I've played WoW for a long time bud, no need to give out education on the subject.
You're talking about a studio that made nothing but typical FPS campaigns for years transitioning over to tackle a subject not seen in the FPS space. Of course it's going to be rough around the edges, these dudes are learning as they go.
Judging FPS raids to WoW raids is dumb anyways. You're given so much more freedom in a FPS that doesn't have to be accounted for in a WoW raid. Apples to oranges.
If it were so easy, there'd be a ton of this content out there, but there isn't.
What level did you raid at? (unrelated question, just curious)
And I never compared Destiny raiding directly to WoWs raids, that's just dumb. I DID compare the expectation Bungie created with their game by adding so many tried-and-true MMO tropes in their game and making their raid/weekly/daily structure so similar.
If I want that experience, I'll go play WoW.
And yeah, sure, they haven't done this before, but the raids experiences are no different than legendary levels with bosses at the end in coop FPS games. They just call it "raids" instead of 4 player LASO or w/e and Destiny offers loot to farm. It's essentially BL2 missions. Bungie made some of the best designed levels in FPS history, I just expected better, ESPECIALLY (and this is important) when they lead you on to a specific expectation for their raid experience and content.
edit: and to be clear, I don't dislike Destiny. I actually want to buy it again to raid and do PvP, but I don't think it should be considered above average at really anything but gun-play and aesthetics. Also which system are you on?