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Halo |OT 23| Thruster is Love, Thruster is Life


I'd like to do it with 5 people from Gaf rather than randoms, think it'll help. I'll give it an honest second attempt, especially since halo has let me down and I won't have it again till halo 5.

Hit me up when you are on and we do it. I probably have 2 other persons and other Gaffers are probably willing to do it again.
Homeboyd for an example is an awesome dude who runs a lot of stuff with others.
We did the Nightfall this week together, which I never could have completed on my own. Maybe we will do the same together?


How are ya kids doing?


Hit me up when you are on and we do it. I probably have 2 other persons and other Gaffers are probably willing to do it again.
Homeboyd for an example is an awesome dude who runs a lot of stuff with others.
We did the Nightfall this week together, which I never could have completed on my own. Maybe we will do the same together?

I think when I quit I was soloing the nightfalls, was intense. Was right before I think they removed some cheese strats? Not sure.

You're on XB1 right? I THINK my xbox one character is raid ready, was 28 or 29 before I quit. Not 100% on that.

Running raids n shit. What's going on around here? Halo 5 any good?

Halo 5 was actually solid, best Halo for me since 3.
This thread is as interesting as the 400 miles of Texas landscape I have left to drive across today...

give me something fun
to read, you pricks...


  • Nice name Anonomiss lol
  • Destiny is meh and those who like it describe it as an addiction they enjoy. An "addiction," a word commonly used by Destiny players. Addiction. Think about that.
    First step is admitting you have a problem.
  • Nice Wahrer sighting in that pic Ryn :b
Thanks bro ;)

Wow, I got a drawing! Thanks -Ryn. I thought I was in for a GTFO from some chicklet buns or something around here. And I have plenty of salt, even though I have poured an entire salt lick's worth out on the waypoint forums.

Destiny? I just...can't. I can't HEAR what that fake Gulty Spark is saying most of the time, the controller/button layout ruins my "Halo hands" and the lack of actual story drives me nuts. Who am I in this game? Why should I care? Why is my character not asking a gon of questions? Hey, that history of mankind after meeting the traveler up to the darkness hitting? Tell me THAT story!

I played the beta briefly, got the game bundled with the xbone (thank you Halogaf I can't call it snything else now) and I just CAN'T. I have freinds IRL who play, and my brother plays it on his gamertag when he come over. If other people like the game, then thats fine.

lol you'll fit right in.

It's always good to have some new blood around here. Keeps it fresh.

Our thoughts on Destiny are fairly similar, but it seems the tides have changed and it's time to talk about why #nomotiontracker is the bees knees!

I see Funk has already began the festivities
and promptly ended them


who do you think you are? I looked up your name and you don't even have Halo 2, 3, or Reach play history.
He is a seeker of fun.

He who walks the unknown.

He is...

a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything
Chitown B was in the MCC thread a month ago telling people to stop moaning because the game worked fine for him lmao

'Vocal entitled minority making it seem worse than it is' was the gist of it.


That's a weapon that seriously needs to return. It was like a mini-shotgun.

Which is why it's kind of irrelevant. Especially without dual wielding, all the Mauler has going for it is it looks and sounds cool. Which is great, but that's not enough to earn a place in the sandbox, unless it's solely for giving the enemies something to chuck at you.

And I know people have great love for the Chopper, but the thing handles like a brick attached by a weird spring to another brick.
I like knowing where people are. I like planning my nade tosses for nade/headshots. You can't do that without motion tracker unless you have a team calling out and even then you can't time them unless you have line of sight and just happen to anticipate your enemy's movements or know how they play.

"just happen" ...or you develop skill in predicting what people will do, but so do other players, so you try to be unpredictable and holy shit suddenly you have a fun, challenging game.

Or you have red dots because things are hard bro.


I think when I quit I was soloing the nightfalls, was intense. Was right before I think they removed some cheese strats? Not sure.

You're on XB1 right? I THINK my xbox one character is raid ready, was 28 or 29 before I quit. Not 100% on that.

Halo 5 was actually solid, best Halo for me since 3.

yep I am, you are raid ready for VoG.


A chopper tearing through another vehicle or splatting someone was so satisfying. If 343 can make brutes more interesting to fight I'd be all over their return. We'd get the grav hammer back then too.


Chopper was the shit. What's not to get?

I don't like the chopper. Was playing H3 the other day and while the guns are rewarding that handling gets really bizarre in tight places.


This. Its handling is wonky as anything. I die more often from being unable to just get out of the way of things, especially enemy Choppers charging at you and Wraiths.

I never used it much in multiplayer, but in campaign it has some serious weaknesses.


I used a Chopper on The Ark in Halo 3 on Legendary, cleared the entire FUD landing area by sitting at the entrance and shooting shit. Chopper>>>>


I used a Chopper on The Ark in Halo 3 on Legendary, cleared the entire FUD landing area by sitting at the entrance and shooting shit. Chopper>>>>

Oh yes, that's how I passed that section the first time I did Halo 3 Legendary.

Chopper is amazing.


All this talk of choppers and The Ark is making me long to start my Halo 3 run. Currently playing peekaboo with the legendary jackal snipers on 2.


All this talk of choppers and The Ark is making me long to start my Halo 3 run. Currently playing peekaboo with the legendary jackal snipers on 2.

so glad I got all 4 of those games campaign''s done on legendary early on... thinking back on it now.. *shudder*


Oh shit I need to try this. My favorite is a Hornet with a Laser on one side and a Fuel Rod cannon on the other.

Another good one is in Halo 3 on The Covenant on Normal. You can get a Hornet with 2 Laser passengers. You then keep those guys alive until you get to the last tower. There's a way to get a Fuel Rod earlier in the level, so you'll want that the whole time to give to an Elite later(I believe the Phantom will also drop off an Elite with a Fuel Rod too)The Pelican will drop off a Mongoose with a Rocketeer and a tank. Get in the passenger seat of the Mongoose to get Rocketman off. Get inside the tank and drive it up to him. Then the Laser guys, the Rocketeer, and the Fuel Rod Elite will be on your tank. The attack team is the aforementioned tank, a Gauss Hog with a Sniper passenger, and a Mongoose with a Fuel Rod Elite. The only enemy you fear is the incompetence of the Allied AI.


Which is why it's kind of irrelevant. Especially without dual wielding, all the Mauler has going for it is it looks and sounds cool. Which is great, but that's not enough to earn a place in the sandbox, unless it's solely for giving the enemies something to chuck at you.

It was just really satisfying to shoot a guy then immediately follow it up with a melee for the kill.

It's just a fun weapon, not everything needs a completely defined place in the sandbox.

And I know people have great love for the Chopper, but the thing handles like a brick attached by a weird spring to another brick.
Get out

The chopper is the single greatest vehicle in Halo. Last Resort just wouldn't be the same without it.


Best vehicle in the game was a 6 seater warthog filled with rockets, snipers, and fuel rod cannons. Thing was like a viet cong death machine
This was the first thing I did when I realized marines have unlimited ammo and can be given heavy weapons.

This thread is as interesting as the 400 miles of Texas landscape I have left to drive across today...

give me something fun
to read, you pricks...
What would happen if you took Halo, Titanfall, Dark Souls, Final Fantasy XV and put them together?

Cheese and pickles are slightly better than cheese and apples.

Something something butt sculptures something yoga pants

Soooo hungry...
So...if you could build a Halo ring, erp, a Halo game from the ground up, what features would you bring forward from each game from CE to Halo 4? What vehicles? What weapons? What do you want excluded?


Halo CE: The original pistol, the speed, the weight, the FEEL (can't explain better), all the weapons uless tweaked further in games as listed below

Halo 2: All the maps, the BR, The ranking system, clans, proximity chat, Johnson!

Halo 3: That color pallette, the Hornet, the Flamethrower, the H3 needler, the complimentary social/ranked playlists, all the maps except isolation, all the grenade types, all the forge pieces from Foundry and those gorgeous pieces from Sandbox

Reach: The armor sets, The Falcon, Firefight, Headhunter gametype, Hogtato, the Forge pallette (yes we got sick of it but to never get to use it again?), most of the maps-especially the ones by Certain Affinity, FORGE WORLD.

Halo 4: The Mantis, Forge Island and accompanying Forge Pallette

Edit: Since we have to fucking handhold this shit, dont forget to add in the ability to invite friends to an ongiong custom or Forge game, a file browser IN GAME & ONLINE, movment speed 125% faster than Halo 3, FOV (?) like Halo 3, a lobby that lasts after the game and lets you party up, voting system like Reach, see who is speaking in game. Kill "promethian vision", kill ordinance drops, kill overly-dude bro crap, kill killcams, bring back death cams. And bring back theater, where you could watch from any angle and detach the camera.
Combat Evolved
CE was a game where you can defend yourself off terrible spawns thanks to the Magnum and low aim assist. The guy was defending himself from my Sniper, look how close my shots were to his head and they were still missing. Shout out to not needing motion tracker to be aware of that Camo player's movement.
I hope CTF is fun in Halo 5, as fun as it once was.
Near-death experience.. I saw the light! Note* - I didn't see the Camo guy, but I saw the AR being dropped so I knew there was a Camo player there who just picked up the Rocket.
shout out


So...if you could build a Halo ring, erp, a Halo game from the ground up, what features would you bring forward from each game from CE to Halo 4? What vehicles? What weapons? What do you want excluded?
  • MA5D, M12LRV, Plasma Stun, Grenades
  • Movement Speed, Med Kits, Gunner/Passenger Health, First Person Passenger (made as a toggle for all seats)
  • Banshee (with a bit more speed)
  • Black Armor, Wort Wort Wort

Halo 2
  • Dual Wielding, Hijacking, Button Combos (made into a deeper melee system), Hold Grenade to lower weapon
  • SPANKr, Brute Shot

Halo 3
  • Hornet, Chopper, Mongoose (adjusted Speed to be faster than Warthog)
  • Trip Mines (made into a Grenade with a limit of 1), SPLASER, Bullet Travel
  • Theater (with ability to pause recordings, change camera position, and then resume recording), File Sharing, Forge (With all future iteration improvements plus more such as weather, terrain, and dynamic water generation)
  • Mark V, Katana (with special assasination animations)

  • SMG, Carbine
  • Overview map (brought to multiplayer to see teammates)
  • Firefight
  • Headbob when crouch walking

  • Compass
  • GRENADE LAUNCHER, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, Plasma Launcher

Halo 4
  • Railgun (adjusted with more blast back and blast radius, only direct hits kill)
  • Armor Customization
  • Ability to throw Oddball/Skull, Ricochet
Halo 5
  • To be decided*

*Definitely all the new abilities but with Toggles for all of them. Need to see the whole game.

I may have forgotten some stuff but I'd bring every Gametype, Weapon, and Vehicle back
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