you aren't playing with a team who calls out, then no motion tracker is just death. Unless you get lucky and see someone first.

Oh you.

Don't waste your time with this video, this guy thinks thrust is bad.

Pick your battles, man.

no it does not. It's not very wide, and people can crouch to get off of it. Plus it isn't telling you what direction they are going necessarily, between pulses. And they can see you too.

If you aren't playing with a team who calls out, then no motion tracker is just death. Unless you get lucky and see someone first.

Playing alone with radar is miserable. Turning off radar gives you an opportunity to enter a battle without the enemy immediately knowing exactly where you are, not only the person you're shooting but their teammates who can turn the tide of the battle against you.


no it does not. It's not very wide, and people can crouch to get off of it. Plus it isn't telling you what direction they are going necessarily, between pulses. And they can see you too.

If you aren't playing with a team who calls out, then no motion tracker is just death. Unless you get lucky and see someone first.


How long have you honestly believed motion tracker only showed location during a pulse?



You've stated your point, we get that you don't like the game, but if you can't be constructive about your criticism, then I'm sure you'll be ignored. I watched the last bit and this dude just spouts off about how he's not gonna buy the game as opposed to collecting all of his negatives and positives. I may be wrong, but so far it seems like all you do is post about how you hate the game without giving useful feedback on it.


I think there's probably a certain amount of people who dislike the game because it's new and their bad at it, but I wouldn't say everybody who dislikes the game is bad, that's ridiculous...


I dislike certain aspects of the game. If they give me the ability to toggle those aspects off, or provide me with a more "classic" way to play, I'll enjoy it more. I don't think anyone here has flat out said Halo 5 is shit though have they?

I know some won't buy it due to the MCC fiasco and how they said speak for yourself when I said all of us would be in line day one buying H5 like the sheep we are.


I dislike certain aspects of the game. If they give me the ability to toggle those aspects off, or provide me with a more "classic" way to play, I'll enjoy it more. I don't think anyone here has flat out said Halo 5 is shit though have they?

I know some won't buy it due to the MCC fiasco and how they said speak for yourself when I said all of us would be in line day one buying H5 like the sheep we are.

Have you met Mr Proven Deadly?
I'd love to see a video of 343 giving their overall response to the feedback they got from the beta and what changes they think are necessary going forward. A post beta Sprint, if you will.
Chitown, you are the worst kind of human there is. I take that time to address you and I can't even get a response..

Why are you catering to these people 343? They're going to buy the game anyway.. At least give us the option for Matchmaking TOGGLES ;'[

Motion Tracker?

Done. Ship it. Toggles have been requested for many years now, will we see any change to how we search for games?


A) who is havoke and why aren't they posting?

B) I misspoke and was thinking of another game. Either way it does not show when crouched, which leads to strategy.

I misspoke.

Crouching isn't strategy its a handicap.

You slow yourself down to a crawl for stealth when you could do the same exact flanking route much quicker without radar.

But I agree with one thing about this radar debate. Without good teammates that call out, No Radar is a shitshow. Especially with no spotting system either.

CoD radar is perfect imo. It tells you where enemies are that are fighting. AKA where the action is. But also allows you to have some stealth/outplay ability without having to slow down.

Basically, the strategy radar creates slows the game down.
What a badass!
lol nice, iC wat u did thar

  • Will Chitown ever respond to that post?
  • Will motion tracker ever be removed?
  • Will FUNKNOWN ever get over it?
Tune in next episode to find out!

Next episode on HaloGAF Z, FUNKNOWN has an aneurysm as motion tracker now details players at all times in Halo 5, despite movement!


I'm at work. I don't have time to watch all your videos right now.
Hiding behind the excuse of "work?" You are teh wurst.
Chitown Crouch Walking while the other team is Soaring and Four'ing, pushing the power weapons and getting map control. Chitown spends 30 seconds crouch walking for one kill, while his team gets spawn cycled and they lose map control, all because he thinks Motion Tracker is skillful.
Not only killing himself, but killing his entire team. Realizations that people who depend on motion tracker will rarely experience.

Take this as a learning experience, Chitown. Trust your HaloGAF brethren and cut the umbilical cord!


Chitown Crouch Walking while the other team is Soaring and Four'ing, pushing the power weapons and getting map control. Chitown spends 30 seconds crouch walking for one kill, while his team gets spawn cycled and they lose map control, all because he thinks Motion Tracker is skillful.

Chitown B

Chitown, you are the worst kind of human there is. I take that time to address you and I can't even get a response..

Why are you catering to these people 343? They're going to buy the game anyway.. At least give us the option for Matchmaking TOGGLES ;'[

Motion Tracker?

Done. Ship it. Toggles have been requested for many years now, will we see any change to how we search for games?


I'm at work. I don't have time to watch all your videos right now.

Chitown Crouch Walking while the other team is Soaring and Four'ing, pushing the power weapons and getting map control. Chitown spends 30 seconds crouch walking for one kill, while his team gets spawn cycled and they lose map control, all because he thinks Motion Tracker is skillful.

Yeah I don't actually crouch walk much. I'm just using it as an example. I like radar. I always have. No one can convince me that I don't like it better. To each their own.
Yeah I don't actually crouch walk much. I'm just using it as an example. I like radar. I always have. No one can convince me that I don't like it better. To each their own.
Cool man, no reason to keep an open mind about things these days. The world is flat, don't bother convincing me otherwise.
Once you enter Gold/Onyx tier, the motion tracker should vanish. I really wish that was something they could do.
Why not? I would like this idea too, and they could put descriptions when you go from one tier/rank to the next.

You are now ranked ONYX. Here's what to expect from other players in this ranking, and here are the changes and why:


I like knowing where people are. I like planning my nade tosses for nade/headshots. You can't do that without motion tracker unless you have a team calling out and even then you can't time them unless you have line of sight and just happen to anticipate your enemy's movements are know how they play.
But I posted videos and described how I accomplish what you're describing without motion tracker and without call outs.

Chitown B

Once you enter Gold/Onyx tier, the motion tracker should vanish. I really wish that was something they could do.

I like knowing where people are. I like planning my nade tosses for nade/headshots. You can't do that without motion tracker unless you have a team calling out and even then you can't time them unless you have line of sight and just happen to anticipate your enemy's movements or know how they play.


I like knowing where people are. I like planning my nade tosses for nade/headshots. You can't do that without motion tracker unless you have a team calling out and even then you can't time them unless you have line of sight and just happen to anticipate your enemy's movements are know how they play.
Then play social.

I'm a nobody randy who likes to have FUN, hence the change to my name. I don't know what I'm talking about, just disregard everything I'm saying. Sorry for wasting your time. Enjoy work, friend, have a wonderful day :]


I like knowing where people are. I like planning my nade tosses for nade/headshots. You can't do that without motion tracker unless you have a team calling out and even then you can't time them unless you have line of sight and just happen to anticipate your enemy's movements are know how they play.

Yea, well I like flanking and everyone not knowing my every move. The game comes to a complete stalemate with good people. When scores aren't being reached in an Arena game mode, there's a problem. That problem, is radar.

Chitown B

Yea, well I like flanking and everyone not knowing my every move. The game comes to a complete stalemate with good people. When scores aren't being reached in an Arena game mode, there's a problem. That problem, is radar.

It can do the same without radar with call outs if both teams are good and know where all enemies are. Just a personal preference.
lol, no it can't dude. You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
Well, it can so he's not entirely wrong there, but it has less to do with motion tracker and more to do with the map and weapon set.

For example, we saw several stalemates on Lockdown TS during the HCS tourneys. That more has to do with the BR having a long kill time and easily escaping fights though, so I still agree with you in your assertion that it definitely is no where near the amount of stalemates that occur with motion tracker enabled.

This is en entirely different discussion though and thankfully Halo 5 has a wide range of useful weapons that kill fast.


I wonder if 343 changed radar to sound/health-based if people would even notice lol


Motion tracker ain't going anywhere. That's something that's been there from the start. It's so not on 343's radar, that you can see how they painstakingly have tried to explain the addition of ADS, making it different from CoD and also developed a system to somehow nerf sprint, and yet motion tracker is untouched, somehow getting even better with each game (elevation, exact vehicles now and how far).

At best, you're going to get Arena Slayer Pro, which will have it off.


Well, it can so he's not entirely wrong there, but it has less to do with motion tracker and more to do with the map and weapon set.

For example, we saw several stalemates on Lockdown TS during the HCS tourneys. That more has to do with the BR having a long kill time and easily escaping fights though, so I still agree with you in your assertion that it definitely is no where near the amount of stalemates that occur with motion tracker enabled.

This is en entirely different discussion though and thankfully Halo 5 has a wide range of useful weapons that kill fast.

You're talking pros though with money on the line, your average dude in a matchmaking environment isn't going to do this. What happened there would have happened with or without radar, lol.
...but are they welcome in it?

Hey baby, I'm DANCING on it!

Motion tracker...either everyone has it, or no one has it. I can see having it in unranked/social playlists only. Its usefull on big or flat maps like Coag, Sidewinder, guardian, etc. But on maps with multiple levels like prisoner, countdown, or eden...just too confusing. And since everyone else has it, I have to use it or get ran over (well ran over more than usual).

BTW Halo 5? Aim down sights can die in a fire. Either don't put it in or let me toggle back to the classic zoom.


Ram's point about not reaching the score limit before time expires is a good one. This instantly makes me think about playing with radar on Guardian in Halo 3. There were countless times the game became a stalemate with one team camping gold/blue and the other team camping snipe/green. You just had to wait for a power up or for a mistake by the other team.

Compare this to MLG Guardian, which is radarless, and you have one of the best Halo maps of all time across all gametypes and major titles. Guardian had some of the neatest jumps and shortcuts since Lockout, but radar actually made it so you couldn't use them at all.

But hey, at least we can crouch walk across bottom mid and "use tactics" to beat our opponents.

I like how Chitown immediately picked up the crazy bullshit where Vin left it earlier.


Only watched 8 minutes, but...

"Thruster is a bailout/bitch move."

Yet, he used it every time he was in a bad spot or 1-shot.


A thought I had a while ago was equating the campaign to the multiplayer. Easy and normal would have full motion tracker, heroic would have action based tracker, legendary would be no tracker. Then I realized that would make legendary hella fuckin brutal.
You're talking pros though with money on the line, your average dude in a matchmaking environment isn't going to do this. What happened there would have happened with or without radar, lol.
Step 1. Defend Chi slightly so he feels comfortable around me
Step 2. Have him respond to my videos and descriptions of how to predict enemy movement without motion tracker.
Step 3. Convert a nonbeliever.
Step 4. 343 takes note.
Step 5. No motion tracker in Halo 5.
Step 6. World peace.
Step 7. I wake up.
Ram's point about not reaching the score limit before time expires is a good one. This instantly makes me think about playing with radar on Guardian in Halo 3. There were countless times the game became a stalemate with one team camping gold/blue and the other team camping snipe/green. You just had to wait for a power up or for a mistake by the other team.

Compare this to MLG Guardian, which is radarless, and you have one of the best Halo maps of all time across all gametypes and major titles. Guardian had some of the neatest jumps and shortcuts since Lockout, but radar actually made it so you couldn't use them at all.

But hey, at least we can crouch walk across bottom mid and "use tactics" to beat our opponents.

I like how Chitown immediately picked up the crazy bullshit where Vin left it earlier.
Guardian is a great example of a solid map that plays significantly worse with motion tracker. Remember the Mauler and sitting at the Sniper/OS while watching your motion tracker during Halo 3's prime?

A thought I had a while ago was equating the campaign to the multiplayer. Easy and normal would have full motion tracker, heroic would have action based tracker, legendary would be no tracker. Then I realized that would make legendary hella fuckin brutal.
Fog skull <3

I always enable it.


What a badass!

He misspoke. I think Vin misspoke too, but won't own up to it.
Lol probably, I'm willing to admit I'm stubborn as fuck and have been banned for it, I liked destiny I just had higher expectations than most considering I love halo and I really love the concept of raiding. I'm gonna trade in some games and pick it up for xbone on Friday. I'll gear up for vog and slowly work my way towards crota.

I just will take my time with it this time instead of rushing and feeling like I HAVE to do dailies everyday etc


Lol probably, I'm willing to admit I'm stubborn as fuck and have been banned for it, I liked destiny I just had higher expectations than most considering I love halo and I really love the concept of raiding. I'm gonna trade in some games and pick it up for xbone on Friday. I'll gear up for vog and slowly work my way towards crota.

I just will take my time with it this time instead of rushing and feeling like I HAVE to do dailies everyday etc
VoG is far and away a better raid than Crota. Ending with Crota isn't going to change your opinion unfortunately. But if you don't find VoG a satisfying raid, I'll be super, duper upset b/c it totes is.

Also whatup HaloGAF!?!?!?!?!


VoG is far and away a better raid than Crota. Ending with Crota isn't going to change your opinion unfortunately. But if you don't find VoG a satisfying raid, I'll be super, duper upset b/c it totes is.

Also whatup HaloGAF!?!?!?!?!
I'd like to do it with 5 people from Gaf rather than randoms, think it'll help. I'll give it an honest second attempt, especially since halo has let me down and I won't have it again till halo 5.


VoG is far and away a better raid than Crota. Ending with Crota isn't going to change your opinion unfortunately. But if you don't find VoG a satisfying raid, I'll be super, duper upset b/c it totes is.

Also whatup HaloGAF!?!?!?!?!

VoG was enjoyable.

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